Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein (MBA '87) on Warren Buffett

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'Mr. Buffett is a very shrewd investor and is not altruistic at all. The terms he gets are very favorable to him,' said Richard Bernstein."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence is highlighted for winning the Nobel Prize in 2001

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua News -- "Stiglitz was awarded the Nobel Economics Prize in 2001 together with George Akerlof and Michael Spence for their analyses of markets with asymmetric information."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Engle on the need for additional stimulus

Excerpt from NASDAQ -- "Robert Engle, who was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in economics, said Friday that the U.S. 'hasn't learned the lessons of 1929,' and that the U.S. economy needs more short-term stimulus to recover."
School News

Undergraduate student Scott Gamm offers financial advice to college students

NBC logo
Excerpt from NBC -- "Start putting 15 or $20 a month into that Roth IRA retirement account. You'll benefit from the compounding interest and watch your money grow."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Sargent is highlighted for co-founding "Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium"

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Robert Lucas ... and Chicago colleagues, along with others such as Edward Prescott and Thomas Sargent, are the founders of the programme known as 'dynamic stochastic general equilibrium' (DSGE), which dominates teaching and research in macroeconomics."
Faculty News

Prof. Ralph Gomory on China's economic growth

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Or to echo Ralph Gomory, former president of the Sloan Foundation and head scientist at IBM, America's response to the Chinese challenge requires an alignment of the interests of its companies with the interest of the country."  Additional coverage appeared on NewDeal20.org.
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on the success of Barclays's M&A team

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'The real question is, despite their early apparent success maintaining the client relationships they had, are they going to be able to hang on to all that?' Smith said."  Additional coverage appeared on CNBC.
Faculty News

Prof. Daniel Altman's research on the benefits of social investments is featured

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "In their recent paper The Single Bottom Line, Altman and Berman argue that companies need to evaluate their social and environmental efforts in terms of their impact on the classic, single bottom line – profit."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini predicts a third round of Fed quantitative easing

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "A third round of quantitative easing by the Federal Reserve is coming by year end, influential economist Nouriel Roubini told CNBC Thursday."  Additional coverage appeared in Forbes, Business Insider, Creditwritedowns.com, Forex news Now, First Post and Toronto Star.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence will serve on the academic board of the Fung Global Institute

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "A. Michael Spence, the winner in 2001 of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science and the former dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Business in California, will be the chairman of the academic board."  Additional coverage appeared in The Standard, Associated Press, Financial Times blog, BusinessDay and more than 50 additional outlets.
Press Releases

New NYU Stern Study Explains Why People in Power Don’t Take Advice

Incorporating advice from others can improve decision making, yet all too often, powerful people ignore it, according to new research from NYU Stern Management Professors Kelly E. See and Elizabeth W. Morrison, along with co-authors Naomi B. Rothman of Lehigh University and Jack B. Soll of Duke University.
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran is featured for co-creating an app, uValue

Excerpt from States News Service -- "Tuck valuation expert Anant Sundaram has collaborated with Stern school’s Aswath Damodaran to create a new valuation app called uValue for all levels of investors."
Faculty News

Profs Kelly See and Elizabeth Morrison's research on people in power is featured

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- “'Once you’re in a position of power, it tends to make you more confident in your decisions,' explains See."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Steve Jobs's resignation as CEO of Apple Inc.

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Eugene Munster, analyst at Piper Jaffray Cos., Scott Galloway, professor at New York University, Alan Deutschman, a professor at the University of Nevada, Reno, and Om Malik, founder of the technology blog GigaOM, talk about Steve Jobs's resignation as chief executive officer of Apple Inc." Additional coverage appeared on Bloomberg TV and two Washington Post pieces.
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Jung's study, on how access to corporate management benefits investors, is featured

Excerpt from Forbes -- "We examine whether investors benefit from 'selective access' to corporate managers, which we define as the opportunity for investors to meet privately with management in individual or small-group settings."
Faculty News

Prof. David Poltrack on TV's summer programming

USA Today logo
Excerpt from USA Today -- "For them, 'producing original scripted content for the summer doesn't work out on the bottom line,' says CBS research chief David Poltrack."
Faculty News

An interview with Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the US economic leadership

Council on Foreign Relations blog logo
Excerpt from the Council on Foreign Relations -- "The Fed is doing what it can--and that is mainly not to do anything to damage a fragile return to economic health."
Faculty News

A presentation by Prof. Paul Zarowin on earnings per share (EPS) is referenced

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "For more detail, check out this presentation by Paul Zarowin, a Professor of Accounting at the Stern School of Business, New York University."
Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein (MBA '87) shares his market predictions

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "And with the Dow coming off its best gain in two weeks, we'll be speaking with investment strategist Richard Bernstein about his S&P target for the end of the year and what he expects from Fed Chief Ben Bernanke on Friday."  Additional coverage appeared on CNBC and Seeking Alpha.
Faculty News

An interview with Prof. Viral Acharya on the downsides of mortgage tax breaks

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "The biggest effect of removal of subsidies is going to be that people will buy the houses they can afford."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on investing in gold

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'Since gold has no intrinsic value,' says Dr.Doom, 'there are significant risks of a downward correction.'"  Additional coverage appeared in two TheNational pieces, MetalMiner, two Seeking Alpha pieces, Moneyweek, Financial Times Alphaville, GoldSeek, Business Insider, BusinessSpectator and New York Observer.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway's Digital IQ ranking of specialty retailers is featured

Excerpt from Woman's Wear Daily -- “‘To be at the top of the pack, you have to make investments in social and mobile. You have to be at the forefront of digital investments,’ Galloway said.”  Additional coverage appeared in Daily Markets, TheNextWeb.com, Cincinnati Business Courier, Warc.com, BrandChannel and The Columbus Dispatch.
Faculty News

Prof. Batia Wiesenfeld's research on fair management is referenced

Excerpt from SmartCompany -- "The story by, well a lot of people, which came from New York University's Stern School of Business, says it all: Why fair bosses fall behind."
Faculty News

Marti Subrahmanyam will retire from the Infosys board

Excerpt from MSN India -- "IT major Infosys announced that in accordance with the retirement policy in place its Lead Independent Director Marti G Subrahmanyam will retire from the board today."  Additional coverage appeared on Moneycontrol.com, IBNLive, CIOL and EFYTimes.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Anthony Karydakis on the manufacturing sector

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'The manufacturing sector was one of the most consistent pockets of strength in this recovery and all of a sudden it seems to be taking a very severe beating that goes beyond the supply chain disruptions related to the Japan earthquake,' said Anthony Karydakis."