Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses the current regulatory environment surrounding technology companies, noting how California’s consumer protection law is a step in the right direction

Excerpt from InvestorPlace -- "'The unbridled profit maximizing ‘objective functions’ that are applied at scale will continue to abuse data to the extent they can get away with it. The communications act of 1996 protects them. This should change. California’s consumer protection law is a step in the right direction in that it puts businesses on notice for violations, namely, if the data are used for purposes other than those stated by the data collector. But enforcement will not be easy.'”
School News

Graduate student Elizabeth John (MBA '21) discusses key sustainability issues ahead of the 2020 ClimateCAP conference, noting Stern's Center for Sustainable Business' continued commitment and growing presence in the sector

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Anecdotally, I’ve sensed a lot of interest even from folks who are not necessarily recruiting for sustainability or environmentally focused positions. I think people realize this is something that touches every part of business. So I would say there is a wide interest and whenever I talk about what I’m looking into, other people seem very interested. I don’t know how that compares to maybe several years ago. I know the (Stern) Center for Sustainable Business is becoming even more present and important and getting a lot of features. So I imagine that’s becoming more and more of a driver for students at other schools too."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt explains why he believes social media is a contributor to the recent rise in teen mental health problems

Excerpt from Nature -- "A sudden increase in the rates of depression, anxiety and self-harm was seen in adolescents — particularly girls — in the United States and the United Kingdom around 2012 or 2013 (see go.nature.com/2up38hw). Only one suspect was in the right place at the right time to account for this sudden change: social media."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's valuation model is referenced in a story about Tesla's rising share price

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Using a valuation model created by Aswath Damodaran, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, there’s a way to reach $1,000 per share -- though it would require sales at the electric car-maker to jump 10-fold from 2019’s full year figures."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Wachtel is quoted in a story exploring the shifting relationships between politicians and central bankers

Excerpt from World Finance -- “'Trump has no intellectual or personal issues with Powell – he just finds him to be a convenient target,' said Professor Paul Wachtel, an expert on central banking who teaches at the New York University Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose's comments on advanced artificial intelligence (AI) are referenced

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Excerpt from AdExchanger -- "It also ignores a fundamental truth: We are entering a new battleground. At AdExchanger’s Industry Preview last week, speaker and NYU Stern School of Business professor Anindya Ghose said in his presentation on advanced AI that 'past winners acted on the known needs of their existing customers, while future winners will identify the unknown needs of their potential customers.'”
School News

Stern's "Pick Six" essay is highlighted in a story examining the changing trends in MBA Admissions over the last decade

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "Likewise, MBA applications are encouraging more creativity – from NYU Stern’s 'pick six pictures' to MIT’s one-minute video introduction. Admissions teams recognize that there are many ways to share your value proposition, and they want candidates to get to the point and convey something that’s personal, authentic and powerful."
School News

"NYU Stern’s Undergraduate College is spotlighted for its relevance and global mindset in a P&Q feature story on ""10 Undergraduate Business Schools to Watch""; Vice Dean Robert Whitelaw highlights key differentiators including the breadth and flexibility

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "NYU Stern is investing heavily in areas like sustainability. The goal: staying 'relevant' in a rapidly-evolving global business environment that requires resourcefulness as much as digital acumen."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Tom Meyvis comments on online vs. offline retailing and how the trade war with China affects consumers

Excerpt from Phoenix Satellite TV -- "Shopping could be fun or it could be better advice. You would go to Home Depot and somebody advises you on what to do, or even your local hardware store and they help you out. Those are situations that people are probably still willing to pay extra. Even though online may be cheaper and more convenient, we're still social animals. We still want to hang out with other people and you can't just spend an entire day behind the computer.'"
Faculty News

Research on the history of credit rating agencies from Professor Lawrence White is cited

Excerpt from Morningstar -- "But because of their complexity, bonds and credit ratings also have been intertwined for more than a hundred year (link)s, according to this brief history (link) of the industry by Lawrence White, a professor of economics at New York University."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway's blog post on the recent Iowa Caucus is published

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'Millions of dollars, hours, ads, and corn dogs are concentrated on small states that don't make a big dent in the effort to organize and activate the national voter base,' says Professor Galloway."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Hardart weighs in on efforts made by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to promote diversity and inclusion

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "Paul Hardart, director of New York University’s Director, Entertainment, Media and Technology Program shared that 'if you look at most of the nominees [this year] it’s glaring…to the Academy’s credit, they aggressively tried to put things in place. Doing what they can with what they can control.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari is quoted in a story probing the business case for fashion shows in 2020

