Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's co-authored op-ed on banking regulation is referenced

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "And don’t believe that the whole economic pie will grow if banks are freed up to make more loans. There is little evidence for that, as economists Stephen Cechetti and Kim Schoenholtz argue. ... They also say Mnuchin's plan would make the financial system less safe. Investors hoping the whole stock market will make them rich if banks lend more should look at how that worked out in 2005-2007."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon and PhD student Germán Gutiérrez's joint research on competition in US firms is featured

Excerpt from the Financial Post -- "The economists start with two facts. Competition has been declining in many U.S. industries, at least when measured by the number of competitors accounting for a given share of output (which they are quick to concede may not be the very best measure of competition). And investment has been lower than you’d expect, all else equal. In their view, these two trends are linked. Investment and innovation are things companies do when they have to, not when they want to."
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, shares tips for prospective applicants on how to spend the summer before applying to business school

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "Prior to applying to business school, make sure you need an MBA in the first place. I've worked with applicants who don't like their jobs, and they know they want to do something different, but they're not exactly sure what that is. Is an MBA going to be the right path to make that career transition? Here's an example. You may be bored in your current job and attracted to the glamorous world of consulting, but how much do you know about consulting? Do you know how much travel is involved? Would you be happy on the road four days a week?"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's research on the impact of mobile device usage on happiness is featured, from his book, "Irresistible"

Australian Financial Review logo
Excerpt from the Australian Financial Review -- "The few hours that remain are our discretionary time, when we might read a book, enjoy a hobby, call an old friend for a talk, play Monopoly with the family or get to the gym. According to Alter's research, our white space is increasingly consumed by computer screens and that's not making us happy."
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Fellow Gabriel Ng and Associate Director Tara Wadhwa discuss internet regulation

KIRO Radio logo
Excerpt from Kiro Radio -- "What we're worried about is that other countries that may not have the same democratic traditions as Germany, may see this as a justification and cover to introduce similar laws of their own to crack down on political dissent and news that they disagree with."
Faculty News

Professor Melissa Schilling explains Tesla's "S-curve" growth model

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "An S-curve like the one Musk has invoked compares what a company gets against the amount of effort or money spent to achieve it. Melissa Schilling, professor of management and organizations at NYU's Stern School of Business, said the curve starts low and slow because 'at first you don't know what the hell you're doing.' Companies experiment with designs, manufacturing methods, cope with failures and learn what works and what doesn't. 'You're pumping a lot of money in, and you're getting very little return,' Schilling said."
Faculty News

Professor Justin Kruger's joint research on self-perception is referenced

HR Digest logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from HR Digest -- "According to the Dunning-Kruger effect, smart people realize they’re not very good and try to do better. On the other hand, stupid people think they’re good at whatever it is, and don’t try to get better and they don’t get any better either."
School News

Dean Peter Henry highlights innovation at Stern, pointing to updates to the MBA application requirements

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The school’s admissions team, which has assessed about 50,000 essays over the past 15 years, likes innovation, according to Peter Henry, NYU Stern dean. They were looking for creativity and an ability to be succinct and accurate. What makes any application 'leap out from the pack' during the admissions process is that the writer can explain their career goals and how NYU Stern would help them achieve these, Prof Henry says."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran’s blog post on bitcoin is featured; Professor Baruch Lev's joint research on the impact of conference call timing is referenced

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "Here is Aswath Damodaran on ‘The Crypto Currency Debate: Future of Money or Speculative Hype?’ … What I did not know is that there is a whole literature about analysts getting tired as the day goes on, and it is fascinating. Here for instance is 'Oh What a Beautiful Morning! Diurnal Influences on Executives and Analysts: Evidence from Conference Calls' by Jing Chen, Elizabeth Demers and Baruch Lev..."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran discusses bitcoin's pricing

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'The question that you would need to address, if you are paying $2,775 for a bitcoin on August 1, 2017, is whether you can (or even will be able to) buy $2,775 worth of goods and services with that bitcoin,' Damodaran said. He said bitcoin's high price can be justified if the digital currency becomes widely accepted as payment, especially since by design only 21 million bitcoins can ever exist. High demand for a limited supply of coins will naturally send prices higher."
School News

Stern's MBA class of 2019 is highlighted for its strong academic quality and diversity

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "While the difference in the number of incoming students is minimal, the demographics that make up those students, however, differ from last year’s figures. The percentage of incoming students who are female jumped modestly from 35 percent to 38 percent. The percentage of admitted international students also slightly increased, moving up from 35 percent to 37 percent for the Class of 2019, representing 35 countries overall."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White offers insights on the state of the job market and the mystery of low inflation in the US

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "We've had decreases in some crucial prices. That helps. But [low inflation] is a mystery. Labor costs are remaining low even though labor markets are in pretty good shape. 4.4% unemployment, that's back where we were in 2007. We've been below 5% unemployment now for over a year, and yet, labor costs are not going up, which would be an underlying cause for higher inflation. The Fed doesn't really understand it. Most academics don't understand why labor costs, why wages, aren't going up more rapidly."
School News

