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Business & Society Program | Postdoctoral Fellow

Zoe Jonassen

Dr. Zoe Jonassen

Dr. Zoe Jonassen joined the New York University (NYU) Stern School of Business as a postdoctoral fellow at the Business and Society Program in December 2021. 

What drives her passion for research is to understand the underlying emotional and motivational mechanisms influencing innovation and learning in teams. She is particularly interested in how digital innovations including AI-based tools can be integrated into teams' work practices to enhance motivation and productivity. 

For her research at NYU, Dr. Jonassen received a grant by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF). In collaboration with a team of researchers and a large healthcare organization in New York, she currently studies the emotive and motivational underpinnings of human-AI collaborations. 

Dr. Jonassen has published in the Journal of Management Studies. Prior to joining NYU, she completed her PhD on the role of emotions and beliefs in collaborative innovation at the Chair of Strategic Management and Innovation at ETH Zurich in Switzerland. During her PhD, she co-led a study on more than 100 startup teams and led a large qualitative study in collaboration with a large pharmaceutical company. As part of her previous engagements, Dr. Jonassen worked at the Center for Creative Leadership in San Diego, California and was part of the staff of the president at ETH Zurich. 

Research Interests 

  • Emotion and motivation 
  • Team learning 
  • Collaborative innovation 
  • Artificial intelligence and the future of work

Courses Taught 

  • Management Research (master level)
  • Academic Writing (PhD level)
  • Entrepreneurial Learning: Theory, Practice, and Play (MBA level)

Academic Background 
Doctor of Science (2017-2021) 
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) (Zurich, Switzerland) 

M.A. Social and Organizational Psychology (2015-2016) 
London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (London, United Kingdom) 

B.A. Psychology (2011-2015) 
University of Konstanz (Konstanz, Germany)