Faculty News
Prof. David Yermack on golden parachutes offered to CEOs during mergers
Excerpt from Quartz -- "Compensation plans like these originated in the go-go days of the 1980s, as US corporate raiders perfected the art of the hostile take-over. David Yermack, a finance professor at New York University, says that managers were often loathe to give up their job, even if a deal made sense, so golden parachutes were created to take managers’ personal financial situation out of the picture, so they wouldn’t protect themselves while their companies stumbled."
Faculty News
Excerpt from Quartz -- "Compensation plans like these originated in the go-go days of the 1980s, as US corporate raiders perfected the art of the hostile take-over. David Yermack, a finance professor at New York University, says that managers were often loathe to give up their job, even if a deal made sense, so golden parachutes were created to take managers’ personal financial situation out of the picture, so they wouldn’t protect themselves while their companies stumbled."