Research Center Events

Tensie Whelan Speaks at 2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Davos Preview Panel, Stockholm School of Economics

Over the last month, NYU Stern Professor Tensie Whelan made a pair of speaking stops to discuss sustainability in business. 
Faculty News

Professor Samuel Craig is interviewed about mobile kitchens that serve New York's TV and film industry

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York Business -- "'It’s episodic, nomadic,' said C. Samuel Craig, director of the entertainment, media and technology initiative at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'You come together to make the film and then disappear and then reconfigure to make a different show or a TV commercial or a movie.'"
School News

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella addressed students at an event hosted by NYU Tandon and Stern

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from the Economic Times -- "An aspect 'we are focussed a ton on is we say we want to empower the world, everyone and every organisation. That means we have got to look like everyone and every organisation in the world,' Mr Nadella said during an interaction with students and faculty at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering and the Stern School of Business earlier this week."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about the impact of the minimum wage increase on New York City's job market and economy

Fox News logo
Excerpt from Fox 5 NY -- "Well, I think we're in the midst of a pretty dramatic shift in how we learn our living. We're moving away from salaried jobs, jobs that pay us wages, and towards micro-ownership of different kinds, running your own business, driving an Uber."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides is interviewed about the future of net neutrality

International Business Times logo
Excerpt from International Business Times -- "So as a consumer, right now, you're used to seeing everything at once and making your choice. You have all the freedom in the world. All the choice in the world. If we kill network neutrality, that freedom goes away. It's up to the telephone and cable companies to give us whatever they want first, and whatever they don't want, last."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White is interviewed about second chance credit cards

WalletHub logo
Excerpt from WalletHub -- "Credit card issuers that offer many different varieties of credit cards - such as Capital One - are most likely to offer second chance cards. Also, there are some companies - e.g., Green Dot - that appear to focus more on secured (prepaid) cards, which make sense as second chance products."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz is interviewed about her decision to resign from Exxon Mobil’s External Citizenship Advisory Panel

Huffington Post logo
Excerpt from The Huffington Post -- "Labowitz, a co-founder and co-director of New York University’s Stern Center for Business and Human Rights, told The Huffington Post that she has studied many companies facing serious public criticism, often in her field of human rights. For the most part, she said, 'they don’t shoot the messenger ― which is what Exxon is doing.'"
Faculty News

Professor Viral Acharya is interviewed about banking reform in India

Bloomberg Quint logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg Quint -- "'The big piece of the problem is can you get the bank to sell the assets at the right price to ARCs (asset reconstruction companies) and private investors who want to come in? How to get that right price by using a portfolio or a bad bank approach is going to be key. We are going to be thinking about what kind of design could help with that,' said RBI deputy governor Acharya on Wednesday."
Faculty News

Professor Marti Subrahmanyam is featured in a story about Infosys

Business Standard logo
Excerpt from Business Standard -- "Currently Subrahmanyam is the Charles E Merrill Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business at New York University. He has plethora of academic accolades to his name and has been the alma mater if sine distinguished academic institutions in India and abroad."
Faculty News

Professor Steven Blader comments on Donald Trump's negotiation style and working relationship with Senator Chuck Schumer

WNYC logo
Excerpt from WNYC -- "Steven Blader teaches a course on conflict, collaboration and negotiation at New York University’s Stern business school, and he uses Trump as an example in his class. Blader said Trump puts people on the defensive. In a negotiation, that can cause both parties to miss the best possible outcome. 'His mindset that good negotiations are about being domineering and aggressive is counter to exactly what we know to be the case when it comes to negotiation, where you’re far better off mixing collaboration and competition together,' Blader said."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon explains why the organization of a small group of Facebook shareholders is unlikely to influence the company

Mashable Logo
Excerpt from Mashable -- "'When you were buying this stock, you knew you were basically ceding all control to Mark Zuckerberg,' said Robert Salomon, associate professor of management and operations at New York University's Stern school of business. 'And if you didn't like that, you shouldn't have bought the shares.'"
Student Club Events

Seventh Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium

On February 10, 2017, the social enterprise student organizations of New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, School of Law, and Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service will host the Seventh Annual NYU Social Innovation Symposium.
Research Center Events

NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project Research Day 2017 Highlights New Finance Faculty Research

The NASDAQ OMX Derivatives Research Project, part of the Salomon Center for the Study of Financial Institutions, hosted its annual Research Day, an opportunity to showcase some of the most interesting research projects in progress among the School’s active finance research faculty.
Faculty News

