Faculty News

In a live interview, Professor Arun Sundararajan shares his reaction to the declining first-quater U.S. GDP numbers and illustrates the impact of the coronavirus crisis on the sharing economy

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Long term I'm bullish about the prospects of the sharing economy and the kinds of behavior changes that we're seeing occur because of the shock are probably going to work significantly in favor of the sharing econmy platform in the long run, but they do have a rough few months ahead of them."
School News

Professor Maher Said is featured in Poets & Quants 2020 "Best 40 Under 40" list; Professor Said was highlighted for his extensive research citations and thoughtful student nominations

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Maher Said is an award-winning researcher and teacher at New York University’s Stern School of Business. A 38-year-old assistant professor of economics, Said won the NYU Stern Distinguished Teaching Award in 2019. 'Professor Said demonstrates an uncanny ability to make a dry, theory-heavy course accessible, fun, and intellectually stimulating,” one nominator said. “He has an absolutely contagious love for economics and game theory that I could not help but to catch through taking his course. He is funny, witty, clever, and always teaches with a smile on his face.'"
Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson discusses how the role influencers is growing exponentially, noting that the way society thinks of endorsements is evolving

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- “'The role of influencers is growing exponentially,' said Allen Adamson, a marketing consultant and a professor at New York University, who estimated that a good social influencer could earn $200,000-$300,000 per year. 'When people think of endorsements they think of beer and soft drinks, but that’s changed.'"
Faculty News

New, joint research from Professor Vaidyanathan Venkateswaran exploring how the economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic could be impacted by the psychology of consumers and businesses is highlighted

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "The working paper, published in the Centre for Economic Policy Research and cowritten with Julian Kozlowski, Senior Economist in the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and Venky Venkateswaran, Associate Professor of Economics at New York University's Stern School of Business, encourages policymakers not to underestimate the impact of the pandemic on businesses and consumers, and shows how and why economic interventions (such as the $2-trillion CARES Act), will make a marked difference for our economic recovery down the line."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway offers his perspective in a story examining Tesla CEO Elon Musk's recent behavior during the coronavirus pandemic

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- “'As long as Elon Musk continues to produce amazing products and add tens of billions of dollars of shareholder value, he will continue to play by a different set of rules than the rest of us,' said Scott Galloway, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business and a Musk critic. 'Is it the errant missives of an eccentric billionaire? Or is it dangerous? And the answer is yes and that it is.'”
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon explains why the COVID-19 crisis has accelerated the already-growing power of America’s corporate giants

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- “'The firms that were the top dogs going into the crisis also happen to have the most resilient business models because they can do everything online,' said Thomas Philippon, a professor of finance at New York University. 'It turns out Amazon was one of the most successful businesses in the U.S., and on top of it, they are the ones who can keep processing orders.'”
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King explains how governments can end the coronavirus crisis lockdowns while noting that governments must suspend the process of businesses going under and whystate loans may have to be converted into grants for companies

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "We cannot continue with the lockdown as is, but relaxing measures may be trial and errors, says former Bank of England governor and Bloomberg Opinion columnist Mervyn King. Speaking to Daybreak Europe’s Caroline Hepker and Matt Miller, Lord King says the government must suspend the process of businesses going under, whilst state loans may eventually have to be converted into grants for companies."
Faculty News

In an in-depth Q&A interview, Professor Aswath Damodaran offers advice about investing in equities, managing long term accounts like 401(k) plans and how to best utilize stimulus checks from the government

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "The first is what I call my bargain-basement bucket. These are companies that you know will be around after this crisis is done. You're gonna be able to get them at a price you could not have got them three months ago. Travel companies, Expedia, Booking, maybe even a couple of the oil companies, Conoco and ExxonMobil. The second is a much riskier strategy. You're buying stocks that are distressed, potentially could go under, but if they turn around, these could be the companies that pay off tenfold, twentyfold. There, you'd include some of the more troubled airlines, Delta, American, United. There is a chance they will not make it. With a payoff, you get a big upside."
Faculty News

Professor Menachem Brenner is quoted in an article exploring the future of stock exchange trading

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Excerpt from Zeit Online -- "For Menachem Brenner, a financial expert at New York University, that doesn't mean that the market isn't working. On the contrary. 'It's not just about psychology. The enormous uncertainty is real and it triggers volatility.'"
Faculty News

Joint research quantifying how sticky store prices exacerbate hoarding from Professor Vishal Singh is highlighted

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "In late 2007, India banned rice exports. Worries about global rice shortages ensued. The U.S. had plenty of rice, but people nonetheless began to hoard, emptying store shelves. An analysis conducted by economists Harrison Hong, Áureo de Paula, Vishal Singh and Christopher Hansman found that prices among reputable retailers were slow to adjust higher, perhaps because the merchants didn’t want to be accused of gouging. Higher-income consumers hoarded more, perhaps because they had greater means, or because they were more attuned to the news on rice shortages."
Faculty News

Professor Petra Moser's joint research on the economic effects stemming from the US' national immigration quota system of the 1920s is featured

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "Moser has also researched the inverse of this phenomenon: restrictive immigration quotas, set in the 1920s, that kept out Eastern and Southern European scientists. Fields these scientists worked in recorded substantially less innovation — primarily because keeping out the foreign-born scientists made native-born ones less innovative."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway explains how the coronavirus pandemic has provided an opportunity for Big Tech companies to expand on the power they’ve accumulated and change their political fortunes

