Student Club Events

Stern Private Equity Club Holds Seventh Annual Conference

Maintaining a tradition that began in 2006, the Stern Private Equity Club (SPEC) held its Seventh Annual Stern Private Equity Conference at NYU’s Kimmel Center on March 2. The sold-out conference had a record turnout of more than 350 attendees, bringing together over 200 professionals in private equity, as well as over 150 students to hear industry panels led by thought leaders.
Research Center Events

Salomon Center Hosts Conference on Alternative Designs for a Modern Insurance Regulatory Structure

The NYU Stern Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions recently hosted its third annual conference to explore several controversial issues related to modernizing the sector. The conference included presentations from industry leaders and academics, such as Professors Matthew Richardson, John Biggs, Viral Acharya and Eric Dinallo.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Social Innovation Takes Center Stage at NYU Stern-Citi Conference in Leadership & Ethics

The Ninth Annual NYU Stern-Citi Conference in Leadership & Ethics addressed the theme of “Social Innovation as a Transformative Economic, Social and Political Movement.” Organized by NYU Stern’s Citi Leadership & Ethics Program and Business & Society Program Area, with generous support from the Citi Foundation, the conference featured this year’s Distinguished Citi Fellow in Leadership & Ethics, Jeffrey Hollender, co-founder of Seventh Generation.
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy on the US manufacturing industry

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal Japan -- "Mr. Foudy ironically, currently, China also have the same problem. Both in the U.S., even if it has a bachelor's degree, many low-skill workers, fewer personnel he experienced moderate skill and technical knowledge. Company would have no choice but to increase the investment in vocational education and training. In any case, the story of the long-term in the span 10 to 20 years (Translated from Japanese) ."
Faculty News

Research by Prof. Thomas Philippon finds the finance is industry inefficient

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Philippon's conclusion -- based on an analysis of the financial sector's output in recent decades, as well as what its workers have been collecting in profits and wages -- is that high finance is highly inefficient."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway says publishers must embrace Facebook

Excerpt from Women's Wear Daily -- "Galloway said publishers should be spending more with Facebook because it’s the least expensive way to target a young, affluent audience."
School News

Vice Dean Tom Pugel on NYU Stern & NYU School of Medicine's new MD/MBA dual degree program

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Tom Pugel, vice dean for MBA and executive programs at Stern, said the program should appeal to doctors-in-training who seek to manage a hospital or medical organization, as well as those who will need to oversee the business side of their own small practices, or medical professionals with an interest in working for a pharmaceutical company or in consulting."
Press Releases

NYU School of Medicine and NYU Stern School of Business Jointly Offer MD/MBA Dual Degree Option

With an increasing demand on physicians to manage both patient care and the business of medicine, NYU School of Medicine and NYU Stern School of Business now offer an MD/Master of Business Administration (MBA) dual degree program.
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Google's privacy changes

Excerpt from InformationWeek -- "I see it as a move where Google is reducing its own risk. But I'd like to see them be more forthright in spelling out what they will and won't do with customer data."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the rise of service jobs

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "Health care and government alone accounted for 40 percent of that growth, according to economist Michael Spence."
Faculty News

An interview with Prof. Baruch Lev on his new book, "Winning Investors Over"

Excerpt from IR Update -- "Over the years, listening to corporate executives and observing what they do, I have concluded that many are captive to a web of misperceptions about the workings of capital markets."
Faculty News

Prof. Vicki Morwitz on retail pricing tricks

Excerpt from SmartMoney -- "'A high-end restaurant will charge $32 for a steak because it makes it seem more luxurious than a steak for $31.99,' [Morwitz] says."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt is featured for his book, "The Righteous Mind"

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "In 'The Righteous Mind,' Jonathan Haidt ... a moral perspective, he argues, is a feature of our evolutionary design. Morality has made it possible for human beings — unlike any other creatures — to forge large, cohesive, cooperative groups."
Faculty News

Prof. Xavier Gabaix on Wall Street bonuses

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "'Those numbers are just cash bonuses, but you don’t have the full compensation,' said Xavier Gabaix ... 'The comptroller should absolutely report deferred compensation. Otherwise, it’s hard to interpret the results.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Philippon's research on finance's share of GDP is cited

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters blog -- "Thomas Philippon, a professor at New York University, has shown that the share of U.S. national income dedicated to finance has fallen only slightly since the crisis, when it was at its highest since records began in 1865."
Student Club Events

Retail 2020: Reinventing Retail Once Again

On February 28, NYU Stern’s Luxury & Retail student club co-hosted a special guest lecture with IBM, “Retail 2020: Reinventing Retail Once Again,” featuring Professor Herb Kleinberger and Chris Hendren of IBM Global Solutions. The lecture corresponded with the global launch of the paper, "Retail 2020: Reinventing Retail Once Again" (a joint project between NYU Stern and IBM).
Press Releases

NYU Stern Announces MBA Specialization in Digital Marketing

To more formally prepare MBA students with the strategic and analytical skills to guide organizations navigating a digital world, NYU Stern has launched a Digital Marketing specialization. Starting in spring 2012, students have the opportunity to focus their studies on a mix of marketing and information systems (IS) courses that will equip them with the knowledge to create value in an increasingly complex and changing digital world.
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer is highlighted for first proposing the concept of meta-ideas

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "The secret, it turns out, is the presence of particular meta-ideas, which support the spread of other ideas. First proposed by economist Paul Romer, meta-ideas include concepts like the patent system, public libraries, and universal education."
School News

Prof. Vasant Dhar on NYU Stern's new digital marketing specialization

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "'We were getting signals from employers that they would like people trained in this area - those who can think strategically in the digital world and who have the skills to deal with the challenges that come from kind of data that this world generates,' says Dhar."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Ashoka’s Bill Drayton Talks with MBA Students at Leadership Luncheon Series

Bill Drayton, founder & CEO of Ashoka, a nonprofit organization supporting the field of social entrepreneurship, spoke to MBA students about “How to Lead in an ‘Everyone is a Changemaker™’ World,” through NYU Stern’s Leadership Luncheon Series.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on global economic risk

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC blog -- "Nouriel Roubini thinks the oil price spike out of the Arab revolts could push the world economy into stagflation. There is also the risk that currency war breaks out into open trade war."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Baruch Lev on the benefits of giving advance notice of corporate earnings

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "By sharing information with the market, companies reduce investor uncertainty and prevent stock prices from swinging wildly upon unexpected bad news."
Faculty News

Research by Profs John Asker and Alexander Ljungqvist on investment behavior is cited

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- " ... evidence of managerial bias is provided by a recent comparison of the investment behavior of otherwise similar public and private companies between 2001 and 2007 by the economists John Asker, Joan Farre-Mensa, and Alexander Ljungqvist, published by the National Bureau of Economic Research."
