IIM Calcutta-NYU Stern
India Research Conference
The Financial Research and Trading Laboratory, IIM Calcutta
Center for Global Economy and Business, NYU Stern
October 11, 2019
Program Summary
11:00 |
Registration and Box Lunch |
12:00 |
Welcome and Introductory Remarks
Mor Armony, Vice Dean of Faculty, NYU Stern School of Business
Kose John, NYU Stern School of Business |
12:15 |
Research Paper Session I
Chair: David Yermack, New York University Stern School of Business
Unearthing Zombies: Regulatory Intervention to Aid Legal Reform
Nirupama Kulkarni, Centre for Advanced Financial Research and Learning
S. K. Ritadhi, Reserve Bank of India
Siddharth Vij, University of Georgia Terry College of Business
Katherine Waldock, Georgetown University McDonough School of Business
Discussant: Manpreet Singh, Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business
When Do Regulatory Interventions Work?
Nidhi Aggarwal, Indian Institute of Management, Udaipur
Venkatesh Panchapagasan, Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore
Susan Thomas, Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research, Bombay
Discussant: Yakov Amihud, New York University Stern School of Business
Does Big 4 Audit Quality Improve after a Failed Audit or is it Business as Usual? PWC-India Audit Quality before and after Satyam Revelation
Sudhir Jaiswall, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta
K. K. Raman, University of Texas at San Antonio
Discussant: Bharat Sarath, Rutgers Business School |
2:00 |
Refreshment Break I |
2:15 |
Research Paper Session II
Chair: Jennifer Carpenter, New York University Stern School of Business
Shocks and Technology Adoption: Evidence from Electronic Payment Systems
Nicolas Crouzet, Northwestern University
Apoorv Gupta, Northwestern University
Filippo Mezzanotti, Northwestern University
Discussant: Sabrina Howell, New York University Stern School of Business
The Relationship Dilemma: Organizational Culture and the Adoption of Credit Scoring Technology in Indian Banking
Prachi Mishra, Goldman Sachs, Mumbai
Nagpurnanand R. Prabhala, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Raghu G. Rajan, University of Chicago Booth School of Business
Discussant: Yesha Yadav, Vanderbilt Law School |
3:25 |
Panel on "India Today"
Chair: Kose John, New York University Stern School of Business
Viral Acharya, New York University Stern School of Business
Nagpurnanand R. Prabhala, Johns Hopkins Carey Business School
Pradeep Yadav, University of Oklahoma Price College of Business |
4:15 |
Refreshment Break II |
4:30 |
Keynote Speech
Paul Romer, Nobel Laureate and University Professor of Economics at NYU
How Did We Get Here? Where Are We Going? The Economics and Geo-Politics of the World Today and What's Possible Tomorrow
Introduction by Peter Henry, New York University Stern School of Business |
5:30 |
Closing Remarks
Ashok Banerjee, India Institute of Management Calcutta |
5:40 |
Reception |