MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA
Dual Degree: MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA
Program Structure
Admission to the MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA Program
Tuition & Financial Aid
Career Services
Student Life
The dual degree is a partnership between NYU Stern School of Business and the NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. The unique mix of business training and quantitative skills provided by this program makes its graduates strong candidates for positions in fields such as quantitative risk and portfolio management, and the design, pricing, trading and hedging of derivatives and structured products.
Program Structure
The 72-credit MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA program is divided between the two schools and takes two and a half years to complete. Students study for the first year at Courant, the second year at Stern and then spend the fall of their third taking courses at both schools. Students register for the first two semesters at Courant and the next three semesters at Stern. The dual degree program may be pursued only on a full-time basis; it is not open to part-time students. Transfer credits are not accepted by either program. View a sample schedule on the MBA Academic Affairs website.
Admission to the MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA Program
For the 2025 NYU Stern Dual Degree application, please visit the Dual Degree Application page.
Only first year full-time Courant MS in Mathematics in Finance students are eligible to apply for the dual MS/MBA degree. Candidates must complete the NYU Stern Dual Degree application by the MS/MBA application deadline.
MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA dual degree applicants must use NYU Stern's dual degree application. They cannot apply using the Consortium application or NYU Stern's MBA application.
Tuition & Financial Aid
Students pay the flat semester tuition rate when registered at Stern and a per credit tuition charge when registered at Courant (each course at Courant is three credits).
All applicants admitted to NYU Stern are considered for merit-based scholarships. The Courant Institute does not offer scholarships. Students who receive an outside scholarship may apply for matching funds from the Graduate School of Arts and Science (GSAS) tuition incentive program for the semesters that they are registered at Courant.
MS in Mathematics in Finance/MBA students may be eligible to obtain a Teaching Fellowship (TF) or Graduate Assistantship (GA) position at Stern (after completing at least 9 credits at Stern), or a Teaching Assistantship (TA) at the Courant Institute. Payment for these positions is in the form of tuition remission at Stern or stipend payment.
Financial aid is administered through the program in which students are enrolled in a particular semester. View more information on Stern MBA financial aid and Courant financial aid.
Career Services
In their first year, dual degree students are included in Courant’s Resume Book for obtaining a summer internship between the first and second year of the program. Having a business internship for this summer is strongly encouraged.
The Careers Team helps dual degree students with career counseling and placement once they begin taking classes at Stern. Access to these services, alumni and Stern-specific job postings are available beginning in the first semester that students are registered at Stern.
In their first year at Stern, students have access to the Ignite career development program, which is required in order to participate in on-campus recruiting. The Careers Team will assist dual degree students with finding a summer internship between their second and third year, as well as securing full-time employment after graduation.
Stern career services after graduation are provided by the Career Center for Working Professionals (CCWP).
Please note that classes taken during the evening at Courant or Stern may conflict with some company presentations that are part of the fall finance recruiting process at Stern during the second and third year of the program.
Student Life
MS/MBA students are encouraged to become active in student life in both schools. There are numerous student clubs and organizations at both Stern and the Graduate School of Arts & Science.