Hear more from our recent graduates

Kelly Yuen Headshot

Kelly Yuen, Tech MBA 2022

“While studying user experience design and entrepreneurship as an undergraduate at the University of Michigan, I became captivated by the intersection of people and technology. I have since been able to explore and pursue this passion..."

Kimberly Chew

Kimberly Chew, Luxury & Retail MBA 2020

“I have worked and lived in cities like London, Hong Kong and Singapore - but New York was always the dream. When I decided to pursue my MBA, the Luxury & Retail MBA program was a natural fit, given..."

Jenny Rice

Jenny Rice, Luxury & Retail MBA 2023

“Throughout my time at Stern, I embarked on a journey to expand my expertise beyond the realm of small to medium-sized businesses in the retail industry. My initial understanding of retail was rooted in the context of smaller enterprises..."

Gal Caspi Headshot

Gal Caspi, Tech MBA 2022

“Technology is integrated into every facet of life, from the way we receive our news to monitoring our health to connecting with our loved ones. My fascination with technology started at a very young age..."

PJ Folino headshot

PJ Folino, Tech MBA 2020

“Public service in any form has always been important to me. After serving as an engineer in the U.S. Coast Guard for 9 years, I wanted to find an MBA program that would help me understand how to..."

Aafiya Jamal

Aafiya Jamal, Tech MBA 2023

"Reflecting back on my career, I am amazed by the unique evolution it has undergone. While I have always had an interest in solving ambiguous and complex challenges in the financial services industry, my journey..."

Shivam Patel

Shivam Patel, Tech MBA 2023

“Growing up during the early 2000s, I was immersed in a world driven by technology. My passion for technology deepened when I joined Capgemini as a consultant. I had the privilege of harnessing technology to tackle intricate challenges..."

Neeharika Tummala Headshot

Neeharika Tummala, Tech MBA 2022

“I was a Product Manager before Stern and wanted to stay in Product after. I was often asked by my peers "Why are you doing this MBA, if you are already doing what you want to do?". In the words of..."

Danielle Zhu headshot

Danielle Zhu, Luxury & Retail MBA 2020

“Before joining Stern, I worked in FinTech as a product manager at Goldman Sachs. Though tech and fashion are historically opposite worlds, the luxury fashion industry has seen a massive shift toward digital..."

Lisa Gehring Headshot

Lisa Gehring, Luxury & Retail MBA 2020

“Prior to Stern, I spent five years in the advertising industry building 360-degree brand and product launch campaigns. It was my dream job to work at an advertising agency after undergrad, but I wanted to further my..."

Alex Van Dorn Headshot

Alex Van Dorn, Tech MBA 2022

“Prior to stern, I held various roles working in transportation and consumer electronics as an electrical engineer. Most recently, I was lucky enough to bump into some folks at a company called Cruise and got heavily involved in launching driverless vehicle programs..."

Samyak Jain Headshot

Samyak Jain, Luxury & Retail MBA 2022

"Having spent 8 years of my career as an Art Director and wanting to move into the fashion e-commerce industry, I knew I needed to make three strong pivots:Industry, Function, & Geography. The Luxury & Retail MBA was the only program that..."

Alex Mical

Alex Mical, Tech MBA 2020

"I believe in the power of fulfillment. I believe those at the forefront of changing lives and improving the status quo are there because they are lit with passion, but sustained by something greater. And I believe the only way to move forward..."

Catalina Grillo headshot

Catalina Grillo, Tech MBA 2020

“Early on, there was a seed planted in my mind about the ‘randomness’ of widespread social and economic disadvantage. This was apparent in my own country of Argentina, and I came to the realization that..."

Maria Fernanda Zuleta

Maria Fernanda Zuleta, Tech MBA 2020

“I am currently working at Numerator, a company I love, in an industry I am passionate about, and doing exactly what I always wanted to do. However, two years ago, I would not have been able to..."

Scot Dalbery - 2023 FOCUSED Orientation

Scot Dalbery, Tech MBA 2022

“From the moment I decided to pursue my MBA, I knew that I had to go somewhere where my differences would be embraced and empowered. On paper I didn't feel like I fit the mold of an "MBA Student"..."