Noemi Nagy

Visiting Research Professor
Noémi Nagy joined New York University Stern School of Business as a visiting professor of Management and Organizations in 2019. Professor Nagy is also a scientific research fellow at Kalaidos University of Applied Sciences in Zurich, Switzerland.
Professor Nagy’s research focuses on career development over the lifespan with a special focus on late career development (workers aged 50+), diversity at work, subjective aging, new work, proactivity at the workplace, leadership and leadership development, assessment and personnel selection. Her current research program investigates how workers aged 50 and above can create successful, satisfying, and sustainable late careers with the help of job crafting and how subjective perceptions of aging influence career related behavior.
Professor Nagy received her PhD in work and organizational psychology and her CAS in university teaching from the University of Bern, Switzerland, her MSc in social and economic psychology from the University of Zurich, Switzerland. She has published in various international peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Organizational Behavior, the Journal of Career Assessment, and the European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology and has presented her research at numerous international conferences, such as the Academy of Management Conference and the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Conference. Professor Nagy has taught undergraduate and graduate courses in organizational behavior, leadership development, personnel assessment, career development, and statistics at the University of Bern (Switzerland), the Philipps University of Marburg (Germany), and at the Swiss Distance University.
Research Interests
Organizational Behavior
Social Psychology
Aging and Intergenerational Workforces
Research Methods (quantitative and qualitative)
Academic Background
Ph.D., Work and Organizational Psychology
University of Bern, Switzerland
CAS University Teaching
University of Bern, Switzerland
M.Sc., Social and Economic Psychology
University of Zurich, Switzerland
Selected Publications
Nagy, N., Johnston, C., & Hirschi, A. (2019). Do we act as old as we feel? An examination of subjective age and job crafting behaviour of late career employees. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology. doi:
Nagy, N., Froidevaux, A., & Hirschi, A. (2018). Lifespan Perspectives on Careers and Career Development. In Baltes, B., Rudolph, C., & Zacher, H.: Work across the lifespan (Vol. 1): Elsevier.
Hirschi, A., Nagy, N., Baumeler, F., Johnston, C., and Spurk, D. (2017). Assessing key predictors of career success: Development and validation of the career resources questionnaire. Journal of Career Assessment.
Hirschi, A., Hermann, A., Nagy, N., & Spurk, D. (2016). All in the name of work? Nonwork orientations as predictors of salary, career satisfaction, and life satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 95, 45-57.
Nagy, N., Spurk, D., & Hirschi, H. (2016). Exploring the “Time dimension” of sustainable careers: The role of alternative age concepts. In: Going the distance: Contextualizing and examining the sustainable career. Academy of Management Proceedings, January 2016, 14372.
Nagy, N., Johnston, C. S., & Hirschi, A. (2016). Career development and aging. In N. A. Pachana (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Geropsychology. Singapore: Springer Science+Business Media.