School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett discusses how tech companies are working to block offensive content

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'Child abuse is one topic where they feel very comfortable acting aggressively to police their terrain in a focused way,' Barrett said. 'My sense is that they going to have to get just as focused on Russia as they are on child abuse. If they don’t, we will see a repeat in 2018 of what took place in 2016.'"
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg is interviewed about where Amazon might open its second headquarters

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc. -- "'The move to build a new headquarters [has] significant implications for the local economy of whatever city it winds up picking,' explains Ari Ginsberg, a professor of entrepreneurship and management at New York University's Stern School of Business, who researches business expansion."
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb shares her outlook on the impact of computer-generated video on media consumption

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "Once viewers learn that videos can be computer generated, this technology could essentially undermine the credibility of all audio and video recordings. This may lead viewers to conclude that anything they read, hear, or see online could be fake. Ultimately, this lack of trust in facts could further erode democracy. 'It’s hard not to see a dystopian future,' says Webb. 'We all need to slow down for five minutes and think this through.'"
Faculty News

Professor Tensie Whelan shares insights on how businesses can adopt sustainable practices

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "We’ve seen a sea change in the last 10 years around company and NGO engagement — it’s far more cooperative. I think the elements of a successful partnership are: first, that both parties have aligned goals, expectations, and parameters; second, they design a way to have a common language that respects their different perspectives; and third, the company invests the time and resources required to make the relationship productive, including a dedicated and empowered corporate point person for the NGO. The result will be innovation."
School News

The establishment of The Fubon Center for Technology, Business, and Innovation at Stern, made possible through an $8 million endowed gift from alumnus Richard Ming-Hsing Tsai (MBA ’81), is spotlighted

Crowdfund Insider logo
Excerpt from Crowdfund Insider -- "According to the school, The Fubon Center will serve as the School’s hub to support, facilitate and enhance cross-disciplinary collaboration among its existing areas of excellence in technological innovation, such as Fintech, Business Analytics, Technology, and Entrepreneurship."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar discusses how AI is impacting investing

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'Machines will be doing more of the grunt work of discovering opportunities,' said Vasant Dhar, who 20 years ago founded one of the first machine-learning hedge funds, the $350 million Adaptive Quant Trading program at SCT Capital Management. 'They can generate hypotheses, test them, and then tell humans, "This is interesting, go dig deeper." As machines add more value, it changes the nature of work humans do.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

C-Suite Speaker Series: A Conversation with Bob Greifeld

On Tuesday, Dec. 5, NYU Stern will welcome Bob Greifeld (MBA ’87), Co-founder of North Island Ventures and Chairman of Virtu Financial, Inc., to campus as part of Stern’s “C-Suite Speaker Series.”
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon explains the implications of the CVS-Aetna merger for consumers

Associated Press logo
Excerpt from the Associated Press -- "My sense is that consumers won't benefit all that much from this deal and if anything there will be less choice in the market for consumers looking to purchase both medical coverage and pharmaceutical coverage because once you have both, as CVS will have now, there may be the ability for them to exert power over those corporations with which they are negotiating both pharmacy and medical packages."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway is interviewed about his book, "The Four," which is highlighted as a book of the year

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "We now have an Amazon singularity in the markets where all consumer stocks are moving corresponding to what Amazon is or isn't doing. I think one of the components of robust markets is that no one company has too much control..."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Lamb comments on CVS Health's acquisition of Aetna

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Excerpt from CT Post -- "'The patient is sort of caught in this vice,' said Robert Lamb, a professor of finance and management at the Stern School of Business at New York University, who studies mergers. 'The specific arrangement that the two organizations have with each other means that you don’t have, one, freedom of choice but two, they’ve already made an agreement that there will not be outsiders, there cannot be outsiders. … That’s the problem.'"
School News

Research Scholar Patrick Lamson-Hall comments on a new housing project in Ethiopia

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Financed entirely by public resources and without the support of foreign donors, the condominium programme has, however, won its fair share of plaudits. 'It represents a commitment to social housing that is rarely seen in Africa,' says Patrick Lamson-Hall of New York University."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Receives an $8 Million Gift to Establish The Fubon Center for Technology, Business and Innovation

Richard Ming-Hsing Tsai
New York University’s Stern School of Business announced the establishment of The Fubon Center for Technology, Business and Innovation, made possible through an $8 million endowed gift from alumnus Richard Ming-Hsing Tsai (MBA ’81), Chairman and CEO of Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd. together with Fubon Financial Holding Co., Ltd.
Research Center Events