Isser Gallogly, Associate Dean, MBA Admissions and Program Innovation, discusses Stern's new "EQ Endorsement" in the application process for prospective MBA students

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Applicants can share materials like drafts of a personal statement or a copy of their résumé, but ultimately a letter of recommendation 'should be the words of the recommender,' said Isser Gallogly, associate dean of M.B.A. admissions at Stern. In addition to the two recommendations Stern requires, it now has applicants ask a friend or colleague to write a 250-word statement highlighting traits like empathy and self-awareness. Mr. Gallogly said a friend’s endorsement gives admissions officers insight they might not get from professors or managers."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan explains why Amazon's employment needs are unique among tech companies

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'While the digital disruption is destroying the traditional retail business model,' Dr. Sundararajan said, 'the Amazon model that replaces it will continue to live in the physical world and require human labor for the foreseeable future.'"
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Decision Modeling in Business Analytics

This course teaches participants to harness the full potential of big data to make more informed decisions at all levels of their organizations. Participants will learn modern decision models and tools in prescriptive analytics. Through application of these tools, they will examine data, recommend a range of actions and evaluate each action’s impact on targeted performance metrics.
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan shares how governments can help protect water sources by charging corporate users the real cost of water

The Source Magazine logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from The Source -- “Governments can help protect water sources by charging corporate users the real cost of water and use the proceeds to protect the water source; provide communities with funds to protect the forests in their watersheds; and build green infrastructure to reduce stormwater runoff into waterways. Charging for water at realistic rates will likely encourage businesses to install water conservation technologies (in order to reduce their fees), especially if government also provides subsidies for those technologies."
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg discusses what the renegotiation of NAFTA means for businesses

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "Ari Ginsberg, a professor of entrepreneurship at New York University's Stern School of Management, characterizes the new proposals as encouraging. In particular, he cites a section of the outline devoted to small and medium-sized enterprises, which calls for the establishment of a special committee 'to ensure that the needs of SMEs are considered' in the broader agreement. 'The signals are much more positive than before for small businesses,' Ginsberg says."
Faculty News

Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh is interviewed about his research on the impact of foreign real estate investors on neighborhoods

Excerpt from DNAinfo -- "They modeled what happens to Manhattan’s market with an influx of such investors, finding negative consequences for the welfare of the city when they leave their properties vacant. It forces locals farther out, resulting in longer commutes, which costs time and money, Van Nieuwerburgh said. 'When buying desirable properties in Manhattan, they’re pushing someone else out,' he added."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig shares his thoughts on the appeal of different credit cards

WalletHub logo
Excerpt from WalletHub -- "A card can also be cool because of the issuer/branding. There is a new Marvel credit card. There is a Disney Visa card. There is a Mercedes Benz credit card through American Express.; the list is pretty endless. The key thing about cool is that it depends on the individual's social circle. Airline cards used to be cool, but now they have proliferated."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose identifies forces that are affecting the mobile economy, from his book, "Tap"

The Gobe and Mail logo
Excerpt from The Globe and Mail -- "'I'm asking consumers to not hold back on data but share it. When consumers do that, however, companies must act responsibly,' Mr. Ghose says."
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan's remarks on sustainable business in a panel discussion on supply chain management are highlighted

CPA Journal logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from The CPA Journal -- "'There’s a very high correlation between a strong ESG performance and strong operational performance, strong stock performance and lower cost of capital,' Whelan claimed, citing a study by the University of Oxford and Arabesque. Examining that phenomenon at the Center for Sustainable Business, she has found that sustainability can drive innovation, risk reduction, operational efficiency, and employee recruitment and engagement. She noted that while much of this is financially intangible, its effects can be felt on the company’s bottom line."
School News

In a joint op-ed, Center for Business and Human Rights Fellow Gabriel Ng and Associate Director Tara Wadhwa argue against new legislation requiring tech companies to remove certain types of content

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "Relying on governments to create and enforce regulations online affords them the opportunity to define these terms as they see fit. Placing the power in the hands of governments also increases the likelihood that authoritarian regimes that lack Germany's liberal democratic tradition will criminalize online content critical of those governments and, ultimately, create another mechanism for oppressing their own citizens."
Faculty News

Professor Michelle Greenwald discusses Google Zoo's study on the incorporation of virtual reality (VR) in marketing communications

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "The overall take-away from the Google Zoo study is that Virtual Reality has the potential to relay much more powerful advertising and journalistic messages than traditional storytelling’s text, still images, and traditional video."
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Hosts Second Annual Conference on Creative Industries

On July 31-August 2, the NYU Stern School of Business co-hosted the Second Annual Conference on Creative Industries with Columbia Business School and the Yale School of Management. 
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's joint research on categorizing experiences is featured

Travel and Leisure logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Travel + Leisure -- "'Consumers do not just focus on individual experiences. Instead, they categorize and manage experiences... For positive experiences, consumers are reluctant to eliminate categories, while the opposite is true for negative experiences because eliminating categories makes it feel like more of the experience has passed,' write authors Anuj K. Shah (University of Chicago Booth School of Business) and Adam L. Alter (New York University)."