How did you become interested in marketing? What excites you about the field?
I became interested in marketing because it consistently tackles important questions. Marketing is an evolving field, vibrant and fast-paced, continuously adapting to contemporary issues. From the dot-com boom decades ago to the sharing economy, and now to AI-related topics, marketing constantly explores relevant and important themes of each era. This dynamism excites me as it offers endless opportunities to study and understand how to create maximum value for everyone in varying contexts.
What are your research interests and goals? What questions do you aim to answer through your research?
My research focuses on examining AI algorithms used in Marketing through an economic lens, investigating their impact on society. Specifically, I am fascinated by exploring areas such as algorithmic pricing, algorithmic collusion, algorithmic transparency, and algorithmic fairness. By investigating these decision-making algorithms from economic perspectives, I strive to gain a comprehensive understanding of their far-reaching influence on our socio-economic landscape.
What excites you most about joining the faculty at NYU Stern, and the Marketing Department in particular?
The Marketing department at NYU Stern is renowned for its commitment to exploring issues that are both intrinsically interesting and important. Additionally, the collaborative, friendly, and collegial environment at Stern is ideal for fostering innovative research. I see endless opportunities for growth as a young researcher and am eager to contribute uniquely to this dynamic and supportive community.
What has surprised you so far about NYC, if anything?
Despite having learned about NYC through various channels from an early age, I am still amazed by its incredible cultural diversity. The city is unlike any other I have lived in; the coexistence and blending of different cultures, ideologies, and faiths is truly remarkable. I find it fascinating to observe and learn about the lifestyles of people from various cultural backgrounds. One of the most delightful aspects of this diversity is its reflection in the food. It's astounding how NYC offers authentic local cuisine from so many different countries.
Where do your interests lie outside of academia and research? (hobbies, recreation, etc.) What do you do for fun and recreation?
I enjoy a variety of outdoor activities. In the winter months, I love skiing, and during the warmer months, I enjoy exploring our national parks. Additionally, I have a passion for cooking and enjoy experimenting with recipes from different countries and regions — although, most of the time, the dish I create turns out quite different from what I originally imagined!