Impact the Student Experience
With over 40 professional, affinity, and special interest clubs, we will work with your company to identify an opportunity to engage with our MBA students.

MBA Professional Club Conferences
Partner with first and second-year students through day-long events during which global business leaders share their perspectives on current issues and trends in the marketplace.

MBA Affinity Clubs
Partner with clubs, such as the Stern Women in Business and the Association of Hispanic and Black Business Students, to organize conferences, workshops, panels, networking events, treks and other events that provide opportunities to meet potential candidates from around the world.

Lunch & Learns
These lunchtime sessions are the ideal setting for speakers or panelists of all professional levels to present industry-related topics in a casual environment.

Case Interview Workshops
Help students prepare for case-based interviews by sending company representatives to campus to discuss key frameworks, models and tips for success.

Coffee Chats
Typically held on campus, these informal sessions enable company representatives to speak with students, pass out literature or simply make introductions.

Undergraduate Student Engagement
Looking to engage with undergraduate students? Connect with the UCOSE team to learn about on-campus speaking opportunities, career programming, and the undergraduate club conferences.