Past Events

Considering the Undergraduate Minor in Social Entrepreneurship offered jointly by NYU Wagner and NYU Stern? Join us for a panel discussion, and the opportunity to mingle with NYU faculty, alumni, staff of the NYU Entrepreneurial Institute and current Social Entrepreneurship Minor Specializers. 

We'll have a brief panel featuring alumni in social entrepreneurship: 
On October 6, 2022, NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business (CSB) is hosting an important conversation across the private and public sectors about the enormous business opportunities with legalized recreational cannabis in New York State and the barriers to inclusive participation and sustainable production.

Empowering Women Garment Workers in Bangladesh:
From Rana Plaza to an Entrepreneurial Future

Delivered by Rubana Huq
Vice Chancellor of Asian University for Women and Ex-President of BGMEA

Moderated by Michael Posner
Director of the Center for Business and Human Rights
 Join the NYU Stern Business and Society Program to explore the MBA Sustainable Business & Innovation Specialization. This event is open to all MBA students who are intending to specialize, who have declared their specialization, or are simply interested in learning more.
This lunch-time session will be a chance to meet the BSP Faculty in a relaxed environment, meet your peers interested in sustainable business and social entrepreneurship, and learn about new and innovative courses ahead of Fall '22 registration. You will also hear about research and internship opportunities with our Centers for Sustainable Business and Center for Business and Human Rights, as well
Dr. Lauren Taylor, Assistant Professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Grossman School of Medicine and Adjunct Assistant Professor of Health Policy and Management, is hosting an online event titled "Considering the Role of Private Equity in US Health Care" on Friday, November 19th from 12:00 - 1:00 PM EST. Dr. Taylor will be joined by Dr.