Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on the employment status of workers in the sharing economy

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "'The [employer/contractor legal] dichotomy makes the provider-platform relationship more adversarial than it needs to be, which hurts platform culture,' Arun Sundararajan, a New York University professor who has done much research on what is often called the 'sharing economy,' said in an e-mail when I asked him about this. 'It introduces an artificial distance.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Melissa Schilling points to the negative consequences of generic drug substitution

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "There are two big problems with the current automatic substitution system. First, generics are not identical to the branded drug. Generic drugs only have to meet the standard of 80 percent to 125 percent of the bioavailability of the referenced drug ... The second problem with automatic substitution is that it forces branded companies to subsidize generics, undermining competition and innovation ... We should instead be looking for ways to make clinical testing more efficient, and generally lowering the entry barriers to competition among branded pharmaceutical companies."
Faculty News

Professor Aline Wolff explains how to practice innovative thinking

Batterii blog logo
Excerpt from Baterii blog -- "What if we really looked at a whole range of different possible answers when we look at a problem? 'What if you had five answers instead of one answer, and then you debated the strong and the weak points of each?' says Wolff. If we, as individuals and teams, can actually get into the habit of saying, 'What if there were better solutions?' we could come up with many valuable, new-to-the-world answers."
Faculty News

Professor Ian Bremmer explains why a nuclear deal with Iran will benefit the United States

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "One of the reasons this is a good deal for the United States is because, within a year, certainly by the end of 2016, we will see a million additional barrels [of oil] a day of production coming on line from Iran. That's why America's ally, the Saudis, really don't want a deal. And I don't blame them. But the problem is, the Americans and the Saudis have very different interests, on this and on many other things. And so the United States is pushing for something that is clearly an unmitigated good for the American economy. If the Iran deal happens, OPEC is effectively destroyed."
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's research on bank regulation is featured

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Over the past 40 years, lower-risk banks haven’t had lower costs of equity, according to a paper recently published in The American Economic Review. 'All else being equal, making regulated banks less risky may actually raise their cost of capital,' argue the authors, Malcolm Baker of Harvard Business School and Jeffrey Wurgler of New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides explains the pressure for Greece to reach a debt deal

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "A Greek debt deal 'looks like it is going to happen,' according to Nicholas Economides, a professor of economics at the Stern School of Business at New York University, speaking on Bloomberg radio. Economides said that implementing the deal and getting political support behind it are big tasks, but he emphasized the “tremendous pressure” for the Greek government to avert a default and capital controls."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Arun Sundararajan argues that governments need to adjust labor laws to protect "sharing economy" workers

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Health coverage, insurance against workplace injuries, paid vacations and maternity leave: these have long been universal entitlements in many economies. They should not become exclusive perks for a dwindling band of salaried employees."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides on the difficulty in reaching an agreement between the Greek government and EU leaders

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "It's extremely difficult to reach an agreement today because they [the Greek government and the EU leaders] haven't reached an agreement on lower levels on the technical ground...I think there are two major issues in this agreement. One has to do with balancing the budget and having a bit of surplus. And the other one is balancing the payments to pensions..."
Faculty News

NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer discusses Greece's debt negotiations

Charlie Rose logo
Excerpt from Charlie Rose -- "It's between Greece and Germany, but it's also between the Greek leadership and their own people. They need to have enough of a sense of crisis internally so that when they make a deal -- and they want to make a deal -- that they don't lose their government, that they don't have defections from Syriza that make it impossible for Tsipras to win. So it's an incredibly difficult position. And from the beginning, it should have been abundantly apparent that this deal had to go down to the wire for that very reason."

Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on the future of Twitter

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua -- "I personally think that what Twitter needs is a CEO who can increase user adoption, and align their strengths more clearly with the company's strategy and revenue model. So it's got to be a very product-focused CEO, rather than a tech-focused CEO, because I think that their technology is extremely good, it's more of a question of coming up with a good solution for new customers... Someone who understands the customer experience, rather than is focused on the capability of the product."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, NYU Global Research Professor Ian Bremmer demonstrates the evolution and costs of cyber warfare

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "The massive breach of the Office of Personnel Management a couple weeks ago made headlines, but Washington has been fending off cyber-attacks for years now. The federal government suffered a staggering 61,000 cyber-security breaches last year alone. This most recent wave of hacks exposed the records of up to 14 million current and former US government employees, some dating back to 1985. Compromised information includes Social Security numbers, job assignments and performance evaluations. This is dangerous information in the hands of the wrong people, which by definition these hackers are. There is a good reason why the U.S. Director of National Intelligence ranks cyber crime as the No. 1 national security threat, ahead of terrorism, espionage and weapons of mass destruction."
Faculty News

Professor Dolly Chugh was named a favorite professor by Jennifer Meacham (MBA '15)

