Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan discusses the expansion of the sharing economy

Entrepreneur logo
Excerpt from Entrepreneur -- "'The next wave of opportunities in businesses will be companies that look at how we support development of the sharing economy,' says Sundararajan, who specializes in the digital economy and the economics of sharing (among other subjects). 'This means companies that make it easier for everyone to play a part, companies that really bring peer-to-peer into everyone’s life.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Viral Acharya discusses his research on eurozone banks' capital shortfall

VoxEU logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "Calculations that we have recently completed suggest that the divergence between our numbers and those of the ECB can be explained by the continued reliance on static risk-weights in the regulatory assessment. In fact, using the projected losses in the adverse scenario employed by the ECB and applying a different (non risk-weights based, i.e. simple) leverage ratio gives results much closer to ours."
Press Releases

First Public Meeting on White House Plan for Responsible Business Conduct Announced

The first open dialogue on a White House plan to promote responsible business conduct abroad will take place on December 15, 2014 and will be co-hosted by the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights and the United States Council for International Business.
Student Club Events

SHA Annual Healthcare Conference

On Friday, November 21st, the Stern Healthcare Association (SHA) will host its Annual Healthcare Summit. The theme for this year's conference is Healthcare 2020: Innovating for the Next Decade.
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research on the impact of birthday years ending in 9 is featured

ABC News logo
Excerpt from ABC News -- "'In general, it's easy to get caught up in big milestones, particularly as we age -- but of course there’s no real difference between turning 30 and turning 29 or 31,' [Alter] said. 'Our culture emphasizes years like 30, 40, 50, and 60, but we shouldn't let that shape how we live our lives.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Norman White on store loyalty-card apps

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'It’s totally overwhelming,' says Norman White, a professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business who teaches a course on designing and developing mobile apps. He says there are so many loyalty-card apps out there now that it is hard for consumers to decide which ones to use and why."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's research on corporate taxation is cited

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "It’s also worth noting that some tax-minimisation strategies do not seem to require any cross-border chicanery. According to data compiled by NYU Stern’s Aswath Damodaran, the sectors that pay the lowest effective tax rates in the US include broadcasters, coal companies, homebuilders, and telecoms operators — all businesses that make the bulk of their money from domestic operations."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran's blog post on Twitter's value is highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The CHART OF THE DAY compares Twitter’s stock price since going public last November with his estimate of the company’s value, $20.81 a share. Damodaran, the author of four books on business valuation, cited the figure in a posting on his blog two days ago."
Business and Policy Leader Events

A Taste of Mindful Leadership with NYU Alum & Former General Mills Exec Janice Marturano

As part of NYU Stern’s new Mindfulness in Business Initiative, which launched earlier this year, MBA students convened for a workshop introducing mindful leadership practices aimed at increasing focus, clarity and resilience.  
Faculty News

Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat gives the "global matters" lecture at the Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota

Minneapolis Star-Tribune logo
Excerpt from Star Tribune -- "Ghemawat echoes the common sense policy ideas of the Brookings Institution and others, suggesting that our business and government leaders work together to raise the international profile of the Twin Cities region and look to develop trade ties anywhere they can be found."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway discusses Instagram's appeal to online retailers

Bloomberg Businessweek logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Scott Galloway, founder of Red Envelope and a marketing professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, said people generally aren’t in a shopping mood when clicking through a friend’s photos or reading Tweets (TWTR). 'So far, social and commerce are strange bedfellows,' he explained. That said, engagement rates on Instagram are 15 to 25 times higher than those on Facebook and Twitter, which makes the space particularly valuable for any company looking to make a connection."
Faculty News

Prof. Mervyn King discusses Europe's economy

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'The euro area is the biggest risk because I don’t think the leaders in the euro area actually have a true vision of how to cope with the problem,' King said in an interview yesterday with Bloomberg Television’s Olivia Sterns in Naples, Florida. 'Many are trying to put in place structural reforms, but that is not going to be sufficient to generate a recovery. They also need to have macroeconomic stimulus.'"
Press Releases

People Experience Recurring Life Crises at the Start of Each New Decade in Age

New research from NYU Stern School of Business Professor Adam Alter and UCLA Anderson School of Management Professor Hal Hershfield shows that when adults approach a new decade in age (i.e., at ages 29, 39, 49 or 59), they search for existential meaning and behave in ways that can be constructive or destructive. 
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Uber's surge pricing policy

