Faculty News

Professor Allen Adamson comments on the factors that have led to a decline in the retail workforce

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- “You don’t see many kids coming out of university saying ‘I want to go into retail,’ said Allen Adamson, an adjunct professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business.
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White remarks on President Trump's desire to revitalize employment in manufacturing

Newsweek Logo
Excerpt from Newsweek -- Mr. Trump for over two years has been huffing and puffing about reviving manufacturing employment. This is a pipe dream, Lawrence White, an economics professor at NYU's Stern School of Business, told Newsweek.
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Simonoff weighs in on how producers who vote for their own shows at the Tony Awards impact the final results

Broadway Journal logo
Excerpt from Broadway Journal -- '"It could actually make a big difference, depending on how evenly matched the shows really are,' said Jeffrey Simonoff, a statistics professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, who has studied Broadway."
Faculty News

Professor and Dean Emeritus Peter Henry discusses the potential outcome of Jamaica's single-digit inflation targeting

Jamaica Gleaner logo
Excerpt from Jamaica Gleaner -- "On the panel, Peter Blair Henry, Professor at the Stern Business School at New York University, stated that Jamaica’s single-digit inflation targeting, along with the Economic Programme Oversight Committee, has realigned the development path of Jamaica towards that of Barbados, credited as one of the most developed black nations."
Faculty News

Professor Joe Magee provides insight into the psychological effects of power

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "'The point is that power moves people in some predictable directions on average,' Joe Magee, a New York University psychologist who studies the psychological effects of power, told Business Insider in a phone interview. It's not so much a bias, he's careful to note, but a cognitive tendency or propensity."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Stern EMBA Speaker Series: Alex Anyse (TRIUM ‘11)

TRIUM Global Executive MBA alumnus Alex Anyse
On June 7, 2019, NYU Stern's Executive MBA Program and NYU Washington DC hosted a Stern EMBA Speaker Series event at NYU’s downtown DC location featuring TRIUM Global EMBA alumnus Alex Anyse (TRIUM ‘11), Co-Founder and Partner of The MASY Group, LLC.
School News

Stern's Full-time MBA employment data in the finance industry is highlighted

Metro MBA logo
Excerpt from MetroMBA -- "Few business schools in the U.S. match the number of finance graduates NYU Stern produces, with 26.2 percent of the class joining investment banking/brokerage after earning an MBA."
School News

Advice to the Class of 2019 at Stern's Graduate Convocation from keynote speaker Janet Foutty, Chair and CEO, Deloitte Consulting LLP and Chair-elect, Deloitte LLP, is featured

Business Insider logo
Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Janet Foutty, chairman and CEO of Deloitte Consulting LLP, challenged graduates of New York University's Stern School of Business to adopt a 'we' mindset instead of falling back on 'familiar excuses,' such as 'They're responsible for pollution or poverty or prejudice. They're the ones who choose this leader. They are sexist or racist or homophobic.'"
School News

In a trend story, Professor and Vice Dean of Executive Programs Robert Salomon highlights Stern’s global approach to Executive Education, citing short courses including "Sustainability Training for Business Leaders" and "Leading Global Organizations."

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- “'Every course we offer has a global component,' said Prof. Robert Salomon, vice dean of executive programs. He teaches a two-day course, Leading Global Organizations: Managing the Complex Challenges of Globalization, for entrepreneurs who are expanding abroad, executives at firms already doing business globally, and financial analysts or consultants whose clients are global organizations. The typical participant has an average of 15 years of work experience."
Faculty News

Professor James Finch shares his perspective on the US-China currency conflict

South China Morning Post logo
Excerpt from South China Morning Post -- "James Finch, clinical associate professor of finance at New York University’s Leonard N. Stern School of Business, said: 'The overwhelming driver in China is political control. To have a trade currency, you have to have to get rid of all the controls on the currency.'"
Faculty News

In a podcast interview, Professor Amy Webb addresses key takeaways from her book, "The Big Nine"

Inc. logo
Excerpt from KPCW -- "'Contrary to what a lot of people think, futurists do not make predictions. Most of what we do is make connections. And the point of that is to reduce uncertainty as much as we possibly can so that people can make smarter decisions.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's joint research on improving U.S.monetary policy communications is featured

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In a research paper on Fed communications presented at the conference that generated a lot of buzz, Stephen Cecchetti, of Brandeis University, and New York University’s Kermit Schoenholtz, called for a major change in the dot plot. Rather than being anonymous, it should name which policy maker is making each forecast for rates and the economy, including the chairman’s dot."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's comments on technology addiction are featured; His book, "Irresistible," is referenced

The Daily Register logo
Excerpt from The Daily Register -- "Is technology liberating? Does science-driven 'progress' make us happier? Not so, says social psychologist Adam Alter in his book, Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked. 'In the past, we thought of addiction as mostly related to chemical substances: heroin, cocaine, nicotine,' says Dr. Alter, an associate professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Seamans offers advice for how the US government should approach tech regulation

