Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Ralph Gomory discusses tax inversions, income inequality and the corporate shareholder model

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "And when, in addition, these corporate actions are praised, and are described as what American companies should do, or even must do, people begin to wonder if something is seriously wrong--and they are right to wonder. Inversions may or may not be important in themselves, but understanding the forces that drive corporate inversions reveals a surprising amount about the cause of two major problems; the problem of extreme income inequality and the problem of stagnating wages in America."
Faculty News

Profs Elizabeth Morrison and Kelly See's research on employee silence in the workplace is featured

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "'A low sense of power makes people feel less confident and optimistic, meaning that employees will be less likely to believe that speaking up will make a difference,' Elizabeth Morrison, one of the study's authors and a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, told Business News Daily. 'This feeling of "why bother?" has been found to be a strong inhibitor to speaking up.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Russell Winer on the iPhone as a status symbol

NBC News online logo
Excerpt from NBC News -- "'Many people don’t want to feel like they have been left behind,' said Russ Winer, professor of marketing at the NYU Stern School of Business. 'If you’re with out with someone and they pop out a flip phone, someone is bound to make a joke about it.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Prof. Ian Bremmer examines the impact of China's reform agenda on Hong Kong

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "Hong Kong finds itself on the wrong end of Xi’s reform plan: Hong Kong used to matter to Beijing economically, now it matters politically. That’s absolutely the wrong way around. To the extent that economic liberalization bears fruit, Hong Kong will no longer serve such a useful role as the Western face and gateway into China. As China pushes forward with a Free Trade Zone in Shanghai, it will cannibalize many of Hong Kong’s unique offerings for foreigners looking to do business. And Hong Kong is no longer as integral to the Chinese economy: in 1997, it accounted for 15.6 percent of China’s national GDP. Last year, it fell below 3 percent."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Roy Smith calls for banks to rebuild the structured finance market

Financial News logo
Excerpt from Financial News -- "Surely, a new set of more conservative and transparent mortgage-backed securities that would appeal to institutional investors (especially in this low interest rate environment) can be created, but it will take a combined effort of the banking industry, credit rating firms and public regulators to make it work. They will have to co-operate to establish a new set of standards for what goes into the securities, how they are to be analysed and rated, and how regulatory safe harbour rules will work to enable the issues to be underwritten."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's research on awe is cited

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "To be sure, awe is a multi-faceted emotion, and one that's only recently become the target of systematic psychological research. In an influential 2003 paper, psychologists Dacher Keltner and Jonathan Haidt argued that awe is characterized by two central features: vastness and accommodation. Vastness describes the experience of something larger than the self, whether that vastness is a matter of physical size or of metaphorical size, such as great power. Accommodation refers to the need to modify one's current mental structures to make sense of the experience — whether or not such modification is actually enacted or succeeds."
Faculty News

Prof. Gino Cattani's research on status and performance is highlighted

Forbes logo

Excerpt from Forbes -- "A study based on all drivers who competed in F1 races between 1981 and 2010 has revealed that although it is of course good to good to hire a top-performer, his average performance decreases when his team-mate has the same level of prior success and is therefore pushed to compete for the same positions. The study was led by the expert Dr Paolo Aversa, Cass Business School lecturer in strategy at City University in London, together with Professor Gino Cattani of Stern Business School at New York University and Dr Alessandro Marino from the management department of Luiss University in Rome. …. The study identifies two main reasons to justify its conclusion that as the difference in previous performance among top-level drivers working in the same team decreases so too do their individual results."

Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on Apple's movement into digital payments

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Apple could foster the creation of such integrated ecosystems, by adding payment software and services to its tightly integrated family of products. By detecting an iPhone’s location, retailers could push coupons to customers as they shop, or even let people order food based on the show they are watching. 'It sounds like fiction, but it’s going to be fact,' said Anindya Ghose, a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's research on the divide between liberals and conservatives is highlighted

Excerpt from American Thinker -- "In 2012, NYU social psychologist Jonathan Haidt, with collaborators, published a paper detailing how liberals and conservatives view each other. Haidt, et al, wrote: 'Across the political spectrum, moral stereotypes about “typical” liberals and conservatives correctly reflected the direction of actual differences in foundation endorsement but exaggerated the magnitude of these differences. Contrary to common theories of stereotyping, the moral stereotypes were not simple underestimations of the political outgroup’s morality. Both liberals and conservatives exaggerated the ideological extremity of moral concerns for the ingroup as well as the outgroup. Liberals were least accurate about both groups.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran is interviewed about Alibaba's IPO

CNC World logo
Excerpt from CNC World -- "This would be largest IPO in history. I think a lot of people misunderstand the size of an IPO by looking at what it actually offers on the offering day, but in terms of value of the company that's implied in that offering, this would be the largest IPO in history, much larger than Facebook..."
Faculty News

Profs Anindya Ghose and Priya Raghubir discuss online retailers' pricing strategies

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "'The old conjecture — through the ’90s — was that Internet shopping would make everybody more price-sensitive,' explains Priya Raghubir, chair of the marketing department at NYU Stern School of Business. Which should get you a better price. But there’s a 'more recent phenomenon' at play here, she says: The consumer might be worse off. ... Company priorities are shifting, too, says Anindya Ghose, a marketing and IT professor at Stern. They once channeled much of their strategy budgets to advertising and marketing. Now they’re redirecting some of those millions to pricing strategy, a 'historically underinvested sector,' with investments in technology, data and analysis that help companies reach that sweet spot where you’ll still buy their stuff but they’ll make the most money."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose's research on crowdfunding and privacy is highlighted

