Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz calls for open data from Bangladesh factories to improve worker safety

The Daily Star logo
Excerpt from The Daily Star -- "Knowing how the apparel supply chain really operates is the first step toward fixing it. And while this information on its own will not make factories safer, more transparency is a necessary predicate to developing the kind of comprehensive action plan that is urgently needed in Bangladesh."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses the end of quantitative easing

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think that what's going to happen is, you end QE and then the question is when do you start lifting rates, and that could be pushed further in the future depending on the data. ... essentially, policy action depends on growth, unemployment, inflation and also global headwinds. And the dollar."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's research on liberal bias in academia is featured

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "When the facts conflict with...sacred values, almost everyone finds a way to stick with their values and reject the evidence. On the left, including the academic left, the most sacred issues involve race and gender. So that's where you find the most direct and I'd say flagrant denial of evidence. I think the results of this study do clearly show that political concerns influence the willingness of sociologists to consider a major class of causal factors in human behavior."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari discusses the high-end handbag market

Excerpt from The Baffler -- "Serdari suggests that it is actually the increasing popularity of lower- and mid-level bags that now drives up the cost of higher-level bags. And there’s still a market for them, even at a 150 percent mark-up. Serdari says that, just as existing brands are hiking up their costs to distinguish themselves from the rest, a newly reinvented fashion brand (like Céline) might today choose to produce bags with the most marked increase (at, say, $2,500—up from $1,000 ten years ago)."
Faculty News

Senior Research Scholar Shlomo Angel discusses the Urbanization Project's research on the growth of 120 cities

Fast Co.Exist logo
Excerpt from Fast Co.Exist -- "'What we've been able to show is that there's been unbelievable expansion,' says Shlomo 'Solly' Angel, a senior researcher at the NYU Stern Urbanization Project. 'This gives planners and policymakers an idea of by how much cities are going to grow. In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, cities are going to grow seven or eight times between now and 2040.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Joseph Foudy discusses China's economic growth

CNC World logo
Excerpt from CNC World -- "I think we should expect China to grow at a six or seven percent for the next five to ten years or so, and I think that's a new normal. When you grow for ten percent a year for three decades, it's only natural that you'll slow down. It's important to realize that the slowdown is a sign of success not weakness. Every successful economy, as it gets wealthier, transitions from ten percent growth to seven percent growth for a decade or two, to five percent growth and then eventually you are wealthy and you grow at a two to three percent that we see amongst all fully-developed countries."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya's research on European bank stress tests is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "...applying the leverage ratio may reveal a yawning hole at European banks, according to an analysis by Sascha Steffen, an associate professor at ESMT European School of Management and Technology in Berlin, and Viral V. Acharya, a professor of economics at New York University. They first assumed European banks had to write off all the nonperforming loans that are not covered by reserves. Then they calculated how much equity capital the banks would then need so that their equity capital equaled 4 percent of total assets. In that situation, the banks in the sample would have a theoretical capital shortfall of nearly $350 billion."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose discusses the security benefits Apple Pay offers consumers

Al Jazeera logo
Excerpt from Al Jazeera -- "Apple's new system uses something called tokenization, which basically does not let the retailers get access to the credit card number and that's the premise on which Apple is basically pushing its system... that we will protect your data. To consumers, they're saying, we'll give you more convenience, we'll give you added security because of tokenization so that retailers don't know your credit card data. Now, for consumers, this is great. For retailers, this is not so good because, for years, they've always mined the credit card data to put in their offline and online transactions together and create a profile... they can use that to also target us with real-time advertisements when we're in the store. Now, with Apple Pay, they can't do that easily anymore."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya discusses the Stern Volatility Institute's Systemic Risk Rankings

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Using his methodology, which he calls SRISK, Mr Acharya found that in a crisis French financial institutions would have a capital shortfall of almost $400bn, worse than the US and UK despite their much bigger financial sectors. Looking just at the French banks tested in the ECB stress tests, which found zero capital shortfall, SRISK came up with €189bn."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Anindya Ghose outlines the benefits and pitfalls of crowdsourcing

The Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "The nature of work itself is dramatically changing due to the concept of an ‘on-demand’ workforce. Studies have predicted that up to 40% of the U.S. workforce population will be part of this ‘on-demand’ labor pool (contractors, freelancers and temp workers) within the next six years. The primary motivation for companies to crowdsource, whether for labor, design, ideas or funding, is to reduce costs in a challenging economic environment, as well as to harness the skills, collective knowledge and wisdom of the crowds to complement the skills of their employees."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari on the emergence of single-category retailers that build their brands online

Womens Wear Daily logo
Excerpt from WWD -- "'It’s legitimate that customers have been very disappointed with large brands and their customer relationships. Someone has had to come in,' said Thomaï Serdari, brand strategist and adjunct professor of marketing at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business. 'The customers felt quite alienated or disconnected and didn’t feel that brands spoke to them. That is what initiated this.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose discusses CVS and Rite Aid's rejection of Apple Pay

