School News

MBA students Alex Reicherter, Michael Modisett & Adam Teeter compete in the Left Bank Bordeaux Cup

Excerpt from Wine Spectator -- "'For me, the highlights of the trip were lunches at Pichon Baron, where I got to have a wonderful chat about the wine biz with AXA managing director Christian Seely, at Phélan Ségur, where we were just blown away by their hospitality and the wines, and then of course dinner at Châteaus Palmer and Lafite,' said Adam Teeter, a team member on NYU Stern."
School News

Stern's "personal expression" admissions essay option is featured; Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly is quoted

The Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Because most B-school applicants come from the working world, the personal statements help admissions officers understand why a candidate is pursuing a particular path, said Isser Gallogly, Stern's assistant dean of M.B.A. admissions."
School News

Stern's Leadership Development Initiative at West Point is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The excursion to West Point – on a sprawling pastoral campus by the Hudson River – was part of Stern’s leadership development initiative, a supplemental MBA programme involving workshops, guest speakers and field trips. Caitlin Weaver, the director of the initiative, says the missions give students an opportunity to practise leadership skills such as 'setting a vision, communicating a vision and managing conflict' within a group. 'We chose an activity that leverages the deep traditions and leadership practices within the military.'"
School News

Stern's famous "personal expression" essay is featured, along with insights from Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "In this day and age of the incredible shrinking essay, this is one that allows you to communicate a lot about yourself in a small space. The personal expression essay is a great way for people to show their uniqueness."
School News

A Stern Signature Project partnering with the Urbanization Project and Marron Institute is featured

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "'The focus of our project was to analyze Mexico City’s zoning regulations and assess their impact on the affordable housing supply,' said Laura Fox. 'We are affecting a longer-term momentum shift here. As MBAs we all want to be ‘boots on the ground’ and to get this tangible experience that has been really meaningful. No other MBA program has an urbanization program like Stern’s, and this project has been a fulfillment of why I came to the School.'"
School News

The Urbanization Project's Urban Expansion Initiative is featured

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "A much better policy, says Mr Angel, is to 'make room'—not with a detailed master plan of the sort that gave rise to ugly artificial cities such as Brasília, but with a 'platform' that can be built upon like Manhattan’s now-famous street grid. It was adopted in 1811 and allowed the island to be developed over time. Today’s fast-growing cities should establish expansion areas that can accommodate expected growth, plan arterial roads and public spaces, and secure the rights for both, says Mr Angel. This way streets can be built and infrastructure put in as needed."
School News

Dean Peter Henry discusses the value of higher education

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "College is an excellent investment. We need to make sure that college is affordable and we need to be very clear about the kinds of college education that generate returns and those that don't."
School News

Dean Peter Henry's meeting with East China Normal University MBA students is highlighted

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "Dean Peter Henry of the Stern School of Business met with 37 part-time MBAs from East China Normal University (ECNU) as part of their NYU Stern Custom Program: East China Normal University (ECNU) International Enterprise Management Elite Program. The two-week program integrated high-end NYU Stern courses in global strategy, marketing, finance and operations, and visits with practitioners. Students gained insights on the current global corporate landscape, studied how international companies are operated and managed, and explored ways for Chinese companies to expand globally."
School News

Airbnb cofounder Nathan Blecharczyk speaks at the Sharing Economy Summit at NYU Stern

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "Success as an entrepreneur is 'less about the idea and more about the person,' Blecharczyk told an audience at a conference on the sharing economy at New York University’s Stern School of Business last week. 'All along the way, people said, "No, this isn’t going to work, don’t do this."'"
School News

The Sharing Economy Summit at Stern is featured

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Creative people have been pooling and exchanging resources for generations. Now, the emerging Internet-enabled sharing economy makes it easier than ever to swap, say, legal advice for lumber. That’s the kind of transaction that OurGoods, a new resource-sharing platform for artists, actually facilitates. OurGoods also serves 'designers, technologists, makers, farmers, and activists,' said co-founder and activist Caroline Woolard when we talked to her at the recent Sharing Economy Summit at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'Artists have a lot of skills and also education, but don’t necessarily have money to pay each other to get their work done,' said Woolard."
School News

MBA student Jon Katz is profiled

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "'I’ve always been an entrepreneur and I love the idea of working for yourself and putting passion into what you do on a daily basis,' Jon explains. 'Before Stern I was just an aspiring entrepreneur. The Stern MBA program has transformed me into a business executive with the skills and tools that I need to succeed as an entrepreneur.'"
School News

Prof. Anindya Ghose's social media course is featured

Excerpt from -- "The takeaways are learning what measurements from social media to use, and seeing the relationship between the actions you take on this platform and their results. 'The causal relationship is more useful and reliable than mere prediction,' says Ghose. All this, he adds, can improve one's management skills because they teach you how to use data to drive decisions."
School News

Mastercard President & CEO Ajay Banga's remarks at Stern's Graduation are featured

Excerpt from MSN -- "'It's critical that you figure out who you are and be comfortable with it. What is important is what you do and how you do it, not where you come from or what you look like. That’s going to be very important for your future,' he said."
School News

The Sharing Economy Summit at Stern is featured

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- No one expected a lovefest when Meera Joshi, the chairwoman of New York’s Taxi and Limousine Commission, and David Estrada, the vice president of government relations for ride-sharing startup Lyft, sat on a panel to discuss 'Regulation and New Business Models' at a recent conference at New York University. Lyft would love to operate in New York City, but city regulations prohibit the startup’s version of a taxi service, in which nonprofessionals use private vehicles to shuttle passengers. This is exactly the kind of regulatory obstructionism that infuriates proponents of the so-called sharing economy, but an audience expecting fireworks was disappointed. The mutual affection was so thick that several times the moderator apologetically noted his inability to create any contentiousness."
School News