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from Economic Times -- "'Surge pricing is a way of balancing supply and demand,' says Arun Sundararajan, a professor at the Stern School of Business in New York who specialises in digital economics. 'The nature of taxi is such that there will always be periodic supply and demand imbalances over the day. For a market-based platform like Uber, price changes are the way in which a supply of drivers is brought into the market when needed.'"
School News

Undergraduate student Julian Marchese is featured

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Now a freshman student at NYU's Stern School of Business, Marchese and a partner at Yale are trying to launch a hedge fund out of their dorm rooms. Somehow, Marchese makes juggling school work with a social life and fledgling career as a hedge fund manager look like anyone could do it."
School News

Prof. Michael Posner is interviewed on Stern's Center for Business and Human Rights

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'If you are going to run a Fortune 500 company in the 21st Century, you are going to be global and these issues are going to confront you at the highest level,' Posner says. 'Rather than react, it makes sense that people in the business world have studied it and have a sense of what the options are.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Alter's research on the impact of milestone birthdays is featured

New York Magazine logo
Excerpt from New York Magazine -- "The years before beginning a brand-new decade — ages 29, 39, and so on — tend to be spent in self-reflection, according to a new paper published online today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. These are the prime What am I doing with my life? years, in other words, which prompts many people to behave in ways that suggest 'an ongoing or failed search for meaning,' the authors write. Their data suggests that these are the ages when people are more likely to either train harder for a marathon or run one for the first time; they’re also the ages when more people tend to cheat on their marriages or take their own lives."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Spence addresses economic reform in China

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "China does not have to give up the safety net provided by large asset holdings to allow markets to play a decisive microeconomic role. It can abandon the commanding heights model and develop its version of 'state capitalism' to support the best of both worlds. All that is needed is a persistently strong government commitment to the public interest – and, of course, a skillfully executed reform strategy."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Michael Posner argues that universities have the power to protect human rights through purchasing and investment decisions

The Chronicle of Higher Education logo
Excerpt from The Chronicle of Higher Education -- "Universities need to move from the defensive, fending off divestment campaigns, to a more affirmative approach, examining how they can maximize their investments in companies that adopt longer-term business models that embrace sustainable environmental and human-rights business practices. Simply by making clear that these issues matter to them, universities can stimulate a broader debate within the investment community and in society generally."
Student Club Events

NYU Stern Students Win Cornell's MBA Stock Pitch Challenge

A team of NYU Stern students organized by the Stern Investment Management and Research (SIMR) club won first place in Cornell's MBA Stock Pitch Challenge in November. Owen Gilmore, Ziv Israel and Jerry Jiang took home the prize with their respective stock pitches for going long on TIF (Tiffany & Co.), LKQ (LKQ Corp., a replacement car parts manufacturer) and NXPI (NXP Semiconductors).
School News

The Stern Signature Project partnership with the CFDA is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "In the first part of the two-year [CFDA Fashion Incubator] program, designers selected for the incubator get an intensive eight-month business finance and marketing education as part of the C.F.D.A.’s partnership with Stern School of Business at New York University. Because the designers have established businesses, their brands also act as a case study project for the M.B.A. students, who work with the designers to develop business plans that include e-commerce and finance strategies."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Founders Unplugged: Marc Benioff

The NYU Entrepreneurial Institute and Newsweek will host Founders Unplugged, a conversation with Marc Benioff, chairman and CEO of Salesforce.com, and Newsweek's Kevin Maney on November 17.
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Pankaj Ghemawat discusses his research on globalization

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "Our 2014 DHL Global Connectedness Index shows that globalization is recovering from the hard hit it took during the financial crisis. However, international trade, capital, information, and people flows are not simply reverting to how they looked before 2008. The world is more international, but not necessarily more global, and trends vary across types of flows."
School News

Prof. Mervyn King's course, "Money and Modern Capitalism: Law and Business," offered jointly with NYU Law, is highlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The law school also has a partnership with the university’s Stern School of Business as reflected in the recent joint appointment of Mervyn King, the former Bank of England governor. As professor of economics and law, Lord King is teaching a course called Money and Modern Capitalism: Law and Business, which includes looking at reform proposals for banks."
