Faculty News

In an interview, Dean Peter Henry discusses Fed policy from the Kansas City Fed's Economic Symposium in Jackson Hole

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "I think there's a strong view that monetary policy has done most of what it can on its own to really generate a recovery. Monetary policy has been really competent. I think there's a strong sense that we are awaiting for the fiscal side of the house, if you will, and for lawmakers to really step up and do what must be done."
Faculty News

Professor Brad Hintz weighs in on the impact of fintech on big banks' returns

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "We've got a yield curve that's flat. So the banks can't make money from the spread. And then you have an economy that's not boomed, right? We've had a pick up in lending, but nothing like the lending pick up you naturally would expect in a recovery economy. You've got fintech, which is coming and eating their lunch, certainly looked like it was eating their lunch in certain sectors of a loan market, and you've got new players coming along looking for money transfer, which is another source of profitability on the banks. Regulatory trusts are going up. You can't spend money on new technology. So you have all these things that are hurting the banks here. On the other hand, let's recognize that the banking system will survive. It's just going to be generating returns that are really low."
School News

Tweets from #sternLAUNCH are highlighted in a roundup of "Top #MBA Tweets of the Week"

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "#SternLAUNCH is in full swing! MBA1s Keshav, Evan and Melinda meet Dean @PeterBlairHenry

— NYU Stern (@NYUStern) August 24, 2016"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's upcoming discussion of "The Sharing Economy," in Washington, DC is featured

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "What are the implications of the so-called sharing economy, brought on by such companies as Uber, Lyft and Airbnb? That’s what author Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University, aims to answer with his new book, 'The Sharing Economy.' In the book, which he’ll discuss on Tuesday at Busboys and Poets, Sundararajan considers what the future could look like if sharing becomes an even bigger economic force."
Faculty News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud discusses urbanization in China

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Adding more density to the cities won't work anymore,' says Alain Bertaud, a senior research scholar at New York University who has consulted in China for decades. The problem, he says, is that those cities are increasingly fragmented."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran is interviewed about Uber's $1.2 billion loss

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'You won't find too many technology companies that could lose this much money, this quickly,' said Aswath Damodaran, a business professor at New York University who has written skeptically of Uber's astronomical valuation on his blog. 'For a private business to raise as much capital as Uber has been able to is unprecedented.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses the launch of Amazon Vehicles

The Detroit News logo
Excerpt from The Detroit News -- "'Amazon is the great white shark of retail and its appetite is not that discerning — it will eat anything,' said Scott Galloway, professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'I think they’ll go after every large consumer category. It’s not if, it’s when.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon's book, "Global Vision," is featured

El Pais logo
Excerpt from El Pais -- "Professor Robert Salomon, NYU Stern School of Business has recently published a book called Global Vision: How Companies Can Overcome the Pitfalls of Globalization. The book discusses the reasons why companies still have difficulty in foreign markets..."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Whitelaw weighs in on ChemChina's acquisition of Syngenta

China Radio International - NewsPlus Radio logo
Excerpt from China Radio International -- "I actually think there's quite a lot to be gained on both sides. Clearly from the ChemChina perspective, this is about technology, specifically about biotechnology. So Syngenta is a very prominent agricultural, agribusiness concern, specializing in seeds and agricultural chemicals, and obviously, there's a big push in China to increase food production, and I think Syngenta has some of the technology that will help with that goal of increasing food production."
School News

Stern's new Venture Fellows program, a start-up immersion program for entrepreneurs, made possible by David Ko (BS '93) and his wife, Jennifer Ko, is featured

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Technology executive David Ko (BS ’93) and his wife Jennifer Ko have donated $1 million to establish the NYU Stern Venture Fellows Program. Incoming MBA students can apply this fall for a spot in the program, which will begin in summer 2017 and provide financial support, mentorship, workshops and access to New York City and Silicon Valley tech companies."
Press Releases

NYU Stern School of Business Alumnus David Ko and Wife Jennifer Ko Give $1 Million to the School to Create Summer Immersion Program for Aspiring Entrepreneurs

Henry Kaufman Management Center
New York University Stern School of Business announced the establishment of The NYU Stern Venture Fellows Program with $1 million from technology executive and alumnus David Ko (BS ’93) and his wife Jennifer Ko. With this generous gift, Stern MBAs will have the opportunity to apply to this new immersion program in lieu of a traditional summer internship and benefit from financial support, mentorship, workshops and access to NYC and Silicon Valley tech companies.
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran explains why cash-burn companies are not necessarily a bad investment

