Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis comments on Axe's new brand positioning

Racked logo
Excerpt from Racked -- “The bottom line, though, is that guys will always need to buy deodorant. Meyvis questions whether consumers even seriously bought into Axe’s former branding. 'I think that people were buying Axe in the past more because it was a cool brand for young men rather than they really thought "I will become the chick magnet from the advertisement,"' he says. 'If that were the case, of course this would be a bad decision to do this campaign. But the world changes, and what is cool for young men changes, too. To that extent, it may not be as radical a departure from the past positioning: "We’re the cool brand for young men, whatever is happening in the world today."'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains the high cost of Airbnbs in Miami

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Miami has the smallest Airbnb-to-hotel price advantage among U.S. cities in the data tallied by Bloomberg. Changes in regulations may contribute to this, according to Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University's Leonard N. Stern School of Business and author of The Sharing Economy. The home and apartment-rental company reached an agreement with the local government in March to collect resort taxes on behalf of hosts in Miami-Dade County."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari offers insights on Chanel's decision to feature South Korea's G-Dragon in a new short film

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'G-Dragon is the most influential cultural icon in Asia today,’ said Thomaï Serdari, Ph.D., founder of PIQLuxury, co-editor of Luxury :History Culture Consumption and adjunct professor of luxury marketing at New York University, New York. ‘His music and fashion style have contributed to an unprecedented increase in followers who also happen to cross two generations: millennials and Generation Z,’ she said. ‘These are young adults who have developed a taste for luxury early in life, have disposable income, primarily due to their families, and have also traveled abroad.’”
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Advanced Corporate Finance: Strategies for Optimizing Capital Structure and Maximizing Shareholder Value

This program is designed for professionals who make financial decisions or frequently communicate with financial decision makers. It is also a good fit for individuals looking to improve their financial literacy and understand the basic drivers of corporate decision making.
Faculty News

Professor Priya Raghubir's joint research on cash and the psychology of overspending is cited

Credit.com logo
Excerpt from Credit.com -- "Research from NYU professor Priya Raghubir and University of Maryland professor Joydeep Srivastava shows that using physical cash makes people less likely to overspend because they “feel the outflow of money” more directly. Spending too much on a credit card can also lead to high interest charges if you don’t pay the balance in time."
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, is interviewed about the changes to Stern's MBA application and new one-year MBA programs in Tech and Fashion & Luxury

Accepted logo
Excerpt from Accepted.com -- "We launched two new, focused MBA programs. We explored the idea of separate applications, and decided on having one application for all of the programs – so you can apply to up to four MBA programs with one application: the full-time MBA, part-time MBA, and our two new specialized, full-time, 12-month programs. You indicate a primary program of interest and explain why it’s your primary, and then identify your alternates."
Press Releases

Photographers Beware! Taking Photos Boosts Visual Memory but Hurts Nonvisual Memory

Alixandra Barasch
In a new study, Professor Alixandra Barasch of the NYU Stern School of Business and co-authors, Kristin Diehl of the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, Jackie Silverman of The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and Gal Zauberman at Yale School of Management, find that choosing to take photos may help us remember the visual details of that experience, but at the expense of our nonvisual memory.
School News

Dean Peter Henry comments on Stern's new one-year Tech MBA

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "The school has responded to this interest by launching a tech-focused one-year MBA programme to cater to the need of employers in 'Silicon Alley', the New York technology hub that the school’s dean, Peter Henry, can see from his office window. 'We have to figure out a way to be as important to the new economy as we have been to Wall Street for the past 50 years,' he explains."
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Understanding the Basics of Corporate Finance

This program is designed for professionals who make financial decisions or frequently communicate with financial decision makers. It is also a good fit for individuals looking to improve their financial literacy and understand the basic drivers of corporate decision making.
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman discusses his Z-score research and today's credit markets

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "Speaking about the Z-score, if you compare the average Z-score of companies in 2007 with the average in 2016, which is the last time we looked at it, guess what. The average is actually lower today than it was in 2007, and 2007 was right before the great financial crisis, and of course, in ’08 and ’09 we saw a tremendous increase in corporate bond defaults and loans."
School News

Chairman Emeritus of NYU Stern's Board of Overseers Henry Kaufman's book, "Tectonic Shifts in Financial Markets," is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "In Tectonic Shifts in Financial Markets, Henry Kaufman offers a scorching account of how Wall Street got into this mess, how it failed to get out, and what to do now. Coming from a pivotal figure in modern finance, now in his 90th year, it will command attention. Kaufman was at high school with Alan Greenspan; at the New York Federal Reserve with Paul Volcker; running research at Salomon Brothers as it created the US mortgage market and dominated bond trading; and on the board of Lehman Brothers in the years before disaster hit."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter comments on Silicon Valley's culture of overwork

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'A culture of overwork is damaging because it turns brief binges of hard work into a long-term strategy, and, worse still, an expectation. When managers start measuring the worth of their employees according to how quickly they return emails at 3 a.m., that particular work culture is broken,' Adam Alter, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, told Business Insider in an email."
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's work on index-linked investing is referenced

