School News

Undergraduate student Leticia Murakami is featured for helping with Irene clean-up in Prospect Park

Excerpt from The Epoch Times -- "Leticia Murakami, an incoming freshman to New York University's Stern School of Business, assists in storm clean up in Prospect Park in Brooklyn on Tuesday as part of volunteer efforts that are part of the orientation."
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy on Verizon's employee benefits

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'The notion that workers won't pay more for healthcare is almost certainly lost,' said Professor Joseph Foudy of New York University's Stern School of Business."  Additional coverage appeared in NewsDaily and
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Sargent's views on economic policy are referenced

Excerpt from The Scotsman -- "The remedy for the fears afflicting business and consumer confidence, he argues in a posting on his website, is the kind of regime change US economist Thomas Sargent identified 30 years ago."
Faculty News

Member of the NYU Stern Executive Board and Prof. Richard Bernstein (MBA '87) is quoted

Excerpt from TimesLive -- "'Too bad the government didn't do the same with TARP. Taxpayers got ripped off in comparison to the terms Buffett got,' Bernstein said." Additional coverage appeared in The Monterey County Herald.
Faculty News

Prof. Charles Warner on the FCC's Fairness Doctrine

Excerpt from ShellyPalmer -- "The FCC announced last week that it is throwing out the Fairness Doctrine along with 80 other rules it considers 'outdated and obsolete.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Avi Giloni is highlighted as an associate director at Yeshiva University's business school

Excerpt from The Observer (Yeshiva University) -- "Positive changes have been made to the leadership team of YU's business school, with the appointment of a new director, Dr. Moses Pava, along with two new associate directors, Professor Michael Strauss, and Dr. Avi Giloni."
Faculty News

Dean of the Undergraduate College, Vice Dean and Prof. Geeta Menon is featured

Excerpt from the Washington Square News -- "Geeta Menon has been at NYU for 21 years, having taught at the university as a professor of marketing. She now will replace Frederick Choi as the new undergraduate dean of the Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Amity Shlaes questions the premise behind labor unions

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "But let's question the premise behind the push. For although unions may be good for a worker, singular, they are not always good for workers, plural."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on Warren Buffett's investment in BoA Merrill Lynch

Excerpt from FinanceAsia -- “'Rather than buy and hold under-valued companies, which is what he used to do, he focuses on companies that have lost credibility and he sells them his credibility at a hefty price,' said NYU Stern finance professor Aswath Damodaran."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on economic growth rates

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle -- "Only five economies -- Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore -- have moved from middle-income nations to developed country status while maintaining relatively high growth rates, according to Nobel laureate Michael Spence."
Faculty News

Prof. Eric Schoenberg shares his views on higher taxes for the wealthy

Excerpt from Sun-Sentinel -- " ... many wealthy liberals are willing to pay more taxes. Examples include investment banker Eric Schoenberg, who said, 'I'm in favor of higher taxes on people like me.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Robert Gordon black-swan financial strategies

Excerpt from Investment News -- "Aware of the difficulty of making money in the recent/current market storm, some managers have employed black-swan financial strategies — which attempt to protect against statistically possible but highly unlikely events."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the chance of a global recession

Excerpt from Albawaba -- "The global economy has a 50-percent chance of slipping into recession as Europe and the United States struggle to grow, according to Nobel laureate Michael Spence." Additional coverage appeared in Business Standard.
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer's theory behind ideas is referenced

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "The latter theories being underpinned by Paul Romer’s reflection on the fact that ideas are fundamentally non rival."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's book, "The Little Book of Valuation," is featured

Excerpt from Moneylife -- "Aswath Damodaran is the undisputed guru of this difficult art of valuing companies, listed and unlisted."
Faculty News

Prof. Anthony Lynch's research on the magnitude of liquidity premia is featured

Excerpt from Investment Weekly News -- "When we allow returns to be predictable and introduce wealth shocks calibrated to labor income, transaction costs are able to produce per-annum liquidity premia that are the same order of magnitude as the transaction cost spread."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini says the US is headed toward a recession

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'The reality is that we are headed toward a recession and we are running out of policy bullets,' Roubini told CNBC in an interview."  Additional coverage appeared in Forbes, Livemint,, Barron's, NASDAQ, Forex News Now, GulfNews and Forexdice.
Faculty News

Prof. Alexi Savov on emerging markets

CNNMoney logo
Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "'In the emerging markets, the risk is overheating,' says Alexi Savov, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya on the new capital requirements for global banks

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- “There isn’t going to be an easy political consensus on injecting capital into the banking sector.” Additional coverage appeared in GulfNews.
Faculty News

In an interview, Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence discusses the outlook for the global economy

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Nobel laureate Michael Spence spoke yesterday in Hong Kong with Bloomberg's Robyn Meredith about the outlook for the global economy." Additional coverage appeared in The Washington Post, two Bloomberg pieces, CityWire, two San Francisco Chronicle pieces, Market Oracle and
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Jeffrey Kaplan discusses 20 years of compliance programs

Excerpt from Corporate Compliance Insights -- "Nov. 1 will mark the 20th anniversary of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines for Organizations, and of the expectations that they created concerning compliance and ethics programs."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's data, indicating corporate taxes vary by sector, is highlighted

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle -- "Aswath Damodaran, Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University, calculated the average tax rate of various business sectors using public financial statements." Additional coverage appeared in FInancial Edge.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Robert Engle on Ben Bernanke's plans for US fiscal policy

Excerpt from Business Recorder -- "I don't think there's much he can do about it. We need fiscal stimulus and monetary policy has done as much as it could do."
Faculty News

Research on systemic risk by NYU Stern faculty is cited

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from -- "A useful review of such strategies is provided by Acharya et al (2009); the IMF (2010) highlights the importance of recognising tail risk in financial stability analysis."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on how the level of government activity affects markets

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "This week, we looked at the so-called Congressional Effect, the phenomenon whereby stocks rise more when Congress is out of session. The data underlying that effect suggest that active government chills markets."