Alumni Affinity Groups Focus on Building Community

NYU Stern alumni affinity groups focus on building community through a variety of programs that are fun and engaging, including a recent painting session and a wellness class. Ava Danville, director of Alumni Diversity and Inclusion, works closely with the Alumni Council's identity affinity groups, which includes Black and Latino Alumni (BALA); LGBTQ+; Stern Women in Business (SWIB); and Military Veterans. The mission of the Identity Affinity groups is to serve a community of alumni who are connected through their shared identities, where they can build relationships and support one another in an open and inclusive environment. The four affinity groups have also come together to host joint events, which have included a 2022 and 2023 holiday party and a community brunch during Reunion weekends.

Alumni mingle at the Stern Identity Affinity 2023 Holiday Party at Le Bain in The Standard Hotel
The identity groups aim to present a full slate of programs for their membership, some according to a pre-set schedule, others more spontaneously. For example, BALA kicked into high gear last year with a Pre-Juneteenth party in 2022 and more recently, a Paint ‘N Pour event in Harlem, which drew participants from New Jersey and Westchester as well as New York City, and a hybrid presentation with wellness entrepreneur Jasmine Henry (BS/MS ’17), who spoke and taught a yoga session. The LGBTQ+ group has hosted educational and social events, including a Pride celebration on a boat in Manhattan, and alumna Elizabeth Elting (MBA ’92) spoke to SWIB about her new book, Dream Big and Win, and gave signed copies to attendees. Alumni interested in learning more about past and upcoming events can join the Stern Network alumni groups for more information.

The Black and Latino Alumni (BALA) Group celebrates Black History Month during an evening of food, fellowship, and artwork at Paint ’N Pour
The Affinity groups also often participate in student programs. The goal is to help students know that there are alumni groups that they may want to be part of once they graduate. Danville shared that ideas and suggestions for new affinity groups and for program or event ideas are always welcome from the alumni community.