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'If you avoid companies just because of cash burn, you're taking big segments of the market out of your portfolio,' Damodaran said in an interview with CNBC's 'Closing Bell.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon explains why Uber ultimately did not succeed in beating its competitors in China

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua -- "'The customers are very very different,' says Salomon. 'They have different cultural tastes and preferences, and the way to consume the products, the products they want are not the same with the products western consumers want.'"
Faculty News

Professors Kim Schoenholtz and Lawrence White discuss the merits of reviving Glass-Steagall

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "...separating investment and commercial banking would not have prevented the financial crisis, and its re-imposition will not prevent the next one. ... Unfortunately, since the removal of the Glass-Steagall restrictions in 1999 had no connection to the financial crisis of 2008—all of the "bad actors" of the 2008 crisis could have done all of the same things even if Glass-Steagall had been in place—the whole notion of a revival of Glass-Steagall is misguided."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains the impact of local governments banning Airbnb rentals on tourism

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Stifling short-term rentals isn’t always in a city’s best economic interest, said Arun Sundararajan, a New York University professor of information, operations and management sciences. If cities crack down too hard on Airbnb, they run the risk of losing out to other tourism destinations with a more robust supply of rooms for rent. 'If a city is deeply dependent on tourism, there’s a huge expansion that can come from being a city who has a huge number of affordable and interesting Airbnb listings,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar weighs in on Uber's use of driverless cars

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "I'm assuming that we've solved the engineering side of this problem. I'm assuming that. The major challenges now are just dealing with reality. And in fact, one of the objectives of this is to see the kinds of situations where vehicles trip up. In machine learning, this is a big area of research called "adversarial learning" where... you throw an adversary into the mix that just tries to fool you."
Faculty News

Research by Professor Steven Blader and Nicholas Hays is highlighted

Medical Daily logo
Excerpt from Medical Daily -- "According to the research, people who believed they were high-status individuals were less charitable to others, but only when they felt completely deserving of their status. On the other hand, high status individuals who were humble about their powerful place were more generous than expected."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Data-Driven Decision Making

Executive Education Short Course
This course aims to bridge the gap by instilling in executives a general intuition for data-driven decision making and equipping leaders with the tools and techniques necessary to analyze large databases and use effective data visualization to gauge key metrics.
Faculty News

Professor Rebecca Schaumberg discusses the personality traits common among presidential candidates

Fox News logo
Excerpt from Fox 5 NY -- "[The characteristics of those who run for President] tend to be a strong desire for dominance, desire to have control over others, a high level of self-confidence... Unfortunately, sometimes that manifests as a high level of narcissism or a high level of grandiosity."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses the impact that Uber's adoption of driverless cars will have on pricing

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "'Why would you pay $60 for a ride to the airport when you can pay $20?' said Vasant Dhar, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'Do you really want to pay an extra $40 for the privilege of having a human drive you? I don't think so.'"
Faculty News

Professor Viral Acharya discusses his research on unconventional monetary policy

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'These zombie loans are just bad for the economy,' said Viral V. Acharya, one of the report’s authors and a specialist in European debt at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'The problem is that Europe never injected capital into its banks like TARP in the U.S.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari discusses Estée Lauder's beauty partnership with Victoria Beckham

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Considering that British brands have been doing well in the United States, a trend that has grown stronger in the last five years and perhaps will counteract the consequences of Brexit, it is no accident that Victoria Beckham enjoys a positive brand equity in the American market,' [Serdari] said. 'With playful Instavideos being released through Victoria Beckham's Instafeed almost a month before her collection hits the stores the celebrity designer can certainly drive interest in her new, stylishly packaged beauty collection.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's new research on fintech is featured

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Asset management services are still expensive. Banks generate large spreads on deposits. Finance could and should be much cheaper. In that respect, the puzzle is not that fintech is happening now. The puzzle is why it did not happen earlier."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's joint research on ages ending in nine is highlighted

Yahoo logo
Excerpt from Yahoo News -- "Adam L. Alter and Hal E. Hershfield from New York University and UCLA, respectively, found across six studies that at the end of a decade, people become more preoccupied with aging and worries about life’s meaningfulness. The researchers said that such thoughts lead to behaviors that 'suggest a search for, or a crisis of meaning.'"
Press Releases

Information Sharing in U.S. Treasury Auctions: The Case for Why it Creates Value for Investors and Decreases Risk

Laura Veldkamp
New research from NYU Stern Professor Laura Veldkamp and Nina Boyarchenko and David O. Lucca of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, finds that information sharing in U.S. Treasury auctions raises auction revenues, as bidders are better informed. When information sharing enables collusion, the collusion initially costs revenue, but prohibiting information sharing costs more.