Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses his new book, "The Sharing Economy"

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Well, I think we're at the early stages of a pretty massive transition in how we organize economic activity. In the 20th century, we reached sort of the pinnacle of organizing economic activity inside massive hierarchies, large corporations. We're starting to take it out of the corporations and have it flow through these things called platforms, like Uber, Airbnb and Etsy."
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Simonoff's research on the connection between Broadway show reviews and success is featured

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "In a paper published earlier this year, Mr Simonoff and his colleagues found that while shows that received positive reviews in USA Today and the Daily News tended to survive longer on Broadway, reviews in the New York Times has no statistically-significant effect."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's new book, "The Sharing Economy," is featured

TED logo
Excerpt from TED -- "Sundararajan, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, sees enough value in the sharing economy — today’s networked, person-to-person exchanges of goods and services — to be an optimist. What’s more, he says, the potential advantages are not just commercial but can make us a more connected and trusting society."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith discusses the pursuit of shareholder value

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "At New York University’s Stern School of Business, finance professor Roy Smith said he teaches that shareholder value is a core tenet of American economics and law. ... But even Smith said companies should adhere to the ethical norms of the era they’re in. 'You can only go so far in the pursuit of pure profits,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundarararajan is interviewed about his book, "The Sharing Economy"

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "We had a well-defined notion a couple hundred years ago of markets where individuals sold to other individuals. We have a pretty well-defined notion today of a large hierarchy that produces and delivers goods and services. I see the sharing economy platforms as somewhere in between. They’re creating this new hybrid between firms and markets, and there’s still a process of figuring out how much of an organization and how much of a market you should be."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Michelle Greenwald highlights six effective uses of virtual reality in marketing

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Virtual reality is one of the latest technologies marketers are trying to wrap their heads around to figure out how to best utilize the tool to achieve brand objectives. While we’re only at the tip of the iceberg in terms of impactful ways to use VR for marketing, several pioneers have found creative ways to do it well and support their unique value propositions."
Faculty News

Professor Joseph Foudy discusses Disney's new resort in Shanghai

ABC News logo
Excerpt from ABC News -- "Joseph Foudy, who teaches several courses on Asia and Asian economies at NYU's Stern School of Business, said the resort will likely experience 'teething problems' in the beginning, such as crowd management and other operational glitches, but he predicts the park will be a resounding success."

Faculty News

The Ethical Systems "Ethics By Design" conference at Stern is highlighted; Professor Jonathan Haidt is quoted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- “It’s important to also talk about the positive examples of ethical behavior, not just the bad ones. Focusing on the positive reasons you are in business, and reinforcing the good things people do strengthens ethical choices as ‘the norm’ of the organization.”
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla reflects on corporations' treatment of employees in the 1950s-1980s

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "After World War II, American companies 'pretty much had the world to themselves,' Sylla said. Most of their rivals in Europe and Japan were rebuilding after the war’s destruction, so big companies were raking in cash and didn’t have any issue being generous. 'When we compare that time to today, we find everyone seemed to share in the prosperity, from the corporate executives right down to the assembly line workers,' Sylla said."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his views on international investing

CFA Institute blog logo
Excerpt from CFA Institute blog -- "Damodaran believes that looking for specific countries to invest in is dangerous, cautioning that 'cheap countries are cheap for a reason.' For example, it would be irresponsible to invest more in Russia than its position in the global economy merits, even though it is probably the cheapest market in the world. On the other hand, Brazil looks like a cheap market right now, but investors should find exposure to Brazil at the right price, rather than avoid it outright."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Brandenburger’s joint research on business strategy is cited

Business World logo
Excerpt from Business World -- "Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebluff proposed that bundling complementary products or services enhance customer value and make primary offerings more competitive (HBR, 1995)."
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's research on index funds is referenced

Kiplinger logo
Excerpt from Kiplinger -- "Indexes are constructed and then left alone for the most part, right? Not really. Even the S&P 500, which is weighted by market value and is not rebalanced, undergoes 20 to 25 changes in an average year as companies are added to and removed from the index, according to a study by Jeffrey Wurgler, a professor at NYU Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's new book, "The Sharing Economy," is highlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Sundararajan’s sympathies lie with these legions of new micro-entrepreneurs, trying to build successful new lines of work in the sharing economy. In his book, 'The Sharing Economy,' the NYU professor expresses concern that everything could turn into 'a disparaging race to the bottom that leaves workers around the world working more hours for less money and with minimal job security and benefits.'"
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt explains how different political views inform how people interpret the shooting in Orlando

