Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Digital Marketing and Social Media Strategy

This program examines best-practices related to the business use of social media and digital marketing. While there will be sufficient attention given to top level strategy used by companies adopting social media and digital marketing, the course will also focus on digital analytics oriented tools: how to make organizations more intelligent in how they conduct business in the digital age.
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter is interviewed about behavioral addiction and technology, from his book, "Irresistible"

The Australian logo
Excerpt from The Australian -- "[Alter] believes it’s possible that half of us now suffer from some form of behavioural addiction. And while this is bad news for adults who wish to escape their smartphone screens, it’s even worse news for children. Their impulse ­control is still a work in progress. They don’t think about the costs and benefits of their behaviour. If left to their own devices – literally, figuratively – kids do not stand a chance against such sophisticated technologies."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz is interviewed about President Trump's approach to monetary policy

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "After campaigning on the idea monetary policy should be more restrictive, it wouldn’t be surprising that, now in office, Trump sought central bankers with policy prescriptions are more aligned with his goal of speeding up the pace of growth. Additionally, Trump could 'interfere in the normal operations of Federal Reserve policy not just through personnel but by directly commenting on it,' said Kim Schoenholtz, an economics professor at the NYU Stern School of Business. 'There’s a huge degree of uncertainty about what the President will do.'"
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg discusses possible outcomes of President Trump's meeting with Xi Jinping

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Excerpt from Inc. -- "What's more, China could retaliate by raising tariffs on U.S. goods, suggests Ari Ginsberg, a management professor at New York University's Stern School of Business where he has a focus on international business. He notes that this will be especially problematic for startups that sell products to Chinese consumers, as their profit margins could shrink."
School News

Undergraduate students Jessica Guo and Robert Hankins are featured as "Best & Brightest Business Majors" from the class of 2017 by Poets & Quants

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "Your impact on the world is your impact on the people around you. As such, I’d like to be someone whose values ring clear and whose actions and words align with those values. ... I hope to one day leverage my finance expertise to benefit those around me in a business related capacity."
Business and Policy Leader Events

2017 MBA Media & Entertainment Conference

On Friday, April 7, students from NYU Stern and the Columbia Business School will host the 2017 MBA Media and Entertainment Conference. The annual event brings established leaders and groundbreaking pioneers together to share insights on the state of media and entertainment.  
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's views on cash and company valuations are highlighted

Excerpt from Guru Focus -- "Aswath argues that in the current environment, cash earns a low return. If you were to take cash as a standalone asset, its low return would translate into a high price-earnings (P/E) multiple. In other words, cash does increase a company’s valuation because it produces a terrible return. With this being the case, the professor argues that how the P/E multiple is used should be reconsidered in the current environment. Specifically, he believes 'we have to separate companies into their cash and operating parts, and deal with the two separately because they are so different in terms of risk and earnings power.'"
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman comments on President Trump's economic agenda

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "'We have to be careful, very much, of overheating the economy very quickly with infrastructure financing and lower taxes,' Altman told CNBC Thursday. 'That, in many cases, could be a recipe for disaster if, in fact, the deficit financing and the amount of debt that has to be raised to finance it is excessive.'"
Faculty News

Professor Justin Kruger's research on chronic lateness is referenced

Yahoo logo
Excerpt from Yahoo News -- "One theory, according to Professor Justin Kruger is that people who are often late tend to grossly underestimate how long it will take them to do common tasks."
Business and Policy Leader Events

NYU Stern Ally Week 2017

Joining the NYU community in creating opportunities to deepen understanding of others' experiences, NYU Stern will host its fifth annual Ally Week from April 6-13.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Prospects of Global Financial Security Discussion with Professor Robert Engle

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NYU Stern’s Master of Science in Global Finance (MSGF) program will host an event entitled “The Prospects of Global Financial Security” featuring a discussion with Professor Robert Engle. 
Faculty News

Professor Robert Salomon shares his views on US trade policy

Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland (ICAS) logo
Excerpt from ICAS -- "'We may not want to dictate how people live but one consequence of stepping away is that now there’s a gap where others can step in,' added Robert Salomon, Associate Professor of Management and Organisations at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'That’s one of the broader issues of leaving that void in Asia.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses Amazon's place in the fashion retail ecosystem

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Excerpt from Racked -- "'Amazon’s algorithm is complicated,' says Galloway, 'but it generally favors what sells the most. So if you search booties, it’ll likely show you what’s three years old, and not the new shoes sold on Macy’s or Net-a-Porter. That’s not great for fashion labels constantly putting out new collections.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway is interviewed about Tesla's valuation

