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Undergraduate Current Students | Community Expectations

NYU Stern Code of Conduct for the NYU Stern Community at large

At NYU Stern, we seek to engage our students, faculty and alumni as lifelong partners in the process of learning, debate and discovery. Academic and personal integrity are central to this mission. As members of our community we commit to: 

  1. Show respect for every member of the NYU community and refrain from all forms of intimidation, harassment, and acts of prejudice that infringe upon the rights of other members of the community. 
  2. Exercise integrity in all aspects of our academic work including, but not limited to, the preparation and completion of exams, papers and all other course requirements by not engaging in any method or means that provides an unfair advantage. 
  3. Clearly acknowledge the work and efforts of others when submitting written work as our own. The incorporation of the work of others--including but not limited to their ideas, data, creative expression, and direct quotations (which should be designated with quotation marks), or paraphrasing thereof--must be fully and appropriately referenced using notations both in the text and the bibliography.
    • Submitting the same or substantially similar work in multiple courses, either in the same semester or in a different semester, without the express approval of all instructors is strictly forbidden. Limited quoting or paraphrasing from previous work is permissible so long as we clearly identify and reference, as we would the work of another, any quoted or closely paraphrased passages of our own previously written work, whether published or submitted for course credit at Stern or at any other institution. * 
  4.  Demonstrate dignity and integrity in all aspects of our involvement with the School and University, including participation in sponsored organizations and activities, and situations in which we may be seen to represent the School or University. These activities and situations include, but are not limited to, student organizations (including clubs, governments, and honor societies), conferences and meetings, student-organized and school-sponsored travel, interviews, and interactions with alumni.
  5. Demonstrate sound judgment and integrity in the submission of documents, forms, and information to, or on behalf of, the School, University, or any member of those communities. 
  6. Work to preserve and be wise stewards of the University’s resources and facilities and respect the personal property of other members of the NYU community. 
  7. Conduct ourselves as law abiding members of both the NYU community and our broader society – including but not limited to a) refraining from behaviors that infringe upon the rights of others or disrupt the educational process, and b) acting in conformity with NYU and Stern policies and public law. 
  8. Refrain from behaving in ways that knowingly support, assist, or in any way attempt to enable another person to engage in any violation of the Code of Conduct. Our support also includes reporting any observed violations of this Code of Conduct or other School and University policies that are deemed to have an adverse effect on the NYU Stern community. 
  9. Carefully review and abide by the rules and policies of the NYU Code of Ethical Conduct and the University Policies and Guidelines, recognizing that being fully informed about NYU and Stern rules and codes governing civil behavior and academic integrity is an obligation of community membership. 

As members of this community we understand that any violation of this Code of Conduct, whether committed knowingly or out of ignorance, can result in disciplinary action and may result in a sanction up to and including expulsion from New York University. 

The NYU Stern Code of Conduct was amended and approved by the Stern faculty in May 2010. 

The NYU Stern Code of Conduct was amended by the Stern Faculty in October 2011.