Pacific Standard logo
Excerpt from Pacific Standard -- "...Burtch and colleagues Anindya Ghose and Sunil Wattal went to 'one of the world’s largest online crowdfunding platforms,' as they describe it in their paper, and proposed a simple experiment... they found a privacy effect, meaning about five percent more people gave when they had to pay first and select privacy options later. But the authors also found what they termed a publicity effect: When users saw the privacy options last, those who went through with a contribution gave $5.81 less on average, the net result of fewer very large or very small (but still non-zero) amounts."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack on Eric Cantor's new position as Vice Chairman of Moelis

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'Most firms don’t have a vice-chairman,' says Professor David Yermack of the New York University Stern School of Business. 'They are fixers, who can lunch with important clients or regulators. But they have no operating responsibilities.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Jason Greenberg's research on women's success on Kickstarter is featured

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Ethan Mollick, an assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, together with Professor Jason Greenberg at New York University, recently looked into the success of women on Kickstarter. They examined 1,250 projects in five categories that sought at least $5,000 between 2010 and 2012. What they discovered was that women were 13 percent more likely than men to meet their Kickstarter goals."
Faculty News

Prof. Prasanna Tambe on the TechGirls initiative which aims to increase gender equality in the technology industry

Channel News Asia logo
Excerpt from Channel News Asia -- "'They won't just be playing catchup,' said Prasanna Tambe, associate professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'They'll be leapfrogging the competition in some ways because this is a problem that many countries have tried to solve and it's been difficult. I think everyone is still struggling to figure out how to achieve better gender balance in the high-tech workforce.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt discusses his Ethical Systems project

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Jon Haidt thinks corporate culture in America works relatively well. But that hasn’t stopped him from launching a crusade to up-end the way Wall Street titans do business. Haidt, a professor of business ethics at New York University’s Stern School of Business, founded a nonprofit called Ethical Systems this year. He started Ethical Systems as a research hub to study the best ways to make business people behave ethically. No one can accuse Haidt of underestimating what’s at stake. 'If we at Ethical Systems can, over the course of 10 years, improve business ethics by 1 percent, we’ve justified our life on this planet,' he says."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan discusses the sharing economy and human connectedness

Newsweek Logo
Excerpt from Newsweek -- "In a world where technology and efficiency have provoked greater loneliness, something as simple as sharing a ride in a taxi may improve our health and well-being. Arun Sundararajan, a New York University professor specializing in the digital economy, says that while technological progress yields greater institutional efficiency, 'a byproduct is a growing drop in the level of connectedness people have.' Sundararajan points to studies that show loneliness can have negative health effects. But there might be a way to counteract this depressing fact of contemporary life. The sharing economy, he says, can 'bring back that human connectedness into economic interactions that used to be individual, isolated, solitary and faceless.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh on New Jersey Community Capital's ReStart Home Preservation Program

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "'Clearly it's a win-win,' said Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh, professor of finance and director of the Center for Real Estate Finance Research at NYU's Stern School of Business. 'Banks are able to reduce their non-performing loans and improve their own financial health and that of the financial system more broadly in the process.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Engle's views on quantitative easing are featured

Excerpt from La Repubblica -- (Translated from Italian using Google Translate) "The Laureate Robert Engle warns that quantitative easing creates bubbles of liquidity and that in America the problem will emerge soon."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's op-ed on the European Central Bank's plan for the eurozone is highlighted

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'It now appears – based on European Central Bank President Mario Draghi's recent Jackson Hole speech – that the ECB has a similar plan in store for the euro zone,' Nouriel Roubini, chairman of Roubini Global Economics wrote in an op-ed published on Project Syndicate's website on Sunday, referring to 'Abenomics' – Abe's economic revival plan consisting of fiscal stimulus, monetary easing and structural reforms."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses European Central Bank President Mario Draghi's plan for the eurozone

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "It now appears – based on European Central Bank President Mario Draghi’s recent Jackson Hole speech – that the ECB has a similar plan in store for the eurozone. The first element of 'Draghinomics' is an acceleration of the structural reforms needed to boost the eurozone’s potential output growth. Progress on such vital reforms has been disappointing, with more effort made in some countries (Spain and Ireland, for example) and less in others (Italy and France, to cite just two)."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran discusses Yahoo's potential profit from Alibaba's IPO

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Yahoo is actually better off just throwing in the towel,' said New York University finance professor Aswath Damodaran, a valuation expert. 'The most sensible thing that they can do is give the money back to stockholders. They have lost the game to others (Google, Netflix, Amazon) and it is time for [CEO] Marissa Mayer to concede and not throw good money after bad,' Damodaran said in an email to CNBC."
Faculty News

Professor Luke Williams discusses Google's development of drones for commercial use

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "The business implications are really exciting because what we've got here - let's get away from the specifics of the drone - what we've got here is Google X, and this is what I love about the Google X program - they're basically starting from a blank sheet of paper, they're disrupting the old infrastructure model...which is the airport, go to a depot, go to a truck model which was based on the railways, so they're starting from a blank sheet and saying if we came here today and we had to get stuff to people, how would we look at doing that. So it's a new infrastructure idea from the ground up and that's what's exciting."