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "The core competence now in the markets is storytelling. And it's painting a huge vision and then making progress against that vision, and you're able to establish this anti-gravity-like trajectory for your stock. And Tesla's in that anti-gravity bucket because on any rational measure, this doesn't make sense."
Faculty News

Professor Constantine Yannelis' joint research on unemployment and household spending is featured

Kellogg Insight Logo
Excerpt from Kellogg Insight -- "Despite the fact that federal employees have relatively stable jobs and knew the situation was temporary, the shutdown led workers to reduce their spending by about 10%. Baker and his coauthor, Constantine Yannelis, an assistant professor at the New York University Stern School of Business, also found that furloughed employees cut expenses by about twice as much as employees who were required to continue going into the office, partly because the stay-at-home workers had no commuting costs and could perform some household tasks instead of paying others, such as childcare."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Professor Alejandro Ruelas-Gossi highlights four factors indicating that a company is on an innovation plateau

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from the Harvard Business Review -- "Almost all customers want their products to be as inexpensive as possible. So firms try to respond to this by delivering the value that they think their customers want. But great CEOs understand that the responsibility of defining greatness is the firm’s, not the customer’s."
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch shares insights from her research on charitable fundraising

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Excerpt from Tell Me Something I Don't Know -- "There's actually a great deal of research in psychology that suggests that using payments or incentives to motivate certain types of behaviors can actually get you worse results. ... Why did the incentives backfire? It turns out that the incentives actually turned that altruistic act into an economic one."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Seamans is interviewed about the impact of robots on jobs and wages; Professor Thomas Philippon's joint research on corporate investments is highlighted

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "The decline in worker training is concerning, especially given that increase in automation will likely mean that workers need different skills than before. ... I recommend a new NBER working paper by NYU’s German Gutierrez and Thomas Philippon trying to explain why corporate investment is low relative to what Tobin's Q models would predict."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran shares his views on the valuation of Saudi Aramco

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Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at New York University, highlights some myths about valuation. A common one is that the more quantitative or complicated a model, the more accurate the valuation. Instead, Mr Damodaran argues for keeping things simple. With Aramco, he is for the moment getting his wish: there are few reliable numbers. Nevertheless, a reasonable estimate of Aramco’s total value is possible by working through assumptions about its costs."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses Amazon and Flipkart's competition for customers in India

The Economic Times logo
Excerpt from the Economic Times -- "According to experts, this private label duel between India's top two ecommerce companies has happened in step with shifting consumer behaviour. 'Consumers have gotten more comfortable with private labels and consider them as interchangeable with national brands,' says Ghose of the Stern School of Business. 'It is this change in consumer behaviour that online retailers like Amazon and Flipkart have capitalised on and are leveraging and harnessing to the full extent.'"
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses viewpoint diversity on college campuses

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'The great majority of college students want to learn. They’re perfectly reasonable, and they’re uncomfortable with a lot of what’s going on,' Mr. Haidt, a psychologist and professor of ethical leadership at New York University’s Stern School of Business, tells me during a recent visit to his office. 'But on each campus there are some true believers who have reoriented their lives around the fight against evil.'"
School News

Janice Marturano of the Institute for Mindful Leadership teaches a two-part workshop, hosted by NYU Stern Leadership Development as part of the School’s Mindfulness in Business Initiative; Executive MBA student Ken Huynh is also cited

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Excerpt from NHK -- "I think that [mindful leadership] is no longer a 'nice to have' to train your innate capacities of your mind. It's something that we simply have to do. Just as we know that to live our best lives, we need to train our bodies, we also know now that to live our best lives, we need to train our mind."
Faculty News

Executive-in-Residence Paul Tice discusses climate change and government regulation

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Excerpt from Fox Business -- "I think that we have not had a public discussion about man-made climate change and whether carbon and other greenhouse gases are causing that man-made climate change. And we cannot have that conversation in the Congress. Obviously, that is not the right place to do it. It's become such a political discussion. The EPA, given their technical background, I think is probably the closest we will come to an organized public debate. And I think in the first year that the Endangerment Rule was rolled out and carbon dioxide was labeled a pollutant, there were a number of problems, I think, with that process. It was rushed. The actual source research that they used, we have 10 more years now of information. We have 10 more years of climate models misfiring. And I think we need to look at it with fresh eyes."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon comments on wage cuts in the banking industry

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Excerpt from Reuters -- "Thomas Philippon of New York University, who has studied pay among investment banks, said they had been too slow to cut. 'They reduced the wage bill mostly by cutting staff, not by cutting wages,' he said, commenting on the sector."
Business and Policy Leader Events

25th Annual Stern Women in Business Conference

On March 31, Stern Women in Business (SWIB) will host the 25th annual “Stern Women in Business Conference” focusing on discussion to show up, stand up and speak up for gender equality. 
