Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Philippon's research on the finance industry is cited

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Thomas Philippon, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, is another academic who has studied the role of finance in the economy. In a November 2012 article in The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Mr. Philippon and Ariell Reshef, an economist at the University of Virginia, reported on wages in the United States financial industry from 1909 to 2006. Among their findings: Finance accounted for 15 to 25 percent of the overall increase in wage inequality between 1980 and 2006."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses negative nominal interest rates

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Over time, of course, negative nominal and real returns may lead savers to save less and spend more. And that is precisely the goal of negative interest rates: In a world where supply outstrips demand and too much saving chases too few productive investments, the equilibrium interest rate is low, if not negative. Indeed, if the advanced economies were to suffer from secular stagnation, a world with negative interest rates on both short- and long-term bonds could become the new normal."
Faculty News

Prof. Bryan Bollinger's research on grocery shopping habits is featured

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "A recent paper* by Uma Karmarkar of Harvard Business School and Bryan Bollinger of Duke Fuqua School of Business finds that shoppers who bring their own bags when they buy groceries like to reward themselves for it. For two years the authors tracked transactions at a supermarket in America. Perhaps unsurprisingly, shoppers who brought their own bags bought more green products than those who used the store’s bags. But the eco-shoppers were also more likely to buy sweets, ice cream and crisps."
Faculty News

Prof. Luke Williams explains how technology is driving economic growth in New York

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "When you're talking about economic growth, it is innovation that's the driver of that growth. So the way you increase growth, you have to have a vested increase in increasing the pace of innovation. And the way you increase the pace of innovation is increase the exchange of ideas - or between different industries. So, New York has a tremendous advantage because it's not just tech.... you know, fashion, media... it's all mixing of ideas."
Faculty News

Prof. Rosa Abrantes-Metz on the investigation of large banks for alleged gold price manipulation

BNN logo
Excerpt from Business News Network -- "I think that when we, nowadays, have so much electronic trading, and we have guidelines on what type of collaborations among competitors are allowed, having five competitors chatting live in a way that is not disclosed to the market on what the prices of gold, on which they have a variety of derivatives benchmarked on, and at the time when they themselves are trading for their clients and their own books, and nobody is monitoring... and ensuring that this process is robust, that is extremely problematic. It's very problematic also because we do see the patterns in the data."
Faculty News

Urbanization Project Research Scholar Brandon Fuller on the possibility of state-sponsored immigration

Huff Post Live logo
Excerpt from HuffPost Live -- "I do think that there are some merits to allowing states to have a say in directing the flow of immigration because they understand local costs imposed by immigrants... and also the benefits. I think one advantage that the state-based visa would have, for example, over an employment-based visa is that the immigrants themselves would have more flexibility within the states. So they'd be able to work for any number of different employers. That would create a thicker labor market, which would, of course, benefit employers as well. So there would be a higher potential for good matches between employers and workers. In the existing system, if you take, for example, the H1B specialty employment visa, it ties a worker to one employer. So you don't have that kind of labor market flexibility, which is ultimately detrimental to the immigrant and the economy and the labor market."
Faculty News

Prof. Joshua Ronen on Morgan Stanley's revised earnings announcement

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "'Something of this magnitude is rather unusual,' said Joshua Ronen, professor of accounting at New York University Stern School of Business and co-editor of the Journal of Law, Finance and Accounting."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Posner on the Fair Labor Association code of conduct

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "In contrast, the Fair Labor Association launched its code alongside its charter. 'We realized we couldn’t just launch a set of principles,' Michael Posner, a former US assistant secretary of state for democracy, human rights and labor and head of New York University’s Center for Business and Human Rights, told me. 'It couldn’t just be that every company was "on a journey"; we needed metrics and ways to evaluate compliance.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides discusses net neutrality

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Nicholas Economides, an economics professor at New York University, says paid prioritization would let ISPs pick the Internet’s winners, which would naturally be the richest players. 'In an industry with lots of change and innovation, there are big dangers of allowing only the people who can pay you today to win,' he said."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomaï Serdari on luxury brands' support of the arts

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Not all brands need be patrons of the arts but luxury brands most often are,' said Thomaï Serdari, Ph.D. brand strategist and adjunct professor of marketing at New York University, New York. 'Traditionally, luxury objects have been items of great craftsmanship and artistic intent, often made of the most precious and rare materials — in fact, most of the luxury objects produced in pre-modern times are housed in renowned museum collections today.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald shares product development tips from top mixologists

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "The Harvard Business School Case, El Bulli: A Taste of Innovation, provides business lessons from the way Ferran Adria innovates (the Catalan chef, thought by many to be the most creative chef in history) and it truly changed my life. Ferran’s methods inspired both my book, Catalyzing Innovation and innovation program for global executives, Inventours™, and it made me far more observant of how others innovate across industries, wherever I go. Given how much I learned by studying Ferran, I thought learning how the best 'mixologists' innovate could yield similar insights, given the art and entertainment form inventive craft cocktails have become."
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides on how the Internet can foster "winner-take-all" markets