BuzzFeed News logo
Excerpt from BuzzFeed -- “'I think there is a lot of appetite for letting the market sort lots of things out,' Robert Seamans, an associate professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business who spent a year as a senior economist at the White House Council of Economic Advisers, told BuzzFeed News. 'We don’t want to pick a China model where the government decides everything that should happen.'”
School News

Recent graduates Dominik Weigl (MSGF '19) and Kiana Shek (MSGF '18) reflect on how the NYU Stern-HKUST MS in Global Finance program has benefited their careers

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "The HKUST-NYU Stern MS in Global Finance—a part-time, post-experience Master in Finance degree offered by Hong Kong’s HKUST Business School and NYU Stern in New York—offers students a unique insight into China’s financial industry."
Faculty News

Professor Stephen Brown's joint research on the Dow Theory is cited

TheStreet logo
Excerpt from TheStreet.com -- "Conducted by Stephen J. Brown of New York University, William Goetzmann of Yale University, and Alok Kumar of the University of Miami, the study found that the Dow Theory over that period beat a buy-and-hold by an annual average of 4.4 percentage points."
Faculty News

Professor Paul Hardart discusses the business impact Georgia's recently-enacted Heartbeat Bill will have on entertainment companies

The Atlantic logo
Excerpt from The Atlantic -- "Paul Hardart, a marketing professor at New York University and a veteran of the film industry, says that celebrities have forced studios’ hands. 'Studios also have to keep in mind that they have talent they want to keep happy,' he explains."
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose offers insights on Amazon's use of influencer marketing strategies

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "'This time window often creates this scarcity factor,' said Anindya Ghose, a professor at New York University's Stern School of Business. 'There's a nudge and pressure on customers to act within that period.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's joint research on improving U.S.monetary policy communications is featured

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "A paper from Brandeis’s Stephen Cecchetti and New York University’s Kermit Schoenholtz recommended that the Fed release a “matrix” that links projections for growth, unemployment, inflation, and interest rates to each FOMC participant."
School News

Professor and Vice Dean Kim Corfman, and recent MBA graduate Lia Winograd (MBA ‘19) discuss how Stern's emphasis on experiential learning adds value to the MBA experience for entrepreneurs

Business of Fashion logo
Excerpt for Business of Fashion -- "At Stern, students also get the chance to work with real-life companies in problem-solving. 'Something hard to replicate online is experiential learning,' said Kim Corfman, the academic director of NYU Stern’s Fashion & Luxury MBA. 'You can go out there and do it and read some excellent books, but having guidance while you’re going through the process, there’s really no substitute.'...This was precisely how Winograd used her time at Stern, which offered summer fellowships to entrepreneurs to work on their company ideas. 'They gave me a living stipend and a lot of flexibility to work on my start-up… they took me on a trip to San Francisco where I got to meet angel investors that ended up investing in Pepper,' Winograd said. 'We built out a business plan as a part of a competition, and that pushed me to get into the streets to talk to customers, which helped my co-founder and I to get to different insights.'"
School News

Senior Research Scholar Alain Bertaud shares his thoughts on the differing perspectives of urban planners and economists

EconTalk logo
Excerpt from EconTalk Podcast -- "'f you ask an urban planner, 'What is the optimum size of housing?' this planner will tell you a number--you know, 50 square meters, 60 square meters, something like that. If you ask the same economist will say, 'Well, it all depends.' So, this is really the big difference between planners and economists.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz's presentation of his joint research on monetary policy communications at a conference at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago is highlighted

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "The Fed’s policy statements 'tend to be complex, jargon-laden, press releases that a casual reader cannot easily absorb,' Brandeis University professor Stephen Cecchetti and New York University professor Kermit Schoenholtz wrote in calling for the Fed to overhaul many of its core documents."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle's method for statistical modeling of volatility in financial markets is cited

MarketWatch logo
Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "The Nobel Prize-winning economist whose work confirms Bollinger’s core insight is Robert Engle of New York University. He was awarded the prize in 2003 (along with the late Clive Granger) for developing a statistical understanding of why and how a security’s volatility changes over time."
Faculty News

Professor Ari Ginsberg explains why traditional retailers are forming partnerships with the resale industry

CNN logo
Excerpt from CNN -- "'This is an old story of when you see industry disruption,' said Ginsberg. 'If you don't develop those capabilities or go into those markets, you might be extinct pretty soon.'"
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev explains why releasing quarterly guidance is still common among tech companies

OZY logo
Excerpt from OZY -- "Lev says Apple has good reasons to buck the trend: Quarterly guidance is still the norm in the tech industry. 'If most of your competitors are guiding, if you won’t guide it’s a very bad sign,' he says. 'It’s a sign either you are not confident as a manager or you are hiding information.'"