Faculty News

Prof. Jacob Jacoby on consumer choices

Excerpt from PJStar.com -- "Yet the more information people were given about different brands of beer or cereal, the worse they did in terms of choosing well, said Jacob Jacoby, a marketing professor at New York University, according to Carlin Flora’s 2004 article in Psychology Today."
School News

Undergraduate student Justin Silver gave a keynote speech at the Plainview JFK DECA installation

Excerpt from Plainview Patch -- "Justin Silver, an alumni and former DECA president at JFK, delivered the keynote speech. Silver is currently a senior at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Evan Shapiro address both the TV lovers and haters

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "So, to those of you who hate TV -- I have to say, you really don't know what you're missing. To those of you who love TV -- it looks like a great year ahead."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt's work on morality is highlighted

Excerpt from National Review Online -- " ... it is interesting to consider the vigorous virtues in light of Jonathan Haidt’s 'moral foundations' thesis. Specifically, loyalty to friends and robustness against enemies are qualities that are particularly prized by conservatives." Additional coverage appeared in American Thinker.
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on the US government's budget lingo

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Politics these days is dominated by phrases such as “baseline,” “progressivity” and “payroll tax.” These words are budget-ese, lexical obscurities." Additional coverage appeared in Yahoo! Finance and Brainer Dispatch.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the outlook for Europe's economy

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "Private investors and the markets in general are uncertain about whether this program will succeed and receive political support and do its job. They're also uncertain about the level of support that will be forthcoming from the ECB and Europe generally." Additional coverage appeared in CNC World.
School News

The Stern International Social Impact Strategies (ISIS) course in Medellin, Columbia, is featured

Excerpt from Estereofonica.com -- "Fourteen students from the University of New York (NYU), work for two weeks with the Clay Foundation in Medellin developing financial sustainability strategies and educational programs for 2012." Additional coverage appeared in ACIMedellin.org, Columbia.com, Globedia, and Medellin.gov.
School News

The TRIUM Global Executive MBA program is highlighted

Excerpt from AdvisorOne -- "Other programs of potential interest to mid-career professionals include the Sloan Fellows program or the Trium program. ... the latter is a single program run jointly by NYU Stern, HEC Paris and the London School of Economics."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Daniel Altman on the erosion of meritocracy in America

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "Meritocracy is a fundamental driver of economic growth. It ensures that we take full advantage of the opportunities created in new business and industries. Without it, an opportunity that might have gone to a poor but talented person is more likely to go to a rich but not-so-bright person."
Faculty News

Prof. Amity Shlaes's book, "The Forgotten Man," is cited

Investor's Business Daily logo
Excerpt from Investors Daily Business -- "In a terrific passage from Amity Shlaes' great book about his era, 'The Forgotten Man,' President Roosevelt is shown one morning in 1933 romping in his bedroom in the White House with his grandchildren." Additional coverage appeared in Culpeper Star Exponent and PhillyBurbs.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini shares his economic outlook for 2012

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Nouriel Roubini ... is calling for 'a recession in Europe, anemic growth at best in the United States, and a sharp slowdown in China and in most emerging market economies.'" Additional coverage appeared in Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, and The Atlantic.
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran on the revenue growth rate of companies that have undertaken an IPO

The Australian logo
Excerpt from The Australian -- "Aswath Damodaran, professor of finance at New York University's Stern School of Business, says the revenue growth rate of the 'median' IPO company is 15 per cent higher than the revenue growth rate of other companies in the sector one year after the IPO."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Robert Frank's book, "The Darwin Economy," is reviewed

Excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald -- "So why does Frank think economists will come to see Darwin as the true father of economics rather than Smith? Because Darwin's study of the natural world led him to a deeper insight about the often flawed nature of competition." Additional coverage appeared in The Sydney Morning Herald and Barron's.
Faculty News

Prof. Deepak Hegde's research on venture capital investments based on ethnicity is featured

Excerpt from Outlook Business (India) -- "Research has shown that venture capital (VC) funds are more willing to invest in companies with executives that share the same ethnicity as the partners of the VC fund."
Faculty News

An interview with Research Scholar Robert Frank on his book, "The Darwin Economy"

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from VoxEU -- "I've made a fearless prediction that in 100 years time, people like you and me will check Darwin's name when they're asked to fill out a survey identifying the father of modern economics."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Cohen on iPhone theft

International Business Times logo
Excerpt from International Business Times -- " ... the thief steals an iPhone because it's there, not because the thief has affection for Apple's iPhone, but because society does."
Faculty News

Prof. Paul Romer's research on the importance of processes, rules and systems is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "You can make a good argument — as Romer and others do — that the greatest opportunities for progress today lie with better rules and systems. Improving schools is more about process than laptops." Additional coverage appeared in Nassau Guardian.
School News

Undergraduate student Jennifer Wallace on the state of the global economy

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times video -- "...although the economy is not in an ideal situation, I would say I'm definitely optimistic about the future."
Faculty News

Prof. Jonathan Haidt is highlighted for his research on how people behave in society

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Interesting new research about how people think, behave and operate in society is quickly repackaged for broader audiences. The new literati of the genre include David Brooks, Jonathan Haidt, Dan Ariely, and Daniel Kahneman."
Faculty News

Prof. Matthew Richardson on the Basel III Accords and the Fed's capital proposal

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters blog -- “My main problem with Basel III Accords is that they’re a lot like Basel II, which are a lot like Basel I. And that approach does not seem to work. It chooses winners and losers by the way they impose capital requirements. It’s very institution-based so it allows systemic risk to build up in the system.”
Faculty News

Prof. Amity Shlaes is highlighted for dining with George W. Bush

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "George W. Bush dined at Robert at Columbus Circle with John and Margo Catsimatidis, Henry Kravis, Chris Ruddy, Ambassador Bruce Gelb, Ambassador Brenda Johnson, Seth Lipsky, Amity Shlaes and Alexandra Preate."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Robert Frank's Toil Index is highlighted

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from Washington Post -- "My entry is the attached graph of what I call the Toil Index. It's an index I constructed to portray the most dramatic element of the middle-class squeeze -- the effort required to rent a house served by a school of average quality. "
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on Italy's debt problems

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "The size of Italy’s debt burden has precluded an official sector backstop up to this point, and debt restructuring may indeed be too much for the French banking system to handle."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the outlook for US economic power

Council on Foreign Relations blog logo
Excerpt from Council on Foreign Relations -- "We're entering a period in which our economic power and national influence are going to be more broadly spread out. And we'll need help to manage the whole operation in terms of security and economic balance and sustainability -- but we're going to have to figure out how to do it together, without being a dominant player."
School News

The NYU Stern Systemic Risk Rankings are highlighted

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "A recent study by NYU's Stern School of Business ranks BofA as the most systemically risky firm in the United States."