Fall 2017 NYU Stern Ross Roundtable

Experts from academia, financial industries, regulatory agencies, media and the legal and accounting professions will gather at NYU Stern on December 4 for a roundtable on “FASB Accounting Standards Update: Measurement of Credit Losses on Financial Instruments,” hosted by the Vincent C. Ross Institute of Accounting Research. 
Research Center Events

Preet Bharara, Former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, Underscores the Value of Public Service in 13th Annual Haitkin Lecture

NYU Stern’s Business & Society Program welcomed Preet Bharara, NYU Law Distinguished Scholar-in-Residence and former US Attorney for the Southern District of New York, to campus for the 13th annual Haitkin Lecture
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides argues for why repealing net neutrality will harm the tech sector

amNewYork logo
Excerpt from AM New York -- "'They don’t have the money that [ISPs] will demand,' Nicholas Economides, a professor of economics at the NYU Stern School of Business said. 'Killing net neutrality automatically puts them at a disadvantage.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kathleen DeRose shares insights on Synchrony Financial's partnership with PayPal

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "'We’re looking at the end of the cash era, and that means everyone in the payments stack is looking to position themselves,' said Kathleen DeRose, a clinical associate professor of finance in New York University’s business school. 'From Synchrony’s perspective, they benefit from economies of scale.'"
School News

Stern's Tech MBA degree is featured

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "At New York University’s Stern School of Business, a new tech MBA will offer students a specialized one-year MBA that focuses on business and technology. Peter Henry is the dean at NYU’s Stern. Henry tells the Financial Times that the one-year format matches the employment model of tech employers since tech companies often hire on an ad-hoc basis due to the industry’s imminent pace of change."
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry is profiled by his alma mater

Carolina Alumni Review logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Carolina Alumni Review -- "Somehow, we've forgotten that trade, capital flows and immigration are the keys to driving greater shared prosperity -- whether you're in Akron, Ohio, or Accra, Ghana. We need more of those things, not less. I want to get back to advocating for that, and I feel like the best way for me to do that is through my research and teaching -- engaging with students, scholars and even the broader public. Thanks to technology, the classroom's now the world, and the possibilities are endless."
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig is interviewed about Meredith Corp.'s acquisition of Time Inc.

Excerpt from the Des Moines Register -- "'I think they basically flew under the radar,' said Craig, NYU's Catherine and Peter Kellner Professor of Entrepreneurship and Arts and Media Management. 'If you ask people who publishes Better Homes and Gardens, they would say, "I don’t know."' He expects that all to change now that the Des Moines-based Meredith has acquired industry giant Time Inc. 'I d­­­o think this catapults Meredith to the front of the line,' Craig said."
Research Center Events

NET Institute Conference on Network Economics

Street view of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
Distinguished academics from around the world will convene to share their research in the rapidly evolving field of network economics at the 2017 NET Institute Conference, held in partnership with NYU Stern’s Center for Global Economy and Business.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Langone Speaker Series: Innovators & Entrepreneurs, Featuring Jeffrey & Meika Hollender

Jeffrey Hollender, Co-Founder and former CEO of Seventh Generation, and Meika Hollender (MBA ’13) Co-Founder and Co-CEO of Sustain Natural, will join MBA students and alumni for a 2017-18 Speaker Series Event.
School News

Stern's increase in tech recruitment and one-year Tech MBA degree are highlighted

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Amazon hired more Stern graduates in the Class of 2017 than any other company, marking the first time that a technology company topped the list of leading employers. In the past five years, technology placements have more than doubled, and they jumped almost 7 percentage points in the past year alone. Stern also last spring announced the launch of a new specialized one-year Tech MBA program and is currently accepting applications for its inaugural class."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack comments on the risk associated with investing in bitcoin

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "I think people who own these things have a certain appetite for risk...What you're talking about with digital currencies is much more idiosyncratic risk which is unique to the asset but not tied to the overall economy."
Faculty News

Professor Susan Stehlik explains why companies need to start rebuilding trust with their workers regarding sexual harassment in the workplace

NY1 News logo
Excerpt from NY1 -- "Most of these companies have policies in place and if it gets that outrageous that they have to fire people in 24 hours, then I have to question whether those policies are working. ... Companies need to start rebuilding trust with their workforce and if they have a policy in place and someone's complaining, they're supposed to do an investigation, they're supposed to get back to the person who's accusing and they're supposed to get back to the person who's been accused."
Faculty News

Professor Eli Bartov's joint research on the impact of late SEC filings is featured

CFO Magazine logo
Excerpt from CFO -- "Companies’ share prices plummet when they file Form NT ('non-timely'), despite stated expectations to meet their deadlines, according to a paper published by professors Eli Bartov of New York University and Yaniv Konchitchki of the University of California at Berkeley in the December issue of the American Accounting Association’s journal Accounting Horizons."