Excerpt from CKGSB Knowledge -- "[Economides's] models suggest that even small network effects can help a good company realize high profits, more sales and greater profits, and the stronger the effect, the more likely that the company will be able to achieve a monopoly position. 'If we have a network, we will see a lot of inequality among companies, which means that some people are going to make a lot of money,' he says."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on the future of TV

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "It's a great time to be a writer, someone who's trying to greenlight a script. There's going to be more original scripted series this year than, I think, in the history of television. It's just not a great time to be in the business of selling eyeballs on an ad-supported model. HBO, great business. Netflix, great business. Amazon media might be a great business. Trying to get a ton of people to show up and then selling commercials to beer companies, that's going to be a difficult business."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Apple's plans for new data centers in Europe

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "'Having a greater business in Ireland would certainly help Apple make a case to the European Commission that a larger fraction of their operations are based in the country in which they have this tax deal,' says Arun Sundararajan, professor of information, operations, and management sciences at NYU’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Spence argues for increased public investment by private investors

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "Properly targeted public investment can do much to boost economic performance, generating aggregate demand quickly, fueling productivity growth by improving human capital, encouraging technological innovation, and spurring private-sector investment by increasing returns. Though public investment cannot fix a large demand shortfall overnight, it can accelerate the recovery and establish more sustainable growth patterns."
Faculty News

Prof. Roy Smith on the impact of Basel III regulations on the banking industry

Bankrate logo
Excerpt from Bankrate.com -- "'Safety and soundness is probably improving because banks are being increasingly required to do less risky things,' says Smith, but many of the regulatory changes made to accomplish that could end up actually harming the ability of major banks to survive over the long term."
Faculty News

Profs Samuel Craig and William Greene's research on the connection between a movie's online buzz and box office success is highlighted

MediaPost logo
Excerpt from MediaPost -- "Craig and co-authors William Greene and Anthony Versaci (of AIG) analyzed 62 wide-release films over a six-month period. Among the top factors that led to increased online buzz were the film’s budget, its genre (horror and action do better than other genres) and whether the film is a sequel or not. 'This goes to show that studios do not have to remain passive bystanders, but can become actively involved in managing consumer engagement online,' Craig says. 'Similarly, studio executives can get an early read on its prospects.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on the evolution of fashion week

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "New York Fashion Week didn’t used to be as public an affair. Traditionally, designers would show off their garb to buyers, who would write orders. 'Now it’s an opportunity for a brand to present their stuff in a controlled environment,' Scott Galloway, who teaches marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said on Bloomberg Television Tuesday. 'It’s all with the hope that well-heeled attendees will take a ton of pictures and spread it to a much broader audience.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Nicholas Economides discusses Greece's negotiations with Germany

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I think that the Greek government will have a hard time convincing its voters that it didn't give in, but that is, in my opinion, a minor issue. The major issue is for Greece not to go bankrupt again, not to leave the euro... this is the major issue. So, it's crucially important for the Greek government to compromise and then find a way to sell it to its voters."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's book, "The Little Book of Valuation," is cited

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "I know there are those who argue that value is in the eye of the beholder, and that any price can be justified if there are other investors who perceive an investment to be worth that amount. That is patently absurd. Perceptions may be all that matter when the asset is a painting or a sculpture, but you buy financial assets for the cash flows that you expect to receive."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on how bloggers impact fashion week

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Typically, bloggers bring a couple things. They bring an authenticity, a new voice and they usually bring a younger audience... No brand ever says, 'We have too many 18-30 year old fashionable thought leaders.' You never hear a brand say that, 'Oh, we need more 75 year olds.' You don't hear that a lot. So you [fashion blogger Danielle Bernstein] bring an audience, an authenticity, and also, you bring a business model. You're leaner and meaner."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan's views on the sharing economy are highlighted

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "Arun Sundararajan, a professor at NYU, has argued that many parts of the sharing economy could self-regulate, with oversight from the government, the way that nuclear power plants do."
Faculty News

Prof. Srikanth Jagabathula wins the National Science Foundation's CAREER Award

India Today Logo
Excerpt from India Today -- "An IIT Bombay alumnus, Jagabathula will receive a total of $500,000 over the next five years to further his research in developing data-driven modelling and learning techniques with the goal of improving the accuracy of operational decision making."
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's book, "Drunk Tank Pink," is cited

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "When discussing how weather affects human behavior in his book Drunk Tank Pink, New York University marketing and psychology professor Adam Alter said, 'Sunshine dulls the mind to risk and thoughtfulness.' Added Alter: 'Happiness sends a signal that everything is fine, the environment doesn't pose an imminent threat, and there’s no need to think deeply and carefully.'"
Faculty News

Dean Peter Henry is appointed to Citigroup's board of directors

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'Peter’s expertise in the economics of emerging markets and his unique perspective that spans the public sector, academia and business make him a valuable addition to Citi,' Citigroup Chairman Michael E. O’Neill said in a news release."
