School News

Professors Paul Hardart and Batia Wiesenfeld discuss the future of Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures amid the company's acquisition by AT&T

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'In particular, AT&T is finding itself short on leadership for Time Warner (in part because of losses due to leaders’ misconduct and subsequent resignations) and struggling to integrate very different corporate cultures, which is likely to encourage them to spin off businesses that are less likely strategically valuable to the combined entity,' explained NYU Stern professor Batia Wiesenfeld. ... 'My sense is that AT&T will not likely disrupt Warner Bros. Theatre Ventures at this point,' opined NYU Stern professor Paul Hardart."
Faculty News

Lord Mervyn King shares his views on a no-deal Brexit

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "'My own personal preference would be to go back to Europe and say, "we have a clear strategy, which is we want to leave without a deal, but we would like to take six months to complete the preparations to avoid the dislocation,"' King said. 'It depends on how far the preparations have got, and the government hasn’t been as explicit about that as they might.'"
School News

In a video interview, Senior Scholar of Marketing and Corporate Outreach Randi Kronthal-Sacco explains the Center for Sustainable Business' research findings on sustainability-marketed products, in partnership with IRI

Retail Leader logo
Excerpt from Retail Leader -- "The data is in and products with sustainable attributes are driving a disproportionate percentage of growth. IRI teamed with NYU’s Stern Center for Sustainable Business to understand why products with sustainability attributes driving superior growth rates."
School News

The Center for Business and Human Rights' research on social networks and disinformation is referenced

Gizmodo logo
Excerpt from Gizmodo -- "While the major social networks have taken 'some steps' to counteract the spread of disinformation, a recent report from the NYU Stern Center for Business and Human Rights concluded that Facebook and, in particular, YouTube continue to employ 'a piecemeal approach' to the problem."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Romer's talk at the Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry in central Seoul is featured

Korea JoongAng Daily logo
Excerpt from the Korea JoongAng Daily -- "'Minimum wages, we know, can lead to a reduction in demand for workers and then to a pool of workers who are not connected to the labor force,' Romer said on Wednesday in response to a question on his thoughts on the Moon Jae-in government’s income-led growth policy and the minimum wage increases."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari is quoted in a story about multi-family marketing

Multi-Housing News logo
Excerpt from Multi-Housing News -- “'In your downtime, you’ve decided to spend 20 minutes on Instagram and you’re actually curious to see what’s on the market,' she said, comparing that to routine habits such as checking a bank account, when someone may be more annoyed at seeing ads cropping up."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about how Lyft and Uber driver protests will impact the companies

Fast Company logo
Excerpt from Fast Company -- "'If enough drivers participate, they will have an impact,' says NYU business professor Arun Sundararajan, who is generally bullish on the prospects for Uber, Lyft and other 'gig-economy' companies. 'Worker protests by Uber and Lyft drivers get far more attention than any other labor action in the world right now.'"
Faculty News

Professor Richard Sylla is interviewed about the next economic recession

Vox logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "In fact, recessions used to happen a lot more often than they do now, explained Richard Sylla, professor emeritus of economics at New York University, and since the late 20th century, expansions have become longer. The reason is that 'we’re much less of an industrial economy,' Sylla said."
School News

Professor Lawrence White is comments on buying a home in New York City

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'This is an expensive area, there’s no question,' White said. 'That does make the home-buying process a bit more frustrating and a bit more difficult, but not as difficult as that 18-year number would indicate.'"
Faculty News

Professor Robert Seamans is interviewed about the ethical challenges AI presents for business

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'There’s a lot of misinformation out there,' Seamans says. 'The narrative that AI is coming to take your jobs is way overplayed.'"
Faculty News

In a live interview, Professor Petra Moser discusses her research on copyright law and innovation

Freakonomics Radio logo
Excerpt from Freakonomics Radio -- "Having basic copyright protection is important for two reasons. The first one is that it gives people an incentive to produce better work, but then the other one is if you actually make art something that people can make money off, you also change the type of person who can become an artist."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White shares insights on Charter Spectrum's negotiations with the New York State Public Service Commission

City and State logo
Excerpt from City and State NY-- "Achieving a better-specified expansion of service does appear to be the best outcome. It is unrealistic to expect another company to take over Charter's operations. That is the 'nuclear option.' Any serious effort by the PSC to try to make this happen would lead to years of litigation."
Faculty News