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'The left is very worried about homophobia but it’s also very worried about Islamophobia, so there is going to be some real cognitive dissonance on the left as people talking about a Muslim killing many gay people,' said Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist and professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Pankaj Ghemawat shares key factors for effective strategies for companies exporting products globally

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Much of the current literature advises first-time exporters to draw up demand-led strategies that will take their products into the largest or fastest growing markets. Measures of foreign market potential in this respect might include per capita income, population or consumption growth. While these are important factors, they can be overstressed, says Pankaj Ghemawat... Instead, a well-conceived export strategy will take the 'closeness' of a potential market into account, defined broadly to encompass cultural and administrative similarity as much as geographical proximity, he says."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev discusses the need for updated accounting standards, from his forthcoming book, "The End of Accounting"

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "[Lev's] contention is that generally accepted accounting principles, or GAAP, have lost their relevance over the last 40 years. The industrial economy, he says, with its emphasis on physical assets of property, plant and equipment, and inventory levels has been supplanted by a new economy in which intangible assets like research and development, information technology, unique business franchises, and powerful brands rule the roost."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's research on the finance industry is highlighted

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Financial titans might splutter into their champagne at Mr Philippon’s finding, and point to the reduction in trading spreads or even the rise of firms like Vanguard. But it is the cost to the end-user that is the key. Mr Philippon’s data suggest that money saved in one area has been offset by new charges elsewhere."
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch's co-authored research on the connection between taking photos and enjoying experiences is featured

Yahoo Tech logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Tech -- "Watching moments unfold through a viewfinder may seem like a narrow, distracted point of view, but a new study suggests otherwise. People who take photos of their experiences actually enjoy them more, according to a study published by the American Psychological Association."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer explains why many consumers don't like no-tipping policies at restaurants

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "Russell Winer a professor of marketing at NYU’s Stern School of Business, said diners like to feel like they’re in charge, and taking the tip out of their hands — literally — may not make them feel at ease. 'People like the discretion,' he said. 'They like the separation of the tip from the meal because it gives them the opportunity to reward excellent service and penalize terrible service.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter explains how certain packaging of cigarettes can deter smoking

Christian Science Monitor logo
Excerpt from Christian Science Monitor -- "'Australia has been using the same brown packaging for some time, and a review of two dozen studies showed that it deters smoking – and also seems to make the cigarettes taste worse, which was an unexpected side-effect of the repackaging,' Prof. Alter writes. 'A cigarette that comes from an ugly brown box will, similarly, seem less appealing for the same reason. We associate that brown color with so many negative substances and ideas that the cigarette comes to take on those negative associations as well. I certainly think it should be tried in America.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Whitelaw discusses the impact of a US interest rate increase on China's markets

China Radio International - NewsPlus Radio logo
Excerpt from China Radio International -- "The key effect ... of interest rate moves, at least in the short term, are on currency. So we actually saw with Yellen's statement about sort of postponing an increase in interest rates that the dollar was weaker. By reverse, if we actually see that increase in the short term, especially if it's a surprise increase, then there is a danger that that will put pressure on the dollar-yuan exchange rate from a negative standpoint from China's perspective."
Faculty News

Research on savings by Professors Itamar Drechsler, Alexi Savov and Philipp Schnabl is highlighted

CFA Institute blog logo
Except from the CFA Institute blog -- "According to new research from the Stern School of Business at New York University, for every 1% increase in interest rates, the rate banks pay on a typical savings deposit rises by just 0.34%. So even a 2% increase in rates would translate into a relatively paltry 0.68% bump in what consumers would receive from the bank. Not exactly a silver bullet for retirement planning."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla's co-authored research on interest rates is mentioned

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Yields on undated British government debt fell below 3% at various points in the mid-18th century, according to Sidney Homer and Richard Sylla’s magisterial study 'A History of Interest Rates.'"
Faculty News

Professor Priya Raghubir discusses branding challenges that banks face after the financial crisis

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "NYU’s Prof Raghubir says there are good reasons to cut brand spend when the going gets tough: 'You probably don’t want to be investing too heavily at a time when a greater mention of your brand is only going to backfire and remind people that you exist, when you’re trying to just weather a crisis.'"
Faculty News

Professor Yaacov Trope's co-authored research on loyalty in relationships is cited

Excerpt from NewKerala.com -- "In a recent set of experiments, psychologists Dr. Shana Cole, Dr. Yaacov Trope and Dr. Emily Balcetis from the New York University found evidence that couples downgrade the appearance of people they perceive as threatening their relationships."