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "New York University finance professor Jeffrey Wurgler didn't take things quite that far in a 2011 essay, but he did warn that 'the increasing popularity of index-linked investing may well be reducing its ability to deliver its advertised benefits while at the same time increasing its broader economic costs.'"
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A, Professor Amy Webb shares her outlook on the future of artificial intelligence (AI)

Excerpt from PFSK -- "Think about AI as the next layer of technology that will be integrated into everything we do and much of the technology we use, and that includes mixed reality interfaces and devices. Simply put, AI is a branch of computer science in which computers are programmed to do things that normally require human intelligence. This includes learning, reasoning, problem-solving, understanding language, and perceiving a situation or environment. AI is an extremely large, broad field that uses its own computer languages and even special kids of computer networks, which are modeled on our human brains."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis' joint research on digital photos and recalling fond memories is featured

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "...in our study, we found that having digital photos was not as effective as physical photos. In fact, the ease of instantaneously sharing digital photos may inhibit how often we talk about our experiences. Back in the old days, we’d wait until we finished a roll of film and then bring it to the store to get printed. So waiting for the pictures kept the experience top of mind. Then, we’d take the pictures around to our friends one by one (or group by group) and get to share our experience over and over again. Now, we simply post it on social media once and we’re done."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran discusses Uber's future

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'There is no clear pathway I can see for Uber to go from a high-revenue growth company to a profitable company,' says Aswath Damodaran, a professor of finance at the Stern School of Business. 'Normally the story for start-ups is that as revenues grow economies of scale will kick in, but that story is tough to tell with Uber.'"
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's book, "The Righteous Mind," is featured

Australian Financial Review logo
Excerpt from The Australian -- "[Haidt] is a social psychologist and the professor of ethical leadership at New York University. His groundbreaking work, The Righteous Mind, identifies that all of us build our political outlook on six moral foundations."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan comments on Uber's autonomous car strategy

Excerpt from MIT Technology Review -- "'Uber could scale back its bet on autonomous cars, and still give a multi-hundred fold return to its early investors,' says Sundararajan."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence comments on the rise of automation and its long-term effect on the world's workers

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'The simple, honest truth is, if you’re talking about what the world’s going to be like 10 years from now, it’s hard to know,' he says. 'The best focus for people is to make the transitions as effective and painless as possible as opposed to worrying about what the end point is.'"
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Anindya Ghose discusses the future of technology and how it continues to change the world's economy

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "Over the last five years, consumers have been spending more and more time on mobile devices. From 2012-2016, we've come from 10% of our time to nearly 25% on these devices. This is telling companies there is a lot of opportunity for monetization."
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat is interviewed about protectionism and globalization

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think obviously Trump's election was a signal event, but, that said, companies were starting to sense a more protectionist climate well before Trump's election or even Brexit. I remember Jeff Immelt coming to NYU Stern to do the MBA commencement address in May 2016 and his whole point was the world has turned more protectionistic and therefore, GE was going to localize. So, that's a fairly early but very influential example of how some companies are trying to change their strategy."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter comments on product "drops" as a marketing strategy

Fashionista logo
Excerpt from Fashionista -- "'[A product drop] doesn't conform to traditional fashion release timing, so it's unpredictable and, therefore, the products seem scarce,' NYU Stern School of Business Associate Professor of Marketing Adam Alter tells Fashionista. 'Scarcity makes them desirable because they aren't available to just anyone — they're only available to people who happen to be tuned in to the product's release.'"
School News

The TRIUM Global Executive MBA program is highlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'It’s not so much about teaching Geopolitics 101, but instead teaching students how to use this knowledge to understand and anticipate global trends, which can be tricky,' says Dr Robert Faulkner, Academic Dean of the TRIUM Executive Global MBA program, at the London School of Economics. The program was launched at the turn of the millennium and, over the past 16 years has coached senior executives through a series of dramatic global changes. Offered through a partnership of some of the world’s leading education institutions – the New York University Stern School of Business, and HEC Paris make up the trio – TRIUM was the first Executive MBA of its kind, and was built with social political analysis at its core."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses President Trump’s recent meeting with technology leaders

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "... we hope there's some progress here. The fact that America attracts the brightest and hardest-working people in the world is one of the secret ingredients of our success, so I hope the president is listening. ... The men and women in that room are in an impossible position. You want to engage, you want to be seen as contributing to the dialogue, but the bottom line is, anyone who enters a photo shoot with Donald Trump usually leaves with less credibility... "
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White discusses banking regulation

Excerpt from POTUS 2017 with Brian Lehrer -- "We think that the Volcker Rule basically was a mistake -- that any of the pieces of the Volcker Rule that you look at -- proprietary trading, investing in hedge funds, investing in private equity -- was not the cause of the financial crisis in 2008. It was a solution in search of a problem. Further, the implementation -- the tens of thousands of pages of comments, thousands of pages of regulation -- it's extremely complex. It is hitting small banks who have to still justify actions that are never going to be a serious problem here."