In a podcast interview, Professor Haran Segram comments on Lyft's valuation

Zacks Investment Research podcast logo
Excerpt from Zacks Investment Research Podcast -- "I think Lyft should be treated as a platform company... I tend to use enterprise value to revenue to value these companies. Enterprise value is market value of equity plus market value of debt minus cash. ... When you think about platform companies such as Facebook, Airbnb, Uber or Lyft, they tend to trade between 7 and 10x of the revenues."
Faculty News

In a podcast interview, Professor Dolly Chugh shares her views on combating unconscious bias, from her book, "The Person You Mean to Be"

10% Happier Podcast logo
Excerpt from 10% Happier Podcast -- (14:50) "The problem is, the definition a lot of us are using for good person, and this is why it's such a tight corner, is binary. It's you're a good person or you're not; you're racist or you're not; you're sexist or not, and there's no room for growth, there's no room for mistakes. What I'm trying to offer is a different way of thinking about our identities, which is being a good-ish person."
Faculty News

In a podcast interview, Professor Haran Segram explains how he calculates Lyft's valuation

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- (7:30) "Investors are paying for the future rather than for the current state of affairs for this company."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Author Lecture Series: Paul Daugherty and Arun Sundararajan

Paul Daugherty, book cover of "Human + Machine" and Arun Sundararajan
On March 27, Paul Daugherty, chief technology & innovation officer, Accenture, will discuss his new book, Human + Machine: Reimagining Work in the Age of AI, with Professor Arun Sundararajan.
Faculty News

Professor Hans Taparia is interviewed about McDonald's plans to implement artificial intelligence

Crunchbase News logo
Excerpt from Crunchbase News -- "'This is not signifying product innovation,' he told Crunchbase News, saying that the company is looking for tools to increase sales, but not change health of the offerings."
Faculty News

In a contributed article, Professor Allen Adamson discusses why he believes Apple's shift from hardware to the entertainment business will be successful

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "[Apple] is, by nature, an intensely creatively-driven organization. Often, when companies try to shift ahead, no matter how good the new strategy might be, they don’t have the right DNA to nurture it and make it work. Apple thrives on creative enterprise. This not only differentiates it within the technology space, but gives it an incredible launching pad to enable it to succeed in the category of content creation."
Faculty News

Professor Guthrie Collin highlights the value of Anheuser-Busch InBev's acquisition of RateBeer

VinePair logo
Excerpt from VinePair -- "'Both acquisitions provide the acquirers with data generated by passionate, influential ‘heavy user’ communities dedicated to providing unbiased and crowd-sourced reviews and commentary on the acquirer’s key segment,' Collin writes VinePair."
Faculty News

Professor Edward Altman is quoted in an article on the next economic crisis

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'Impact of the crisis will depend on the level of debt. Debt levels in US are twice as much as it was just before 2008 crisis. Default rate when it rises it will rise against a lot more debt than ever before,' Altman told Business Insider in an interview in February."
Faculty News

In an in-depth interview, Professor Arun Sundararajan shares his views on the gig economy and the future of work

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "All of this means, Sundararajan says, 'we're going to see full-time employment remain resilient, even though there are more efficient ways of organizing economic activity.' He believes work done through gig platforms can be more efficient than work done in a traditional company — and that will spell the company's doom."
School News

Stern's Social Impact Core course offerings for undergraduate students are featured

BizEd Magazine logo
Excerpt from BizEd Magazine -- "Students at New York University’s Stern School of Business can take up to half of their courses in the College of Arts & Science. Their liberal arts study reinforces what they learn in a set of required bigger-picture courses called the Social Impact Core. In this program, students are steeped in the issues of ethics, social responsibility, and environmental concerns."
Faculty News

In a contributed article, Professor Dolly Chugh explains why she recommends the book "Biased" by Jennifer Eberhardt

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes-- "With its unique perspective, compelling science and beautiful writing, the book will make you think about the news, your neighborhood, your workplace and yourself with fresh eyes. Eberhardt is a masterful writer and teacher, who somehow walks the tightrope of being both scientific and personal in her work."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway is quoted in a story on the shift in the relationship between the tech and fashion industries

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Mr. Galloway of N.Y.U. said the conclusion was simple: 'There was only one wearable that was really a fashion statement, and that was your phone.'"
School News

Stern's international academic program opportunities for MBA students are featured

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from U.S. News & World Report -- "MBAs in Stern’s traditional two-year program can also opt for one- or two-week 'Doing Business in' offerings held in about a dozen countries, including Australia, Israel and South Africa. They talk to academics, make company visits and have cultural experiences. Many students also partner with faculty and go abroad to help solve a real-world business problem through Stern Solutions' experiential learning projects."