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Excerpt from Fashionista -- "It might not currently fit in with his brand, but Panichgul still sees the value in doing a fashion show — as does Thomai Serdari, a strategist in luxury marketing and branding and adjunct professor at NYU's Stern School of Business."
School News

In an op-ed, Ethical Systems Executive Director Alison Taylor explains why 2020 will be the year when corporate activism and global political risk converge

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Excerpt from Quartz -- "Businesses have long pursued global expansion under the shared assumption that foreign investment and free trade inexorably foster democracy and social progress. Expansion in authoritarian countries or conflict areas and even assaults on our environment could be reliably defended, typically on the basis that market growth has a fundamentally positive impact."
Faculty News

In a Q&A interview, Professor Thomas Philippon shares takeaways from his book, "The Great Reversal"

Excerpt from American Enterprise Institute Blog -- "How concentrated is corporate power in America today? How big of a problem is this? According to Thomas Philippon, the answers are “more concentrated than in Europe, and more concentrated than any other time in recent American history,” and, more simply, 'yes, it’s a big problem.' Last week on Political Economy, Thomas and I delved into this argument, outlined in his recently released book, The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets."
Faculty News

Professor and Dean Emeritus Peter Henry explains that by educating citizens, the Bank of Jamaica is creating a shift in the political equilibrium

Excerpt from Central Banking -- "While the songs and campaigns have been effective in educating the public on the importance of low and stable inflation, Peter Henry, dean emeritus of New York University’s Leonard N Stern School of Business, believes the central bank has 'done something much deeper.'"
School News

Discussion highlights from the Fubon Center for Technology, Business and Innovation's "Digital Leaders Series" fireside chat with Professor Arun Sundararajan and Airbnb co-founder Nathan Blecharczyk are spotlighted

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "In a fireside chat with professor Arun Sundararajan at New York University Stern School of Business on Tuesday night, Blecharczyk said Airbnb has started to change the way it sets goals to factor in its effect on the world."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides shares his thoughts on how the coronavirus outbreak is impacting production of goods made in China

Excerpt from E.W. Scripps -- “'There is a major disruption of the supply of these goods because right now everything is at a standstill in China,' Economides said. "How long the disruption will last, we have no idea.'”
School News

Stern is featured in a roundup of the top MBA programs for investing careers, with the Michael Price Student Investment Fund and NYU Impact Investment Fund cited as real-world courses for students

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Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "NYU Stern is known for its world-leading Finance department. You’ll have access to professors and courses focused on global financial markets. Students can also participate in two student investment funds, including the Michael Price Student Investment Fund and the NYU Impact Investing Fund. MBA students can major in finance and choose from a pool of over 200 electives, including those directly related to investment banking with top employers including Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, UBS, and Credit Suisse."
Faculty News

Professor Haran Segram explains why some founders are opting to take their companies public through a direct listing rather than an IPO

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "The company can also save money through not having to pay banks marketing the company to investors as much. When banks help raise money for companies during an IPO, they can charge 2-8% of the total capital raised, Segram said. He estimates that Spotify saved $100 million through its direct listing."
Faculty News

Professor Sunder Narayanan weighs in on the future of tech company mascots

Excerpt from CMS Wire -- "Yet clinical associate professor of marketing at New York University, Sunder Narayanan, maintains that tech companies still seek a way to convey character and personality and posits that the Google Doodle is just a modern-day brand mascot — 'a Doodle has been a Charlie Chaplin-honoring video, 'Google' written out in Braille, and a playable game of Pac-Man.'”
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett argues that domestically generated partisan disinformation stemming from the Iowa Caucuses compares to the Russian election interference in 2016

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Excerpt from Yahoo News -- "Paul Barrett, who has overseen the publication of reports on disinformation in the digital age at New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, compares what the Republicans are doing now to Russian interference four years ago."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's recent blog post on the valuation of Tesla is mentioned

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "NYU Stern Professor Aswath Damodaran, who is often called Wall Street’s Dean of Valuation, succinctly summed up the Tesla debate. 'It is a company where there is no middle ground, with the optimists believing that there is no limit to its potential and the pessimists convinced that it is a time bomb, destined to implode,' he wrote in a recent blog post."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer warns that some Amazon customer reviews are susceptible to manipulation and bias

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Excerpt from Los Angeles Times -- “'Amazon reviews are very susceptible to manipulation and bias,' said Russell Winer, a marketing professor at New York University. 'This is particularly true for non-Amazon products sold by third parties.'”