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- “'There are really two Americas right now,' said Scott Galloway, a marketing professor at the New York University Stern School of Business and author of 'The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google.' 'There is Big Tech and there is everyone else. They can do what very few companies can do, which is play offense in the middle of a pandemic.'”
Faculty News

Joint research from Professors Theresa Kuchler and Johannes Stroebel on how the geographic spread of COVID-19 correlates with the structure of social networks is mentioned

Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung logo
Excerpt from Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) -- "Researchers from the Stern School of Business at New York University have now investigated this in more detail using recently available data on the geographical distribution of friendship relationships on Facebook. As part of the 'Data for Good' project, the company is providing a 'Social Connectedness Index' (SCI), which determines the strength of the social connection between two locations based on Facebook friendships. In this way it can be determined which other places Facebook members of a city have particularly frequent contact with."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose predicuts that retailers will quickly adopt mobile payments and other cashless transactions as a result of the coronavirus outbreak

Excerpt from Adweek -- "It’s probably music to Jeff Bezos’ ears as he attempts to sell Go technology elsewhere: Anindya Ghose, professor of business at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said cashless transactions are going to get a boost now. 'Because of the pandemic, retailers will quickly adopt mobile payments and other forms of electronic payments,' he said. 'Contactless payments will now be the norm for retailers in many countries around the world.'"
School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett explains how a "three ring circus of disinformation" makes it difficult for ordinary citizens to navigate what’s true during the coronavirus pandemic

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Paul Barrett, an expert in disinformation and fake news at New York University, has identified similar trends adding that some malicious actors are feeding off each others disinformation for their own ends. 'It’s a three ring circus of disinformation,' he told the Guardian. 'In the current state of affairs it is almost impossible to pick out one strain and isolate it, because simultaneously Russian and China and Trump getting into the act and imitating each other more and more. It is incredibly difficult for an ordinary citizen to navigate what’s true.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari comments on Bulgari Hotels and Resorts' new digital video series connecting its global workforce to customers who are facing lockdown restrictions as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily -- "'Bulgari Hotels is creating content that may help entertain those who take shelter at home during the COVID-19 pandemic,' said Thomai Serdari, director of fashion and luxury at Brand(x)Lux and Professor at NYU Stern."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's recent comments exploring how a crisis can serve as an accelerant for change are featured

Republic World Logo 190 x 145
Excerpt from Republic World -- "Will Covid-19 result in the acceleration of automation and will automation become part of our daily life? While presenting his research on how digital technologies transform society Arun Sundararajan, a professor at NYU Stern School of business had said "Crisis can be sort of a catalyst or can speed up changes that are on the way it almost can serve as an accelerant."
Faculty News

Professor Amal Shehata explains how companies are using cash-flow models to try and predict the financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic

Bloomberg Law Logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Law -- “'Companies now are frantically creating cash-flow models and all types of financial models to try and predict how long can we last with nobody buying our product. But those models are based on estimates. Nobody knows. We don’t know how long we’re going to be quarantined,' said Amal Shehata, an audit and accounting professor at New York University Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

A model, built by Professor Thomas Philippon and Vaidyanathan Venkateswaran, which simulates scenarios of confinement and deconfinement in order to help find the point of balance between health and economic constraints is spotlighted

L'Obs Logo 190 x 145
Excerpt from L'Obs -- "Professor of economics and researcher at New York University (NYU), Thomas Philippon built with Callum Jones and Venky Venkateswaran a model to simulate the scenarios of confinement and deconfinement. It seeks to find the point of balance between health and economic constraints. How and when to confine and deconfine to save the most lives while minimizing the loss of economic activity?"
Faculty News

Professor Panos Ipeirotis' research on Mechanical Turk is mentioned

WIRED logo
Excerpt from WIRED -- "Amazon did not reply to a query about activity on Mechanical Turk, but Panos Ipeirotis, an NYU professor who has studied Mechanical Turk workers, says he’s seen more Turkers recently from Canada, Italy, and Brazil in particular."
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman's recent research on "junk bonds" is cited in a story exploring stresses affecting the bond market

Excerpt from InvestorPlace -- "According to Ed Altman, a professor at the New York University Stern School of Business who created the Altman Z-Score to measure financial distress, a big chunk of so-called investment-grade bonds should be in the junk category already. Altman examined 350 BBB-rated U.S. companies as of the end of 2019 and determined that more than 30% of them, with $600 billion or more of bonds, should have been rated 'junk.'”
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's work in statistical modelling of time-varying volatility is cited

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Excerpt from AlphaWeek -- "'I had been a CTA for many years, and it was getting harder to make money. Volatility was coming down; interest rates were coming down. The risk was something I began to look at in more detail, and I began to study academic literature and found Robert Engle's work,' says Rothe."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Hardart notes that media companies must adapt to changes in the marketplace to survive in the current economic climate

Excerpt from Adweek -- “'The pandemic is an acceleration of what trends were happening anyway,' said Paul Hardart, clinical professor of marketing at NYU Stern School of Business."
School News

Takeaways from the Sustainable Market Share Index™, research by the Center for Sustainable Business and IRI, are referenced

Excerpt from Adweek -- "Sustainability matters to consumers. NYU Stern Center for Sustainable Business found that from 2013 to 2018, 50% of CPG growth came from sustainable product offerings and 81% of consumers say that brands should help improve the environment."
