School News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett urges Big Tech companies to step up during the current national emergency and provide society with accurate, usable information

New York Post logo
Excerpt from New York Post -- "Paul Barrett, an NYU professor and Director for the Center for Business and Human Rights, believes that tech companies have only one responsibility to serve the public during any crisis: 'To not make a terrible situation even worse.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway's recent blog post on his worry that the U.S. government is focused on protecting the previous generation of winners, even if it means reducing future generations’ ability to win is highlighted

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Excerpt from Medium -- "A pillar of capitalism is you can’t reward the winners without punishing the losers. I worry our government has been co-opted by the wealthy and is focused on protecting the previous generation of winners, even if it means reducing future generations’ ability to win. Aren’t we borrowing against our children’s prosperity to protect the wealth of the top 10, if not 1, percent?"
Faculty News

In a story exploring how toy manufacturers are aiming to reduce their carbon footprints, Professor Tensie Whelan notes that focusing on sustainability practices in the toy industry is long overdue

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Excerpt from Associated Press -- "Professor Tensie Whelan, the former head of the Rainforest Alliance and current director of NYU’s Stern Center for Sustainable Business, says focusing on sustainability practices in the toy industry is long overdue. 'We’ve got 60 million kids under 14 in the United States. We’ve got 90 percent of toys made of plastic. We have chemical issues, waste disposal issues, social supply chain issues. So, a lot of things that need to be addressed,' Whelan said."
Faculty News

Professor Susan Stehlik explains why she believes corporations should view their front-line employees as members of an extended family, noting that leaders would feel more inclined to take action to protect their employees without bottom-line concerns

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Excerpt from From Day One -- "The conflict has become a moral dilemma for many high-profile U.S. corporations–and their decisions may be long remembered. 'It’s not enough to just get up and tell your employees, ‘Thank you, let’s dig in deeper,’ or ‘Here’s more money,' Susan Stehlik, director of the Management Communication Program at the NYU Stern School of Business, told From Day One."
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman predicts that bankruptcies related to COVID-19 shutdowns will set records in the next 12 months; his z-score research is highlighted

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Bankruptcies related to Covid-19 shutdowns will set records in the next 12 months, according to Edward Altman, the professor emeritus at New York University’s Stern School of Business who developed a widely used method called the Z-score for predicting business failures."
Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini offers thoughts on the underlying causes of the stock market's sharp rebound since its low point on March 23

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Excerpt from Axios -- "Any move of this magnitude naturally elicits the question "why?" I spoke to NYU professor (and my ex-boss) Nouriel Roubini to answer that question and came away with 6 main reasons for the rebound. Technical. At the market peak, a lot of investors had leveraged long positions. They faced huge margin calls as the market fell, which forced them to dump even their safest assets at discounted fire-sale prices. When the forced sales ended, fears of a major financial crisis receded, and prices bounced back up."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Amy Webb offers advice for how event planners should approach rescheduling events for the fall, noting that organizers would be wise to think like a futurist by considering all potential sources of disruption

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Excerpt from Fortune -- "By now, everyone has a COVID cancelation story. The South by Southwest festival, which last year brought more than 400,000 people to Austin and generated $355 million in revenue, was canceled a week before it was set to begin. Finals for the Scripps National Spelling Bee, which hundreds of students compete in each year, was suspended. The Eurovision Song Contest was canceled for the first time since it began in 1956."
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt discusses how positive psychology can help people understand the coronavirus crisis and grow from it

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Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "A good resource in looking for societal wisdom is Jonathan Haidt, a social psychologist, professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business and author, among other books, of 'The Righteous Mind.' 'This is a time for us to reflect,” he said by phone, “and choose a better story. Right now stories are being rewritten all around us, nationally, individually, and we all get a chance to do some of the rewriting.'”
Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Aswath Damodaran on how the “big market promise” affects business formation and financing is referenced

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Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "In a white paper from last December, Aswath Damodaran and Bradford Cornell noted that "big market promise" stocks are often initially overvalued and later see their share prices correct to more realistic levels."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's book, "The Great Reversal," is spotlighted in a list of books from top economists

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'Recent years have seen many good economists trying their hand at writing a popular book in an attempt to disseminate their ideas among a wider audience and influence opinion — with a remarkably large number attaining more than a modicum of success. The past 12 months have been particularly rich, with Thomas Philippon’s 'The Great Reversal: How America Gave Up on Free Markets,' Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman’s 'The Triumph of Injustice: How the Rich Dodge Taxes and How to Make Them Pay,' Abhijit Banerjee and Esther Duflo’s (winners of this year’s Nobel Prize) 'Good Economics for Hard Times,” and Thomas Piketty’s 1,100-page “Capital and Ideology.'”
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's comments on how checking work emails can change an individual's level of productivity are cited

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Excerpt from Ladders -- "Not all of the mistakes we all make in the first 10 minutes of the day are caused by procrastination. In fact, getting on with our work in the wrong way can have a negative impact on our productivity. Checking your work emails first thing is a common mistake. New York University’s Adam Alter says that it takes an average of 25 minutes to get back to being most productive after you’ve checked your emails."
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari offers her perspective on how the tendencies of consumers might change after the coronavirus pandemic eases

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Excerpt from Retail Dive -- "Whether and how many customers return after the pandemic eases also depends on what they take away from their imposed isolation, according to Thomai Serdari, a professor of luxury marketing and branding at New York University's Stern School of Business. There's likely to be pent-up demand, but possibly tempered by a new appreciation for consuming less, especially as a recession bears down, she said."
Faculty News

