In an op-ed, Prof. Michelle Greenwald evaluates this year's Super Bowl commercials
Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly on the appeal of an MBA to veterans
Prof. Michael Posner discusses the shift of power from governments to corporations
Prof. Andrea Bonezzi's research on retail therapy is highlighted
Prof. Scott Galloway explains how TurboTax can fix its reputation after a price-increase controversy
Prof. Scott Galloway explains how TurboTax can fix its reputation after a price-increase controversy
In an op-ed, Dean Peter Henry argues that capitalism creates jobs
In an op-ed, Prof. Nouriel Roubini discusses the effectiveness of unconventional monetary policies
NYU Shanghai Associate Vice Chancellor Eitan Zemel is interviewed about international business education in China
Prof. Joseph Foudy on middle class income and buying power in New York
Prof. Baruch Lev on CEO presence on quarterly earnings calls
Assistant Dean Isser Gallogly discusses Stern's new Langone part-time MBA two-year accelerated option
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "Gallogly says the program will likely be of interest to applicants, 'who really are very driven, very motivated, and very structured and who have the time right now.' He notes that students in the accelerated program who have a life change – a new job or the birth of a child, for example – can opt to slow down and complete the program in up to six years."
Excerpt from TopMBA -- "Gallogly says the program will likely be of interest to applicants, 'who really are very driven, very motivated, and very structured and who have the time right now.' He notes that students in the accelerated program who have a life change – a new job or the birth of a child, for example – can opt to slow down and complete the program in up to six years."