Prof. Susan Stehlik's undergraduate class experiment on gender and leadership is highlighted

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "In an experiment conducted at the Stern School of Business at New York University in 2003, male and female graduate students who assessed the leadership capabilities of a real-life successful entrepreneur named Heidi were far more inclined to admire this accomplished individual when she was recast as Howard. Judging the likeability factor. Students given the case study about Heidi perceived her as 'selfish,' 'out for herself,' and 'a little political' -- in short, not as likable as Howard. When this experiment was replayed in 2013, substituting Kathryn and Martin for Heidi and Howard, students actually liked Kathryn slightly better than Martin (8 versus 7.6) -- but they didn’t trust her nearly as much (6.4 for Kathryn, 7.8 for Martin). As the evaluators explained to CNN correspondent Anderson Cooper, who staged the replay, 'men seem more genuine,' whereas women seem to be 'trying too hard,' making them less trustworthy."
School News

The Sharing Economy Summit at Stern is highlighted

NextCity logo
Excerpt from Next City -- "Those five stages — technical possibility, social adoption, regulatory reaction, civil disobedience, and negotiated settlement — argued [speaker Clay] Shirky, are likely going to echo throughout the sharing economy over the next few years. And we’re at least on Stage Two; Shirky told of recently trying to street-hail a Manhattan taxi cab to take his nine-year-old daughter to dance class by waving his arms and scanning the horizon. His daughter’s assessment of that approach: 'Uh, Dad, don’t you have Uber?'"
School News

MBA student Troy Green discusses his investment strategies

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Everyone is worried about the economy, but overall you have to take the GDP numbers, you have to take the more macroeconomic factors as more of a 10,000-foot level and... in making specific investments, you have to narrow it down more to a company-specific investment and that's what I do in investing. That's what we do at Stern as well. I work in the student Michael Price investment fund and we're always looking at stocks. We're always evaluating different positions and poking holes in different theses..."
School News

Langone MBAs Janessa Brown-Stonbraker & Lillian Guidry's SCC project with Jersey City is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Mr Fulop [MBA '07] describes the project as 'a great marriage' and is planning to bring another team of Stern students to work on Jersey City’s public library system. 'I’m getting top-calibre talent who are donating their time and doing meaningful work. There is no other way that I could get that type of person with the capacity to donate that type of manpower and hours without this relationship with Stern.'"
School News

MasterCard President and CEO Ajay Banga's commencement remarks to MBA students are featured

Excerpt from TopMBA -- "Drawing on his own experiences, Banga spoke of the importance he attaches to diversity for business and leadership. Plus, in a nod to NYU Stern’s torch logo, he ended his commencement address by declaring, 'You’ve been handed a torch to a future of greater diversity and better business that can truly light the way to a better, more equal world.'"
School News

Stern's Graduate Convocation speaker, Ajay Banga, President & CEO of MasterCard, is highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Ajay Banga, chief executive officer at MasterCard, will speak to MBA’s at NYU’s Stern School of Business on May 22."
School News

MBA student Laura Fox discusses a Stern Signature Project in Mexico City

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "When Laura Fox decided to go to business school, she chose NYU Stern for one reason: its urbanisation programme. 'Given the scale of urbanisation in the next 40 years, if we don’t get it right now, we are in real trouble,' she says. As she approaches the end of her first year, she is part of a team of three MBA students who are working with academics in the Marron Institute at NYU to help policy makers in Mexico City develop a more liveable city. 'This project is really different,' she says, 'because we are building a business-focused proposal for a policy group.'"
School News

Prof. Paul Romer discusses Stern's focus on urbanization

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "But there is a more fundamental point, says Prof Romer: should urbanisation be restricted or actively encouraged? He is clear: 'I decided to start working on urbanisation because in developing economies I concluded that the effect of urbanisation was the fastest way for their economies to grow.'"
School News

HireCanvas, winner of Stern's 2013-14 Entrepreneurs Challenge, is featured

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "More than anything I’m grateful for the amount of resources that the Entrepreneurs Challenge—and NYU—afforded us. Everything imaginable that you need to get your business going—a framework, mentors, continual feedback—they gave us. I can’t say enough about the coaches, mentors, judges, and all the people we were introduced to throughout the process. As first-time entrepreneurs, they were incredibly helpful and always willing to share their time. So even if we would have lost, it still would’ve all been worth it."
School News

Assistant Dean Paula Steisel Goldfarb is interviewed about Stern's Loan Assistance Program

Excerpt from -- "NYU’s Stern School of Business, in partnership with its Social Enterprise Association MBA club, established the school’s Loan Assistance Program. The program seeks to reduce the financial burden of repaying business school loans for MBA graduates who pursue nonprofit, government, or social enterprise career paths. ... A Loan Assistance Program helps enable students to think early—and seriously—about pursuing career paths that support positive change."
School News

Director of MBA Admissions Rabia Ahmed shares tips for waitlisted applicants

Excerpt from TopMBA -- "The MBA admissions committee has seen strengths in your application, but there may be ways to improve your candidacy. We are looking for people who have the personal initiative to improve themselves. We provide detailed information about what we evaluate and why on our website. We are looking for the kind of person who can take that information, do a self-assessment and take appropriate action."