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'This act by CVS and Rite Aid heralds the advent of the imminent battle in the mobile pay system,' Anindya Ghose, a marketing and information-technology professor at New York University, said yesterday in an e-mail."
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on blue chip stocks' recent earnings reports

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "Historically, they were big, well-known companies, often in consumer goods, like Procter & Gamble, General Motors, General Electric and General Mills, says Lawrence White, an economics professor at the N.Y.U. Stern School of Business... But even blue chips can fall, says White, recalling General Motors' bankruptcy. 'The stock holders of the old General Motors came out with nothing,' he says."
Faculty News

Prof. Anindya Ghose on the future of Apple Pay

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Apple also needs to sell consumers on Pay. Anindya Ghose, an IT and marketing professor at New York University, says the company should play up what he considers Apple Pay’s greatest strength: the added security of its token system. Right after Apple’s iPad introduction event on Oct. 16, Cook said the payment service’s security and privacy, combined with its ease of use, will appeal to consumers. 'It takes some time to roll out to banks and merchants, but I think there will be an incredible pull from customers who want it,' he said. 'At the end of the day, a merchant always does what their customers want.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald explains the effectiveness of subscription sample box services

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "For manufacturers, sample boxes away to give targeted consumers a taste, feel for, or experience with products they otherwise would probably not make the effort to get to know. There’s also far less competitive clutter in a sample box than visiting that product category section at retail, so the sampled brands have a much longer time for consumers to evaluate the selling messages on their packages. ROCKSBOX gives users who try the jewelry for a limited time, the option to purchase what they like for a reasonable price."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams on the impact of the recent Apple iCloud hack

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "The Apple brand has a lot of forgiveness. People are going to forgive them very quickly because they've got such a strong user base and it's an ecosystem that people feel locked into. I once heard it described as a prison you actually choose to go through because it's a closed system. So they're going to bounce back from this. Not a problem. I don't think it's going to have a real impact on the brand."
Faculty News

In a letter to the editor, Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz addresses worker safety in Bangladesh

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "What Bangladesh needs is a global fund that pools resources from the global brands, local manufacturers, Western governments and the World Bank and International Monetary Fund. Acting alone, not one of these entities has the will or resources to get the job done. But together they may just succeed."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the impact of San Francisco's move to legalize Airbnb

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Politically, other cities will be pushed to do what San Francisco did, because more people will want to rent out their houses and cars,' said Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at NYU Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses the future of the Oscar de la Renta brand

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In 2010, de la Renta quietly sold an approximately 20 percent stake to GF Capital Management & Advisors to provide additional financing to launch a beauty business and open more stores. To leverage its brand, the company will need more capital, said Scott Galloway, who teaches marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. He said the brand could be valued at as much as $1 billion if it can attract less well-heeled shoppers and said a strategic buyer or private equity firm might bite."

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Faculty News

Prof. JP Eggers explains how big cap companies can become risk-averse

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "...when firms do well for a long period of time and grow to become these big cap firms, that creates a lot of political power, a lot of political capital for the divisions that have a lot of strength. Those divisions then want to keep that power, resist that change as the market changes around them, and that kind of leads to the inertia in the organization. ... because by trying to be efficient in making good decisions and avoiding big bad, risky gambles, they then weed out potentially good risky projects and that kind of makes them look like they're being very risk-averse."
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Salomon on IBM's sale of its chipmaking business to GlobalFoundries

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "'If you only look at the headline cash number, you are missing a lot of the story,' says Rob Salomon, professor at the NYU Stern School of Business... 'As a matter of fact, there’s another example where this happened, which is Daimler-Chrysler’s spin-off of Chrysler. In effect, Daimler paid Cerberus to take Chrysler off its hands,' Salomon says."
Faculty News

Prof. Robert Engle discusses recent stock market volatility

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "We've had about two weeks of spectacularly high volatility. However, when you think about it, it's only high relative to the last two years. We haven't seen this for two years. Before that, we had the financial crisis, which makes this small... There's uncertainty about the future. And then, a news event comes along and it moves the markets... The thing that I thought was the new piece of information was that Europe looked worse than it had. Germany was slowing down and Angela Merkel said that we better tighten our belts, which I think the markets thought was just the wrong answer."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer's upcoming investor conference call

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The call is 'critical,' said Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'Is she going to have the wind at her back or in her face?'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz outlines what needs to be done to increase worker safety in Bangladesh

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "The accomplishments Roberts highlights in conducting inspections and identifying factory safety hazards are important. But workers and factory owners need to know next steps. Brands and retailers should work with Bangladeshi manufacturers, the government of Bangladesh, foreign governments, and development organisations to advance a comprehensive approach – underwritten by significant funding – to upgrade the entire export garment sector."