Professor Charlie Murphy shares insights on the Royal Bank of Scotland's cutbacks in Stamford

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "'What’s happening is you have a government working with management and figuring out how to skinny the bank down,' said Charles Murphy, a professor of management practice in New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'They’ve gotten out of a lot of businesses and changed management. From the outside, it looks like it’s converting back to a more traditional British bank, as opposed to a global banking "thought process."'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's joint research on buybacks and company investments is highlighted

Bloomberg View logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg View -- "One popular worry about modern financial capitalism is that companies are investing less in their future growth than they should be, because rapacious shareholders are demanding that they spend their money on stock buybacks instead. Here's a new working paper from Germán Gutiérrez and Thomas Philippon finding more or less that."
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King's remarks on Brexit at the London School of Economics are highlighted

The Telegraph logo
Excerpt from The Telegraph -- “Where you’ve seen that in the UK is exactly on those issues where parties in a sense suppressed the debate … And in the end it may well have been inevitable either that there was a referendum or that one of the parties would have had to represent in a very clear way their position on the EU and give people a chance to vote on it.”
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon discusses the potential implications of protectionist trade policies with China

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) logo
Excerpt from ICAS -- "'It’s fine if you want to eliminate the deficit, but the reverse will happen,' says [Salomon]. 'As that money flows out and we start levying tariffs, interest rates will rise and things will get more expensive for Americans.' When Americans stop spending, companies don’t profit and then they don’t hire as much, creating the reverse effect."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose is interviewed about tech firms conducting business in India

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from -- "'The average Indian consumer does not need as much as "localization" in high tech and high value assets as the average consumer elsewhere, such as in China. What that means is what works in the US will also, for the most part, work very well in India,' said Ghose."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White's joint research on bond ratings is featured

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Esaki and his co-author, Larry White, a professor at NYU Stern School of Business, are trying to fix a long-standing problem in the ratings business: issuers pay for ratings, so graders have an incentive to go easy on their customers to win more business."
Faculty News

Assistant Dean of Global Degree Programs Naomi Diamant is interviewed about an upcoming Executive Education Short Course on Human Resource Analytics and Strategy

Human Resources Executive logo
Excerpt from Human Resources Executive -- "The school is currently designing a two- or three-day course called 'HR Analytics,' for executives that will examine best practices for leveraging data and analytics to drive successful strategies, says Naomi Diamant, a clinical assistant professor of management communication and assistant dean of global executive education programs."
Press Releases

NYU Stern Launches a New Advanced Professional Certificate in Digital Business

Henry Kaufman Management Center
Digital technology is redefining business models and transforming industries from finance to fashion at an unprecedented pace. In response, NYU Stern School of Business is introducing a new Advanced Professional Certificate (APC) in Digital Business. 
Research Center Events

Mission: Appossible, the NYU Mobile App Contest, Hosts Kickoff Event

NYU students, alumni, faculty and staff gathered at NYU Stern on February 8 for the kickoff of the Second Annual MISSION: APPOSSIBLE, the NYU Mobile App Contest. 
School News

MBA-MFA student Ria Tobaccowala and Research Scholar Shlomo Angel are quoted in an article on a Stern Signature Project focusing on urbanization in Ethiopia

HeraldLive logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Herald Live -- "One student, Ria Tobaccowala (who was enrolled in a joint MBA and masters degree in fine art, at New York University (NYU)), explained that she went to business school to become 'a well-rounded, empathetic global leader [and] wanted to understand the changes taking place in the global economy, not just what’s going on in downtown Manhattan.' These experiential learning projects broadened students’ perspective on humanity, Shlomo Angel, a professor at NYU said, and had 'nothing to do with making money.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michelle Greenwald shares innovation insights from a recent visit to Taiwan

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "Recognizing that low cost hardware manufacturing is not a way to sustain an economy when lower labor countries can undercut them in price, and recognizing the tremendous, broad spectrum engineering talent it has as a country, Taiwan is once again reinventing itself, focusing on intellectual property and innovation that are less capital intensive."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's research on macroeconomics is referenced

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Paul Romer is a highly regarded macroeconomist who recently became chief economist at the World Bank. (It was Romer who is credited with having coined, in 2004, the famous slogan that 'a crisis is a terrible thing to waste.') Last winter he, too, issued a lacerating critique of his field, titled 'The Trouble With Macroeconomics.' His argument focuses on the question of 'identification,' which is shorthand in the field for how economists identify the cause of an event."
