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Past SPUR Projects

Fall 2024
Spring 2024
Fall 2023
Spring 2023
Fall 2022
Spring 2022
Fall 2021
Spring 2021
Fall 2020
Spring 2020
Fall 2019
Spring 2019


Fall 2024 
Advanced AI Techniques for Dynamic Portfolio Management and Financial Forecasting
Faculty: Elynn Chen

Advanced LLM Programming Tasks
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

AI Aesthetics and Ethics
Faculty: Matthew Statler

AI Agents for research
Faculty: Vishal Singh

Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Digital Learning
Faculty: Christian Grewell

The effects of play and fun on team dynamics, bias/stereotyping, inequality, and work performance
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

Employee reactions to GenAI: Threat and opportunity
Faculty: Batia Wiesenfeld

Evaluating Conversational Agents
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

FinTech: Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies and DeFi
Faculty: Kose John

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Interview Entrepreneurs to learn barriers and best practices
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia

New developments in blockchain technologies
Faculty: Hanna Halaburda

Platform Policies Research
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Portfolio Optimization with Conformal Prediction
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

The psychology of rivalry: How university rivalries generate school spirit
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

Regulator press releases and whistleblowing
Faculty: Sinja Leonelli

The Role of Patents in the Development of the Western World
Faculty: Petra Moser

Sustainable Tourism in the Caribbean
Faculty: Maria Patterson & Rachel Kowal

Tagging/Labeling and benchmarking against Foundational Models
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Trusting ChatGPT? Experiments About Trust in Generative AI
Faculty: Arun Sundararajan

Union election coverage and company industries
Faculty: Sinja Leonelli

Using Machine Learning to build a sparse Vector Error Correction Model for cointegrated asset prices
Faculty: Rohit Deo

What Banks are Hiding: Evidence from 19th Century France
Faculty: Gurpal Sran


Spring 2024 
Advanced LLM Programming Tasks
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

The Art and Science of Friendship in Business
Faculty: Suzanne Welch

Building a database of scientific equipments in semiconductors
Faculty: Jungkyu Suh

Comparing Generative AI to Predictive AI
Faculty: Batia Wiesenfeld

Do Currency Unions Foster Trade? Evidence from the CFA Zone
Faculty: Abdoulaye Ndiaye

The effects of play and fun on group dynamics, bias/stereotyping, inequality, and work performance
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

The effects of spinoffs on firms' values and risks
Faculty: Yakov Amihud

Evaluating Conversational Agents
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Exploring Generative AI in Media
Faculty: Christian Grewell

FinTech: Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies and DeFi
Faculty: Kose John

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

How can Entrepreneurs increase their odds of success?
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia

Identifying scientific publications of Venture Capital firms and their portfolio companies
Faculty: Jungkyu Suh

Measuring Green
Faculty: Robert Engle

Portfolio Optimization with Conformal Prediction
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

Short Tasks in Behavioral Finance
Faculty: Indira Puri

Tagging/Labeling and benchmarking against Foundational Models
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Tech Platform Policies Research
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Trusting ChatGPT: What Makes Humans Trust Generative AI
Faculty: Arun Sundararajan

Visualizing and Estimating Price Changes in Intraday Futures Trading
Faculty: Junpei Komiyama

What Banks are Hiding: Evidence from 19th Century France
Faculty: Gurpal Sran


Fall 2023
China's Evolving Financial System
Faculty: Jennifer Carpenter

Collecting Venture Capital Funding Data for Solid State Lighting (LED) Sector
Faculty: Jungkyu Suh

Digital Fashion Competitive Analysis
Faculty: Thomai Serdari

The Effects of Play and Fun on Group Dynamics, Bias/Stereotyping, Inequality, and Work Performance
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

The Effects of Spinoffs on Firms Values and Risks
Faculty: Yakov Amihud

Evaluating Conversational Agents
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Exploring Generative AI in Software Engineering
Faculty: Christian Grewell

Fintech: Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies and DeFi
Faculty: Kose John

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Global Entertainment: Eastern Europe, Czech Republic, Poland
Faculty: Albert Lieberman

Immigrants Impact on Agriculture and Manufacturing in Midwest America
Faculty: Susan Stehlik

Independent Research in Time Series Financial Econometrics
Faculty: Clifford Hurvich

Large Language Models Applications in Business Contexts
Faculty: Elynn Chen

Market Share Analysis for Solid State Lighting (LED) Sector
Faculty: Jungkyu Suh

Prediction with Expert Advice Using Stock Market Data
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

Tagging/Labeling and Benchmarking Against Foundational Models
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Tech Platform Policies Research
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Trusting ChatGPT: What Makes Humans Trust Large-Language Models
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan


Spring 2023
Acquiring firms' stock price reaction to the completion of an acquisition
Faculty: Yakov Amihud