Joint research from Professor Kim Schoenholtz on the challenges facing the global financial system is highlighted; Systemic Risk (SRISK) analysis from Stern's Volatility Laboratory (V-Lab) is cited

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Excerpt from The Age -- "In a joint paper with Kermit Schoenholtz, a market guru and now finance professor at New York University's Stern School, he warns of potential bank runs and a cascade of fire sales across asset markets despite the heroic firefighting efforts of the Fed so far. The NYU Stern's SRISK gauge shows that the "weighted average leverage ratio" of European lenders is nearly 48, three times US levels."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides shares advice for how amateur investors can navigate the market during the coronavirus pandemic

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Excerpt from Fortune -- "'Most people don’t have enough expertise in financial markets. It’s not their job,' says Nicholas Economides, a professor of economics at NYU Stern School of Business. Add a once-in-a-lifetime pandemic that causes a global crash, and you quickly see armchair 401(k) investors are in over their head in choppy waters."
Faculty News

A letter to G20 governments, co-signed by Professor Michael Spence, calling for immediate internationally coordinated action – to address the global health and economic crises caused by COVID-19 is highlighted

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Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "In 2008-2010, the Great Recession could be surmounted when the economic fault line – under-capitalization of the global banking system – was tackled. Now, however, the economic emergency will not be resolved until the health emergency is effectively addressed, and that requires coordinated global leadership – now."
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla is quoted in an article examining how Wall Street analysts are navigating the recent period of stock market volatility

Excerpt from Crain's New York -- "'The book marks the beginning of security analysis, or stock picking, as a profession,' said Richard Sylla, a financial historian at New York University's Stern School of Business."
School News

The Michael Price Student Investment Fund is highlighted for its commitment to sustainable investing in a trend story exploring the real-world benefits of student-run funds

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Excerpt from Wealth Management -- Students at every SMIF are lobbying their institutions to add ESG funds to the mix. New York University’s SMIF recently replaced one of its small-cap funds with an ESG fund to better reflect the interests of students passionate about the environment and other social causes. The Michael Price Student Investment Fund (MPSIF) is a family of funds, managed directly by MBA students at the NYU Stern School of Business, which was launched in 1999 through a gift from Michael Price, managing partner of MFP Investors.
Faculty News

Professor Paul Hardart weighs in on the future of short-form mobile video platform Quibi

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Excerpt from The Wrap -- "That’s why Paul Hardart, a former Warner Bros. executive and current head of the... Entertainment, Media and Technology program at NYU, said it’s 'way too early to tell' if Quibi will flourish."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Professor Scott Galloway in Conversation with Dean Raghu Sundaram

Scott Galloway, Raghu Sundaram
Dean Raghu Sundaram and Professor Scott Galloway engaged in a wide-ranging discussion, touching on everything from how the coronavirus is impacting industries like tech, digital media, retail and startups, important lessons that can be learned when facing adversity, and how global crises can impact future generations of leaders.
Faculty News

Professor Amy Webb explores how daily life will be different after the coronavirus outbreak subsides, noting that Americans must be willing to imagine the unimaginable

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Excerpt from Newsday -- “'Life after the virus will be different from before the virus,' said Amy Webb, professor of strategic foresight at the New York University Stern School of Business. 'We have a choice to make: Do we want to confront our cherished beliefs and make meaningful changes for the future, or do we simply want to preserve the status quo?' Webb said."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev is quoted in a story examining the growing number of companies suspending earnings guidance during the coronavirus outbreak

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Excerpt from Marketplace -- "In normal times, it’s a bad look when companies clam up, according to Baruch Lev, professor of accounting and finance at NYU. 'When you stop guidance, the stock price is hit because it increases significantly [the] suspicion of investors. ‘Why did you stop? What’s the reason?’ ' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Tom Meyvis' comments on why consumers are drawn to shopping at Target are highlighted

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Excerpt from Fox Business -- “'Target and Walmart and a lot of these places have kind of established themselves as places you can go where you pretty much know you're going to get a good deal, that things aren't going to be so expensive,' Meyvis said. “So people sort of treat it like the grocery store, where they're just putting stuff in their cart.'”
Faculty News

Key takeaways and analysis from Professor Aswath Damodaran's recent blog post on the ongoing market crisis are spotlighted

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Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "The second winner this week is from Prof. Aswath Damodaran, who graciously shares the tools used in his Stern School of Business MBA classes. I recommend his entire 'Viral Market Meltdown' series, but my focus today is on part V, Back to Basics."
School News

In an in-depth Q&A as part of P&Q’s “Best and Brightest,” undergraduate student Caitlyn Lubas (BS '20) highlights how the School prepared her to value the role of emotional intelligence in business

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Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- “Although the term “business” commonly conjures thoughts of finance and profitability, I learned that business is fundamentally about people. Whether it’s understanding clients, customers, or business partners, it truly is psychology and understanding the human experience that underlies so many aspects of business. Businesses become successful by solving people’s problems, so understanding people is the key first step. Business school has taught me how to be a more thoughtful, perceptive person which in turn makes me a better businesswoman.”
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about how the coronavirus crisis could catalyze or even accelerate an ongoing change within the sharing economy; his book "The Sharing Economy" is spotlighted

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Excerpt from Newsy -- “This kind of crisis can catalyze or even accelerate an ongoing change,” said Arun Sundararajan, author of "The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism."