Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Petra Moser on examining the effects of copyrights on science is cited

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "But these schemes do not always have the desired effects. Intellectual-property protections make it more difficult for others to make their own contributions by building on prior work. Barbara Biasi of Yale University and Petra Moser of New York University studied the effects of an American wartime policy that allowed domestic publishers to freely print copies of German-owned science books."
School News

Stern is recognized for its top ranking on the "25 Best Master's in Accounting Programs in 2020" list

Excerpt from Grad Report -- "We ranked the top 25 schools by median salary one year after college for students who graduated with a Master's Degree in Accounting. New York University tops the list with a starting salary of $74,900."
Faculty News

Professor Rosa Abrantes-Metz is interviewed on manipulation in the precious metals market

Excerpt from The Daily Reckoning Australia -- "I also spoke to Professor Rosa Abrantes-Metz at the New York University Stern School of Business. She is the leading expert on globe price manipulation. She has actually testified in gold manipulation cases. She wrote a report reaching the same conclusions. It’s not just an opinion, it’s not just a deep, dark conspiracy theory."
Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Petra Moser on examining the effects of copyrights on science is cited

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Excerpt from The Hollywood Reporter -- "'It doesn't need to be true,' added Erdem, 'Many brands are sensitive to this issue. A company like PBS is especially vulnerable to allegations because it is in the public eye.'"
School News

The Center for Sustainable Business' Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI™) methodology is highlighted

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Excerpt from Reuters -- "Investindustrial, which has Nordic funds among key investors including Denmark’s biggest pension provider ATP and Sweden’s AP2, has been working with the NYU Stern School of Business since 2016 to pilot a new system to track the financial benefits of ESG policies known as Return on Sustainability Investment (ROSI)."
Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Edward Altman on the anatomy of distressed debt markets is featured

Excerpt from AdvisorNews -- "The news correspondents obtained a quote from the research from New York University (NYU), 'We document this novel and intriguing investment market, with a discussion of size, strategies, and performance. We also present new empirical results on pre- and post default experience, leveraging our unique databases on bond and loan prices and our indexes of performance of defaulted bonds and bank loans.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari explains how fashion brands must adapt to changing consumer preferences and concerns about sustainability

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Excerpt from Retail Dive -- "The attitude is likely to become more entrenched, according to Thomai Serdari, a professor of luxury marketing and branding at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'Younger consumers have strong opinions about retailers and how committed each one of them is to making fashion a sustainable industry.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway's recent blog post on long term prospects of FedEx is highlighted

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Excerpt from InvesterPlace -- "In December, Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business posted an interesting proposition. Galloway wrote about the difficulties being experienced by FedEx (NYSE:FDX) and its poor performance as Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) increasingly eats its lunch in the e-commerce delivery business."
Faculty News

Professor Michael Posner is quoted in a story reporting on the state of factory safety in Bangladesh

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Excerpt from Lexology -- "'To address these challenges, CEOs are recognizing that they need to incorporate broader principles of sustainability in their everyday business decisions. This is not simply a matter of doing the right thing, it’s smart business.' (Professor Michael Posner, NYU Stern School of Business (2014), see World Economic Forum: Why it pays for businesses to boost sustainability)."
Faculty News

In a video interview, Professor Thomas Philippon discusses why market concentration and lack of competition are leading to higher prices in the U.S. than in Europe

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- “'It’s pretty much concentration and lack of competition. What is most striking is that it was the opposite 20 years ago. So when I came to the US from Europe 20 years ago, I noticed that the US was the land of low prices and free markets, where you had lots of choices and very low prices, be it for flying around, for buying a cell phone, or for getting on the internet. And somehow over the 20 years that I’ve been here, I’ve seen these markets become more and more concentrated, controlled by a few large players, so that today US households have fewer choices, and they pay higher prices.'”
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson comments on Disney's recent announcement of Bob Chapek as its new CEO

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Excerpt from Observer -- “'He comes from the most profitable side of the business where operations matter,' Allen Adamson, co-founder of Metaforce and an adjunct at NYU Stern, told Observer. 'He knows how to run complicated operations. Parks and entertainment is a lot like making a movie in that it’s a detail-oriented process business. It’s intense management and less creative. That’s a skill set that’s critical now that Disney’s so big.'”
Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Kim Schoenholtz on U.S. monetary policy is featured

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- Long-term interest rates are likely to be much lower going into the next downturn than they were going into any recession in the past 75 years,' a set of top economists wrote in a paper prepared for the conference. 'This will clearly limit the potential for old and new monetary policy tools to ease financial conditions and bolster economic outcomes.'”
Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini shares his predictions on how the coronavirus will affect the economy in China

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Excerpt from Fox Business -- "Roubini doesn’t think the damage caused by the coronavirus will be enough to tip the U.S. economy into recession, though he said economic growth in the U.S. and Europe may 'surprise on the downside.' He sees U.S. economic growth slowing from 2 percent to 1.7 percent, or a little more."
Faculty News

