Faculty News
Professor Arun Sundararajan stresses the importance of nurturing the sharing economy

Excerpt from Marketplace -- "A lot of the innovation that we're seeing with what are called the sharing economy platforms - be it Uber or AirBnB or Etsy or Instacart - rests on the fact that they have invented a new way of organizing economic activity and we want to nurture that. We want to protect labor, of course, but we don't want to do it by pulling these companies back to 20th century employment models."
Faculty News

Excerpt from Marketplace -- "A lot of the innovation that we're seeing with what are called the sharing economy platforms - be it Uber or AirBnB or Etsy or Instacart - rests on the fact that they have invented a new way of organizing economic activity and we want to nurture that. We want to protect labor, of course, but we don't want to do it by pulling these companies back to 20th century employment models."