Tina Wu
- Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow

Link to CV
I am a Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Management & Organizations at NYU's Stern School of Business. I earned my PhD in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, where I was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. I earned my BA in Literature and Sociology (double major), magna cum laude, from Yale University.
I am a sociologist of work and organizations, and an ethnographer and medical sociologist focused on organizational theory, technology, and intersectional social inequalities based upon race and ethnicity, gender, and social class. The contexts of my research are front-line healthcare service delivery, service sector work, and care work. I have published peer-reviewed research on technology and its impact on service sector managerial relationships, meaning-making in work and personal identity, and social class, culture, and mobility. My latest projects focus on organizational culture and control of a distributed workforce in home health care for the elderly and/or disabled, and a systematic review of research on race & ethnicity and systemic racism in research on management and organizations. My methods are primarily qualitative (e.g. in-depth observations and interviews) but I am also experienced in quantitative approaches (e.g. statistical analysis of nationally representative healthcare data).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Wu, T. (2020). From Timesheets to Tablets: Documentation Technology in Frontline Service Sector Managers’ Coordination of Home Health Care Services. Work & Occupations, 47 (3): 378–405.
Curl, H., Lareau, A., & Wu, T. (2018). Cultural Conflict: The Implications of Changing Dispositions Among the Upwardly Mobile. Sociological Forum, 33 (4): 877-899.
Wu, T. (2016). More Than a Paycheck: Nannies, Work and Identity. Citizenship Studies, 20 (3-4): 295-310.
Reprinted in M. Paret & S. Gleeson. (Eds.) (2017). Building Citizenship from Below: Precarity, Migration, and Agency (1st edition) S.I.: Routledge.
Lens, V., Augsberger, A., Hughes, A., & Wu, T. (2013). Choreographing Justice: Administrative Law Judges and the Management of Welfare Disputes. Journal of Law and Society, 40 (2): 199–227.
Book Chapter
Wu, T. (2019). Gender, Race, and Migration in the Context of Care Work. In J. Brooks, H. Sarabia, & A. Kimura. (Eds.), Race and Ethnicity: Moving from the Sociological Imagination to Sociological Mindfulness. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing
I am fortunate to have a wide range of teaching experiences, including working with traditional undergraduates in the Liberal Arts and in Business, graduate and professional students, non-traditional adult learners, and firstgeneration college goers. I have taught and mentored high school students in public schools in West Philadelphia and Philadelphia's Chinatown, and I have lectured MBA candidates at NYU Stern. Throughout my diverse teaching experiences, I consistently emphasize critical thinking, and C. Wright Mills's "sociological imagination" approach to situating personal problems in broader social context.
Selected Teaching & Mentoring Experience
New York University Stern School of Business
Drexel University
University of Pennsylvania
Link to CV
About Me
I am a Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Management & Organizations at NYU's Stern School of Business. I earned my PhD in Sociology from the University of Pennsylvania, where I was a National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellow. I earned my BA in Literature and Sociology (double major), magna cum laude, from Yale University. I am a sociologist of work and organizations, and an ethnographer and medical sociologist focused on organizational theory, technology, and intersectional social inequalities based upon race and ethnicity, gender, and social class. The contexts of my research are front-line healthcare service delivery, service sector work, and care work. I have published peer-reviewed research on technology and its impact on service sector managerial relationships, meaning-making in work and personal identity, and social class, culture, and mobility. My latest projects focus on organizational culture and control of a distributed workforce in home health care for the elderly and/or disabled, and a systematic review of research on race & ethnicity and systemic racism in research on management and organizations. My methods are primarily qualitative (e.g. in-depth observations and interviews) but I am also experienced in quantitative approaches (e.g. statistical analysis of nationally representative healthcare data).
Peer-Reviewed Articles
Wu, T. (2020). From Timesheets to Tablets: Documentation Technology in Frontline Service Sector Managers’ Coordination of Home Health Care Services. Work & Occupations, 47 (3): 378–405.
Curl, H., Lareau, A., & Wu, T. (2018). Cultural Conflict: The Implications of Changing Dispositions Among the Upwardly Mobile. Sociological Forum, 33 (4): 877-899.
Wu, T. (2016). More Than a Paycheck: Nannies, Work and Identity. Citizenship Studies, 20 (3-4): 295-310.
Reprinted in M. Paret & S. Gleeson. (Eds.) (2017). Building Citizenship from Below: Precarity, Migration, and Agency (1st edition) S.I.: Routledge.
Lens, V., Augsberger, A., Hughes, A., & Wu, T. (2013). Choreographing Justice: Administrative Law Judges and the Management of Welfare Disputes. Journal of Law and Society, 40 (2): 199–227.
Book Chapter
Wu, T. (2019). Gender, Race, and Migration in the Context of Care Work. In J. Brooks, H. Sarabia, & A. Kimura. (Eds.), Race and Ethnicity: Moving from the Sociological Imagination to Sociological Mindfulness. San Diego, CA: Cognella Academic Publishing
I am fortunate to have a wide range of teaching experiences, including working with traditional undergraduates in the Liberal Arts and in Business, graduate and professional students, non-traditional adult learners, and firstgeneration college goers. I have taught and mentored high school students in public schools in West Philadelphia and Philadelphia's Chinatown, and I have lectured MBA candidates at NYU Stern. Throughout my diverse teaching experiences, I consistently emphasize critical thinking, and C. Wright Mills's "sociological imagination" approach to situating personal problems in broader social context.Selected Teaching & Mentoring Experience
New York University Stern School of Business
Management and Organizations, Instructor, Core undergraduate course, Fall 2019
shared course curriculum, sole-instructor
shared course curriculum, sole-instructor
Drexel University
Sociology of Health and Illness, Instructor, Undergraduate elective, Winter 2017
independently developed course curriculum, sole-instructor
independently developed course curriculum, sole-instructor
University of Pennsylvania
Good Jobs, Bad Jobs, Instructor, Freshman writing seminar, Fall 2016
shared course curriculum, sole-instructor
Social Stratification, Instructor, Undergraduate elective, Summer 2016
independently developed course curriculum, sole-instructor
Introduction to Sociology, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate core, Spring 2013
Social Statistics, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate core, Fall 2012
shared course curriculum, sole-instructor
Social Stratification, Instructor, Undergraduate elective, Summer 2016
independently developed course curriculum, sole-instructor
Introduction to Sociology, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate core, Spring 2013
Social Statistics, Teaching Assistant, Undergraduate core, Fall 2012