Colleges' Size Distribution
Faculty: Gian Luca Clementi

Data Collection on Blockchain Platforms and dApps
Faculty: Hanna Halaburda

Data-Driven Approach for Optimal Retail Location
Faculty: Jiawei Zhang

Does Analysts' Disagreement Affect Investors' Behavior?
Faculty: Ilan Guttman

The Effects of Play and Fun on Group Dynamics, Bias/Stereotyping, Inequality, and Work Performance
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

Executives' Compensation
Faculty: Gian Luca Clementi

FinTech, DeFi, and Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

Forecasting Product Life Cycle Curves
Faculty: Jiawei Zhang

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

How can Entrepreneurs Increase Their Odds of Success?
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia

Independent Research in Time Series Financial Econometrics
Faculty: Clifford Hurvich

Learning in Games
Faculty: Elynn Chen

Machine Learning in Stock Markets
Faculty: Jiawei Zhang

Macroeconomics Data Analysis
Faculty: Pricila Maziero

A Meritocracy & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Pirates and Patents
Faculty: Petra Moser

Platform Policies Research
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Prediction with Expert Advice using Stock Market Data
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

Reality of Green Bonds
Faculty: Jeffrey Wurgler

Review of Macroeconomy and Public Policies in a Developing Context
Faculty: Abdoulaye Ndiaye

Social Conversational Agents Evaluation
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Tagging/Labeling/Training Tasks
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Trusting ChatGPT: What Makes Humans Trust Conversation Agents (in Finance and Beyond)
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan


Fall 2022
Acquiring Firms' Stock Price Reaction to the Completion of an Acquisition 
Faculty: Yakov Amihud

Applied Data Science for a Healthy NYC Life
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia

Big Tech, Network Effects and Market Efficiency
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

China's Evolving Financial System
Faculty: Jennifer Carpenter

Consumer Judgement and Decision Making
Faculty: Minah Jung

Data Collection on Blockchain Platforms and dApps
Faculty: Hanna Halaburda

FinTech and Empirical Research and Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

From BlockBar and StockX to TopShots and Web3, NFTs, and Traditional Brands
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

Full stack AI/ML Exploration in Python using Transformers 
Faculty: Vishal Singh

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Help Conducting Interviews and Collecting Other Data about Social Media Artists
Faculty: Julianna Pillemer

How can Entrepreneurs Increase Their Odds of Success?
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia

Inequality in Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

Insurance Challenge (Climate Change, Property/Health/Life Insurance, Accounting, etc.) 
Faculty: Shan Ge

Learning in Games
Faculty: Elynn Chen

Machine Learning for Crypto and Stock Price Prediction
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

A Meritocracy & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Platform Policies Research
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Recommendation Systems for Personalized Education
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

Research Assistant for New Textbook in Luxury Marketing
Faculty: Thomai Serdari

Social Conversational Agents Evaluation
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Tagging/Labeling Tasks
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Using Natural Language Processing for Forecasting Sin and Greek Stock Ratings
Faculty: Joao Sedoc


Spring 2022
Apprenticeship in Economics and Finance Research
Faculty: Shan Ge

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing - Today and Tomorrow
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

Consumer Judgment and Decision Making
Faculty: Minah Jung

Data Collection Effort for Fiscal Multipliers 
Faculty: Andres Sarto

Disparities in Apartment Financing by Neighborhood
Faculty: Sam Chandan

Examining Entrepreneurial Methods and Trends in Practice
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia

FinTech and Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Help with Research on Relationships, Authenticity, and Social Media
Faculty: Julianna Pillemer

The Impact of Big Tech Companies on Funding and Innovation Outcomes
Faculty: Manjiree Jog

Impact of School Admissions Process on School Integration
Faculty: Manjiree Jog

Inequality in Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

Insurance Challenge (Climate Change and Property Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, etc.)
Faculty: Shan Ge

Machine Learning for Crypto and Stock Price Reduction
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

A Meritocracy & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Oral History Project Social Media
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Paths to Sustainability in the Global Mining Industry
Faculty: Sinziana Dorobantu

The Performance of SPAC Stocks
Faculty: Yakov Amihud

Pirates and Patents. An Economic History of Intellectual Property and Innovation 
Faculty: Petra Moser

Point of Interest (POI) Categorization
Faculty: Raveesh Mayya

Research on Economic Outcomes in Declining Communities
Faculty: Arpit Gupta

Social Conversational Agents Evaluation
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Status, Inequality, Relationships, and Fun
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

Textual Analysis of Monetary Policy Decision Making 
Faculty: Toomas Laarits

What Makes an NFT Valuable? Power, Volatility and Influence in Web3 Markets
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan