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "My favorite professor is Dolly Chugh because I’ve been able to learn from her inside and outside the classroom. Inside the classroom, it is evident that she puts a lot of thought into her lectures and experiential activities. Outside of the classroom, she has worked with several student clubs to host events focused on pushing dialogue further at Stern and to help Stern form a more inclusive community. On a more personal level, she is also an incredible moderator, speaker, mentor, and accomplished researcher and has been a valuable member of my support team during my time at Stern."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Vasant Dhar evaluates the capabilities of machines in making investment decisions

Big Data logo
Excerpt from Big Data -- "One trend appears quite certain: as the data emanating from the markets and society continues to increase, artificial intelligence approaches will grow and offer alternative ways of investing. Robots are more likely to be embraced by millenials than by the baby boomer generation that abdicated investing mostly to human advisors. A proliferation of robots does raise the tantalizing possibility of machines competing with other machines in the way humans have done in the past."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla defends Alexander Hamilton's place on the $10 bill

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from Los Angeles Times -- "'He's the person that set up the financial system,' Sylla said. 'He may have been the most important figure in terms of setting up this country.'"
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides on the state of Greek banks

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'The extreme economic uncertainty coupled with fears of currency change have driven withdrawals to unprecedented levels, wiping in four days the cushion of about 3 billion euros of the Greek banking system,' said Nicholas Economides, professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Jennifer Carpenter's research on China's stock market is cited

Citywire logo
Excerpt from Citywire -- "Jennifer Carpenter and her co-researchers at NYU Stern School of Business suggested last year [the diference between China's A share and other markets] might be due to the isolation of the domestic market, effectively bidding up the cost of funding, this would have a larger effect the greater the ratio of equity capital to capital expenditure. '[This] amounts to an inflated cost of equity capital, constraining the investment of China’s smaller, more profitable enterprises,' they said."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz on the Federal Reserve's plan to increase interest rates

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'The real question is not when they start but how fast and how high they go,' said Kim Schoenholtz, an economist at New York University. 'And what we’ve seen is they keep scaling back the equilibrium rate they intend to reach and the pace they intend to get there.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway interviews Professor Aswath Damodaran on social media company valuations

L2 ThinkTank logo
Excerpt from L2 ThinkTank -- "When Facebook first went public, I valued it as a Google wanna-be — a company that if it was like Google would be a success. … When I value Facebook today, I no longer value it as a Google wanna-be. … Google is going to be the Facebook wanna-be in this market." -- Aswath Damodaran
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Brandon Fuller explains how cities can help low-income workers without raising the minimum wage

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "In addition to tax policies that reward work, cities can think creatively about ways to lower the costs of goods and services sold within their jurisdictions. In most of the cities that Americans would characterize as expensive, for example, housing is especially unaffordable because regulatory bottlenecks keep enough of it from being built. For many cities, easing constraints on the supply of housing could help paychecks stretch further."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides on the Federal Reserve's reluctance to raise interest rates

CCTV logo
Excerpt from CCTV -- "This is not a policy without dangers, because very cheap money creates speculation in commodities and other markets. ... Given what they say is their target inflation rate, they should try to catch up with it as soon as possible."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Michael Spence analyzes China's strategy for economic growth

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "China’s leaders surely want international recognition of their country’s global stature. But they also want China’s rise to high-income status to occur in a way that is – and that is perceived to be – beneficial to its neighbors and the world. The new external focus of China’s growth and development strategy seems to be intended to make that vision a reality."
Faculty News

Professor Sonia Marciano on the trend towards better work-life balance

TIME logo
Excerpt from TIME -- "'My students, men and women, talk much more openly about an expectation of work-life balance,' Sonia Marciano, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, told the Times. 'It’s a shift that seems pretty real and substantial.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan on the California Labor Commission's ruling that Uber drivers are employees rather than independent contractors

SF Gate Logo
Excerpt from SF Gate -- "Reclassifying drivers as employees could force Uber and other companies to rely on fewer workers who would work longer and more structured hours, eliminating the flexibility that makes them appealing, said Arun Sundararajan, a New York University business professor who studies the on-demand economy. While big companies like Uber and Lyft could handle the financial hit, smaller ones may determine that their business models are no longer viable, he said."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Zarowin on the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)

The Trusted Professional logo
Excerpt from The Trusted Professional -- "According to Paul A. Zarowin, an accounting professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, there is a school of thought, which he himself subscribes to, that 'our financial reporting and disclosure system is as good as it gets,” and that switching to IFRS is a situation where “we have everything to lose and nothing to gain.'"
Faculty News

In a co-athored op-ed, Professor Pankaj Ghemawat argues for more national diversity among c-suite executives

MIT Sloan Management Review logo
Excerpt from MIT Sloan Management Review -- "...the data suggest that most international interactions are, in fact, semiglobalized, and closer to the 'zero-integration' extreme than to the 'complete-integration' extreme — usually by a wide margin. And in terms of changes, a globalization index that one of us (Ghemawat) compiles annually indicates that current levels of globalization are still below those reached before the global financial crisis."
