Faculty News
Prof. Sam Craig on 21st Century Fox's bid to purchase Time Warner
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "More movies, television shows and live sporting events being produced by one company means less competition and more seller power, says Samuel Craig, director of the Entertainment, Media and Technology Program at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'Consumers may see a slight increase in their cable bill to see the content they want,' he says. As media reports of the bid have suggested, it’s unlikely that the Federal Communications Commission would allow one company to own both CNN and Fox News, he adds."
Faculty News
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "More movies, television shows and live sporting events being produced by one company means less competition and more seller power, says Samuel Craig, director of the Entertainment, Media and Technology Program at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'Consumers may see a slight increase in their cable bill to see the content they want,' he says. As media reports of the bid have suggested, it’s unlikely that the Federal Communications Commission would allow one company to own both CNN and Fox News, he adds."