Fall 2021
Apprenticeship in Economics and Finance Research
Faculty: Shan Ge

Artificial Intelligence in Marketing - Today and Tomorrow
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

Assessing Determinants of Entry Locations at Intersections
Faculty: Bryan Bollinger

China's Evolving Financial System
Faculty: Jennifer Carpenter

Collecting and Analyzing Information about Blockchain Applications
Faculty: Hanna Halaburda

Examining the Entrepreneurial Methods Behind Famous Entrepreneurs
Faculty: N/A

FinTech and Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

Forecasting Stock Returns With Non-Invertible ARMA Models
Faculty: Clifford Hurvich

Gender Gaps in Career Success and Predictors of Diversity Initiative Support
Faculty: Lisa Leslie

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Identify Firms that did Two-Step Spinoffs
Faculty: Yakov Amihud

Inequality in Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

Innovation and Expertise
Faculty: Callen Anthony

A Meritocracy & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Oral History Project Social Media
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Recommendation Systems for Personalized Education
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

Social Conversational Agents Evaluation
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Status, Inequality, Relationships, and Fun
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

Technological Emergence in Nascent Industries
Faculty: Callen Anthony


Spring 2021
Advice Seeking in Negotiations
Faculty: Dolly Chugh

Apprenticeship in Economics and Finance Research
Faculty: Shan Ge

The Behavioral Economics of Giving - How to Help Donors Make More Rational and Impactful Decisions
Faculty: Joshua Lewis

Breaking Gender Stereotypes in Pursuit of Equity in Society and the Workplace
Faculty: Geeta Menon

Collecting and Analyzing Information About Smart Contracts
Faculty: Hanna Halaburda

Debt Market
Faculty: Shan Ge

Does Currency Hedging Still Work for Global Bond Portfolios?
Faculty: Richard Levich

Emerging Innovations in Low-Carbon Energy-Related Businesses
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

Gender Gaps in Career Attainment and Diversity Policies
Faculty: Lisa Leslie

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

How Does (or Should) Corporate Activism Create Change?
Faculty: April Gu

How has COVID-19 Altered Human Movement Networks and Digital Economic Activity? Big Data Evidence
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

Inequality in Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

Institutions for Sustained Growth in China
Faculty: Kose John

Insurance Challenge (Climate Change and Property Insurance, Health Insurance, Life Insurance, etc.)
Faculty: Shan Ge

A Meritocracy & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Oral History Project Social Media
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Social Conversational Agents Evaluation
Faculty: Joao Sedoc

Streaming Wars and Unbundling Part II
Faculty: Albert Lieberman

Waiting Lines Analytics
Faculty: Mor Armony


Fall 2020
AI in Marketing - Today and Tomorrow
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

China's Evolving Financial System
Faculty: Jennifer Carpenter

The Connected Consumer: Branding Building through Digital Assistants, Smart Watches, and IoT
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

Crypto Market Research
Faculty: Sabrina Howell

Economic Analysis using Natural Language Processing
Faculty: Thomas Philippon

FinTech Small Business Lender Research
Faculty: Sabrina Howell

FinTech Startups in China Research
Faculty: Sabrina Howell

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Help with Research on Relationships at Work
Faculty: Julianna Pillemer

How has COVID-19 Altered Human Movement Networks and Digital Economic Activity? Big Data Evidence
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

Inequality in Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

A Meritocracy & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Military Actions and Informed Trading
Faculty: Marti Subrahmanyam

Oral History Project Social Media
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Prediction with Expert Advice using Stock Market Data
Faculty: Zhengyuan Zhou

Quality Jobs and Worker Wellbeing Strategies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Faculty: Tensie Whelan

Replicating and Extending the AFX Index of Technical Trading Profits in FX Markets
Faculty: Richard Levich

Streaming Content: Past, Present and Future
Faculty: Albert Lieberman


Spring 2020
China's Evolving Financial System
Faculty: Jennifer Carpenter

Collecting and Analyzing Information about Blockchain Applications
Faculty: Hanna Halaburda

The Connected Consumer: Branding Building through Digital Assistants, Smart Watches and IoT
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

Contemporary Research on Fair Values of Business Development Companies
Faculty: Yiwei Dou

Data Driven Literature Review
Faculty: Vishal SIngh

Effects of Immigration and Inequality in Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

Help with Research on Relationships at Work
Faculty: Julianna Pillemer

The Impact of Negative Events on Company Sustainability Ratings
Faculty: Tensie Whelan

Market Interpretation of Fed Policy Statements
Faculty: Toomas Laarits

Meritocracy, Politics, & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Military Actions and Informed Trading
Faculty: Marti Subrahmanyam

Oral History Project Social Media
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Strategies for Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk at Long Horizons
Faculty: Richard Levich

