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Kirsten LePage, Luxury & Retail MBA 2024

*NYU Stern's Fashion & Luxury MBA program was renamed to the Luxury & Retail MBA program.*

Kirsten LePage
  • Pronouns
  • Hometown
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
  • Undergraduate
    University of Alberta - Finance
  • Pre-MBA Employer
    Finance (Goldman Sachs)
  • Specializations
    Luxury Marketing, Corporate Finance
  • Clubs/ Involvement
    Luxury & Retail Club

Why did you decide to pursue the focused one-year MBA program?

I chose the FLUX program to make a career pivot from financial services to the fashion & luxury industry, as I have always been passionate about the space. I love that I can specialize, gain hands-on experience, and make lifelong connections in only a year so that I can immediately hit the ground running in the next phase of my career.

How would you describe the culture and community within your class?

I never cease to be amazed by my classmates. Everyone is so supportive and respectful of one another. While I do learn a lot from our professors, I greatly appreciate it when we have the opportunity to have class discussions. All of the students come from such diverse backgrounds and experiences and it has proven invaluable to listen to and learn from my peers.

What was your favorite class at Stern?

My favorite class at Stern so far has been Leadership. I developed a better understanding of both myself and others through this course. The class forces you to self-reflect and step outside of your comfort zone, yet have fun doing so along the way. It has completely reshaped my perspective on how to build relationships and lead change. I cannot recommend it enough!

What has been a highlight of your Stern experience?

A highlight of my Stern experience was the final presentation day for our experiential learning course. It was amazing to see all of my classmates present their creative solutions and the culmination of an entire semester's worth of hard work to the client - a top luxury brand. I couldn't be prouder of my team and all that we had accomplished together. This moment truly cemented that I had made the right choice in coming to Stern for the Fashion & Luxury MBA program.

How has Stern’s location in NYC impacted your experience?

Completing my MBA in NYC has meant unparalleled access to the fashion and luxury industry, from the speakers and the company treks to the brands we get to work with as part of the experiential learning component of our Stern Solutions courses. It has also meant endless opportunities to bond with my classmates and enjoy all that the city has to offer.