Recent Publications
Please click on a faculty members' link to jump to their publications.
Christine Cuny
Eli Bartov
Mary Billings
Stephen Ryan
Yiwei Dou
Ilan Guttman
Baruch Lev
Alex Dontoh
Joshua Ronen
- “When Transparency Pays: The Moderating Effect of Reporting Quality on Changes in the Cost of Debt”, (with Svenja Dube) Best Paper, 2017 Municipal Finance Conference
- "Overbidding in Mergers and Acquisitions: An Accounting Perspective", American Accounting Association (2020)
- "Can Twitter Help Predict Firm-Level Earnings and Stock Returns?," The Accounting Review - Forthcoming, July 2018, Eli Bartov, Lucile Faurel and Partha Mohanram (2017)
- “Corporate Social Responsibility and the Market Reaction to Negative Events: Evidence from Inadvertent and Fraudulent Restatement Announcements”," The Accounting Review
- "On guidance and volatility", M.B. Billings, R. Jennings, and B. Lev (2015), Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming
- "Strategic silence, insider selling and litigation risk", M.B. Billings and M. Cedergren (2015), Journal of Accounting and Economics 59: 119-142
- "When does pre-IPO financial reporting trigger post-IPO legal consequences?",M.B. Billings and M.F. Lewis (2015), Contemporary Accounting Research, forthcoming,
- "Conditionally Conservative Fair Value Measurements", Badia, M., M. Duro, F. Penalva and S. Ryan (2017)
- "Borrower Private Information Covenants and Loan Contract Monitoring", Carrizosa, R., and S. Ryan (2017)
- "The Effects of Credit Competition on Banks’ Loan Loss Provisions", Dou, Y., S. Ryan, and Y. Zou (2017)
- "Do the Effects of Accounting Requirements on Banks’ Regulatory Capital Adequacy Undermine Financial Stability?", Ryan, S. (2017)
- "Securitization and Insider Trading", Ryan, S., J. Tucker, and Y. Zhou (2016)
- "Banks' Financial Reporting and Financial System Stability", Acharya, V., and S. Ryan (2016)
- "Employee Ownership and Firm Disclosure", Francesco Bova, Yiwei Dou, and Ole-Kristian Hope (2015)
- "Individual Large Shareholders, Earnings Management, and Capital Market Consequences", Yiwei Dou, Ole-Kristian Hope, Wayne Thomas, and Youli Zou (2016)
- "Accounting Conservatism and Performance Covenants: A Signaling Approach", Jeffrey Callen, Feng Chen, Yiwei Dou, and Baohua Xin (2016)
- "Labor Unemployment Insurance and Earnings Management", Yiwei Dou, Mozaffar Khan, and Youli Zou (2016)
- "Corruption in Bank Lending: The Role of Timely Loan Loss Recognition", Brian Akins, Yiwei Dou, and Jeffrey Ng (2017)
- "The Effect of Credit Competition on Banks' Loan Loss Provisions", Yiwei Dou, Stephen Ryan, and Youli Zou (2017)
- "Blockholder Exit Threats and Financial Reporting Quality", Yiwei Dou, Ole-Kristian Hope, Wayne Thomas, and Youli Zou (2017)
- "Public Disclosure and Consumer Financial Protection", Yiwei Dou, Yongoh Roh (2020)
- “Strategic Timing of IPOs and Disclosure: A Dynamic Model of Multiple Firms”, The Accounting Review (2021)
- “The Effect of Voluntary Disclosure on Investment Inefficiency”, Ilan Guttman, Xiaojing Meng," The Accounting Review (2021)
- "All Losses Are Not Alike: Real versus Accounting-Driven Reported Losses", SSRN (2021)
- “The Effect of Voluntary Disclosure on Investment Inefficiency”,Demers, Elizabeth and Hendrikse, Jurian and Joos, Philip and Lev, Baruch (2020)," Journal of Business Finance & Accounting
- “Unfair 'Fair Value' in Illiquid Markets: Information Spillover Effects in Times of Crisis”, Alex Dontoh , Fayez A. Elayan , Joshua Ronen , Tavy Ronen (2020)," Management Science
- “Unfair 'Fair Value' in Illiquid Markets: Information Spillover Effects in Times of Crisis”, Alex Dontoh , Fayez A. Elayan , Joshua Ronen , Tavy Ronen (2020)," Management Science