Sustainability in Finance: ESG Integration at Asset Management Firms
Faculty: Tensie Whelen


Fall 2019
AI in Marketing - Today and Tomorrow
Faculty: Sunder Narayanan

AirBnB Stakeholder Analysis
Faculty: Matthew Statler

CEO Cognition & FinTech
Faculty: J.P. Eggers

China's Evolving Financial System
Faculty: Jennifer Carpenter

Corporate Disclosures, Investor Relations, and Communications of Earnings Expectations
Faculty: N/A

Data Driven Literature Review
Faculty: Vishal Singh

Effects of Immigration and Inequality on Science
Faculty: Petra Moser

Embedding Sustainability in Finance Project at the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business
Faculty: Tensie Whelan

Empirical Research on Cryptocurrencies
Faculty: Kose John

The Future of Medical Expert Work in the Information Age
Faculty: Batia Wiesenfeld

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

How New Technologies Affect People's Experiences and Memories
Faculty: Alixandra Barasch

The Impact of Economic Wealth on Neuropsychology
Faculty: Haran Segram

Insights Into the Board Game Market
Faculty: Elizabeth Boyle

Institutions for Sustained Growth in China
Faculty: Kose John

Insurance Challenge (Insure-tech, InsureserĂ¢ Investment Portfolio, Opioids Abuse, etc.) 
Faculty: Shan Ge

Mergers & Acquisitions in the Entertainment & Media Industries
Faculty: Albert Lieberman

Oral History Project Social Media
Faculty: Paul Hardart

Ownership of Controversial Companies
Faculty: Jeffrey Wurgler

Pricing Institutional Risk in International Business Research
Faculty: Robert Salomon

Quality Jobs Research Initiative at the NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business
Faculty: Tensie Whelan

Research Apprentices for Consumer Judgement and Decision Making Lab
Faculty: Minah Jung

Strategies for Hedging Foreign Exchange Risk: Is Time Diversification a Better Choice?
Faculty: Richard Levich

Tourism Research
Faculty: Durairaj Maheswaran

Understanding Authenticity in Professional Interactions and on Social Media
Faculty: Julianna Pillemer

Using Digital Technology to Influence Political Outcomes and Voter Turnout
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

The Value of Higher Education
Faculty: Jessy Hsieh

Venture Project (an Entrepreneurship Independent Project)
Faculty: Ashish Bhatia


Spring 2019
Central Counterparty Risk Management
Faculty: Joshua Reed

China and the US: The Race for AI and Digital Dominance
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

Deforestation in Brazil: Spatial Data Analysis
Faculty: Paul Scott

Effects of Immigration, Inequality, and Education in Science 
Faculty: Petra Moser

Entertainment and Tourism in Major Cities
Faculty: Albert Lieberman

Evaluate Treasury's Regulatory Reform Reports
Faculty: Richard Berner

Fed Challenge Team
Faculty: Paul Wachtel

Finance and Economics Literature Review
Faculty: Shan Ge

Forecasting Evaluation
Faculty: Richard Berner

Forecasting Stock Returns with Non-Invertible ARMA Models
Faculty: Clifford Hurvich

Generations in the Workplace
Faculty: Michael North

How New Technologies Affect People's Experiences and Memories
Faculty: Alixandra Barasch

Innovation in Music - Studying the Re-emergence of Analog Synthesizers
Faculty: Callen Anthony

Institutional Investors
Faculty: Shan Ge

Institutions for Sustained Growth in China
Faculty: Kose John

Insurance Challenge
Faculty: Shan Ge

Law, Financial Advisors, and Financial Products
Faculty: Shan Ge

The Measurement of Law Enforcement
Faculty: Lawrence White

Meritocracy, Politics, & Inequality Lab: How Do People Get Ahead?
Faculty: Taylor Phillips

Programming and Big Data Work Related to Competition and Status Dynamics in Teams
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

The Psychology of Competition, Rivalry, and Status: Implications for Individual and Group Success
Faculty: Gavin Kilduff

Python Simulation Coding
Faculty: Joshua Reed

Quality Measures in Diagnostic Radiology: AI, Crowdsourcing, and Peer Judgement
Faculty: Natalia Levina

Research Apprentices at the Science of Giving and Appreciating Lab needed for Spring 2019
Faculty: Minah Jung

Research Assistants needed for Ongoing Projects
Faculty: Bryan Hong

Research on Consumers' Reactions to Dynamic Pricing
Faculty: Vicki Morwitz

Small Business Financing
Faculty: Simone Lenzu

System Wide Stress Testing
Faculty: Richard Berner

Using Digital Technology to Influence Political Outcomes and Voter Turnout
Faculty: Arun Sundarajan

The Value of Higher Education
Faculty: Jessy Hsieh

VIX Derivatives
Faculty: Menachem Brenner