Research from Professor Kim Schoenholtz on the effectiveness of using new monetary policies to counter recessions is highlighted

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Going forward, low global bond yields likely will hamper any attempt to lower safe interest rates using either old or new monetary policy tools,' economists Stephen Cecchetti, Michael Feroli, Anil Kashyap, Catherine Mann and Kermit Schoenholtz wrote in the paper."
School News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses the industry's need for more quantitative managers and how the hands-on MS in Business Analytics curriculum offers Stern students opportunities to learn about analytics and artificial intelligence

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Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "Dr. Anindya Ghose, professor of information, operations, and management sciences at NYU Stern, agrees. Bad data is usually at the root of the problem, he believes. 'An algorithm is only as good as the data it’s trained on,' he says. 'To use an old data science adage: garbage in, garbage out.'”
Faculty News

Ethical Systems Executive Director Alison Taylor's thoughts on the ethical responsibilities of businesses are cited

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Excerpt from Politico -- "Alison Taylor, Executive Director for ethical system at NYU’s Stern School of Business, kick-started a great conversation on Twitter and LinkedIn about the ethical responsibilities of business. The replies showed a keen sense that large companies are hypocritical on tax and lobbying issues, and that ethical behavior is still seen by some as a choice rather than an imperative."
Student Club Events

2020 Latin America Business Conference

Graphic with text, "Latin American Business Conference 2020"
On Friday, February 21, the Latin American Business Associations (LABA) at NYU Stern and Columbia Business School and the Young Professionals of the Americas will host the Latin American Business Conference.
Faculty News

Professor Simon Bowmaker's recent book, "When the President Calls," is spotlighted

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "I am reading a delightful book by Simon Bowmaker, When the President Calls: Conversations with Economic Policymakers ( MIT Press, 2019). Bowmaker interviewed 35 former top government officials who worked in administrations as far back as Harry Truman and as recently as Donald Trump, most of whom also had strong ties to universities before and/or after government service."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's joint research on intangible assets is referenced

Excerpt from LiveWire -- "Ironically, acquired intangibles can show up on the acquirers’ balance sheet, precisely because a value was placed on the asset by third parties during the (arms’ length) acquisition transaction. These different accounting treatments create a contradiction, as NYU Stern School of Business Professor Baruch Lev and University of Buffalo Professor Feng Gu point out."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his thoughts on the future growth of Netflix

Excerpt from Crain's New York -- "'The optimistic story assumes Netflix achieves economies of scale and brings the content monster under control,' Damodaran said. 'But the growth machine is driven by subscribers trained to expect more and more content tailored to their tastes. My worry is that this new content is almost like a drug you have to feed consumers to keep them coming back.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Robert Frank shares his thoughts on why peer pressure can help stop climate change; joint research from Professor Bryan Bollinger on contagion in solar panel adoption is mentioned

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- I used to share their skepticism. But my study of 'behavioral contagion' — social scientists’ term for how ideas and behaviors can spread through populations like infectious diseases — has changed my view. The environmental impact of seemingly insignificant voluntary actions is far greater than most people realize, for two related reasons."
School News

Stern alumna Cayley Heller (MBA '19) is profiled as part of Clear Admit's "Real Humans" series, highlighting how the School's reputation, location, community and career resources helped prepare her for success in her current role at McKinsey

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Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "I was looking for a business school that would open the door to the career opportunities I was interested in and provide the resources and support to help me capitalize on those opportunities. Stern’s location and reputation offered unparalleled access to organizations within NYC, which is where I wanted to continue my career. With the help of the office of career development, the management consulting association, experiential learning courses, and company treks, I knew I’d be able to take advantage of that access."
Faculty News

Professor Simon Bowmaker's recent book, "When the President Called," is spotlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "I am reading a delightful book by Simon Bowmaker, When the President Calls: Conversations with Economic Policymakers ( MIT Press, 2019). Bowmaker interviewed 35 former top government officials who worked in administrations as far back as Harry Truman and as recently as Donald Trump, most of whom also had strong ties to universities before and/or after government service."
Research Center Events

18th Annual New Venture Showcase

Graphic with copy, "$300K Entrepreneurs Challenge 18th Annual Venture Showcase"
On Thursday, February 20, NYU Stern's W.R. Berkley Innovation Labs will welcome NYU alumni, investors and entrepreneurs to the 18th Annual New Venture Showcase. 
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla offers his perspective on how the US' trade deficit with India is a strength, not a weakness

Excerpt from CanIndia -- "'A lot of economists look at trade as ships going back and forth carrying cars and TV sets and grain and soybeans and they say well, that’s what’s really important, and the trade deficit is just a spin-off. But you could look at it another way and I say that maybe the finance is more important than the trade,' NYU’s Richard Sylla told IANS here on Wednesday in response to a question on an elusive India-US trade deal that’s been dogged by escalating tensions and constantly shifting goalposts."