Grant Materials 

How to Apply

To apply for a grant, please email Jonathan Robidoux ( with the following information:

  • One-page proposal describing
    • The research project including a full list of co-authors. Please be as detailed and specific as possible (within the space constraints, of course!)
    • How the grant funds would contribute to the research
    • research group from which funding support is sought
  • Budget including
    • Total cost of project
    • Amount of funding sought from CGEB
    • Contributions from STARS and other sources
    • Details of the planned use of funds
    • For requests seeking funding for data purchases, please complete this formAlso, please check the CRC Research Datasets page to make sure the dataset isn't already available at Stern.
    • Vendor invoices (if applicable)
  • Current CV
  • List of CGEB grants received in the last 2 years (by any of the co-authors) describing, for each previously funded project,
    • Connection to the current project (if applicable)
    • Current status (Published/Under revision/Submitted/Working paper...)
  • Place the words "Center Grant Application" in the email subject line

The Review Committee may reach out to applicants for additional information.

Applications are typically reviewed twice a year. The Spring 2025 deadline for submitting grant applications is Sunday, April 6, 2025.

Grant Guidelines

To aid in formulating grant requests, Center coordinators have applied the following rules of thumb in assessing past applications:

  • Successful applications must demonstrate "skin in the game" (i.e. STARS participation).
  • Funding is available for data acquisition and for fieldwork travel. Data acquisition costs should be carefully documented in the application. Where data will be acquired from an external vendor, the application should include a statement of cost from the vendor. 
  • RA support will be capped ($7,500). Higher requests require much more detailed justification and documentation.
  • Travel funding to work with co-authors is capped ($500 for domestic airfare; $1,000 for international airfare; plus $100 per diem up to 15 days).
  • Cap of $5,000 for co-sponsorship of conferences not organized directly by the Center.
  • No funding for: travel to conferences, equipment investment, or RAs outside of NYU.
  • The Center does not reimburse outlays made prior to the award of a grant.
  • All else equal, preference will be given to applications from junior faculty and new applicants. In addition, there is a bias against funding more than one project per applicant per cycle.
  • Applicants who have received previous Center grants should include documentation describing the current status (e.g. published output and expenditures) of their earlier project(s).
  • If a faculty member submits a grant proposal and a PhD student submits a proposal to co-author with that faculty member, the Center will prioritize the joint project involving the PhD student.

These guidelines are not intended to be comprehensive and are subject to change. 

Reflecting the Center's limited resources, successful applicants should expect that grants will meet only part of their request.

Grant Conditions

Acceptance of a Center research grant indicates agreement to the following conditions:

  • The details of the grant will be announced on the Center's website.
  • Any working papers or other research product of the project will be submitted in a timely way to the Center for posting on its website.
  • Evidence (e.g. receipts) of how the funds have been spent will be submitted to the Center as soon as possible, but no later than six months following the grant (unless otherwise specified).
  • Within six months (unless otherwise specified), the grantee will submit a brief research note (e.g. several paragraphs) that documents research progress for posting on the Center website.
  • Any data purchased or created with Center grant funds will be made available to all Stern faculty and Ph.D. students, subject to vendor restrictions.
  • Use of these grant resources is subject to any rules or restrictions on research funds, including COVID-19 actions, that are imposed by NYU Stern or by the University. This includes, but is not limited to, possible restrictions on travel or on the timing of spending.