Faculty News

An interview with Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the US economic leadership

Council on Foreign Relations blog logo
Excerpt from the Council on Foreign Relations -- "The Fed is doing what it can--and that is mainly not to do anything to damage a fragile return to economic health."
Faculty News

A presentation by Prof. Paul Zarowin on earnings per share (EPS) is referenced

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "For more detail, check out this presentation by Paul Zarowin, a Professor of Accounting at the Stern School of Business, New York University."
Faculty News

Executive Board Member and Prof. Richard Bernstein (MBA '87) shares his market predictions

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "And with the Dow coming off its best gain in two weeks, we'll be speaking with investment strategist Richard Bernstein about his S&P target for the end of the year and what he expects from Fed Chief Ben Bernanke on Friday."  Additional coverage appeared on CNBC and Seeking Alpha.
Faculty News

An interview with Prof. Viral Acharya on the downsides of mortgage tax breaks

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "The biggest effect of removal of subsidies is going to be that people will buy the houses they can afford."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on investing in gold

Forbes logo
Excerpt from Forbes -- "'Since gold has no intrinsic value,' says Dr.Doom, 'there are significant risks of a downward correction.'"  Additional coverage appeared in two TheNational pieces, MetalMiner, two Seeking Alpha pieces, Moneyweek, Financial Times Alphaville, GoldSeek, Business Insider, BusinessSpectator and New York Observer.
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway's Digital IQ ranking of specialty retailers is featured

Excerpt from Woman's Wear Daily -- “‘To be at the top of the pack, you have to make investments in social and mobile. You have to be at the forefront of digital investments,’ Galloway said.”  Additional coverage appeared in Daily Markets, TheNextWeb.com, Cincinnati Business Courier, Warc.com, BrandChannel and The Columbus Dispatch.
Faculty News

Prof. Batia Wiesenfeld's research on fair management is referenced

Excerpt from SmartCompany -- "The story by, well a lot of people, which came from New York University's Stern School of Business, says it all: Why fair bosses fall behind."
Faculty News

Marti Subrahmanyam will retire from the Infosys board

Excerpt from MSN India -- "IT major Infosys announced that in accordance with the retirement policy in place its Lead Independent Director Marti G Subrahmanyam will retire from the board today."  Additional coverage appeared on Moneycontrol.com, IBNLive, CIOL and EFYTimes.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Anthony Karydakis on the manufacturing sector

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'The manufacturing sector was one of the most consistent pockets of strength in this recovery and all of a sudden it seems to be taking a very severe beating that goes beyond the supply chain disruptions related to the Japan earthquake,' said Anthony Karydakis."
Faculty News

Prof. Michael Jung's research on investors exploiting their access to management for gains is cited

Excerpt from IR Web Report -- "In the latest study, professors Brian Bushee of the University of Pennsylvania, Michael Jung of New York University and Gregory Miller of the University of Michigan say they have found evidence that 'investors exploit their selective access to management to execute larger and more profitable trades.'"
Faculty News

Profs Nicholas Economides and Roy Smith's paper suggesting a Trichet bond for Europe is cited

Excerpt from The Jerusalem Post -- "A 2011 paper by Prof. Nicholas Economides and Prof. Roy Smith at NYU suggested a similar type of bond for Europe called a Trichet bond, after European Central Bank president Jean-Claude Trichet."
Faculty News

Prof. Jeffrey Wurgler's research on how dividends affect consumption is cited

Excerpt from Stanford Knowledge Base -- "Nagel’s research—done collaboratively with Malcolm Baker of Harvard University and Jeffrey Wurgler of New York University—was the first to look past aggregate data to how dividends affected consumption."
Faculty News

Prof. Scott Galloway on Facebook dominating the internet

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink -- "Galloway says, 'Facebook becomes the Internet, and the Internet is just the underlying platform that powers it.'"
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on credit rating agencies

Xinhua logo
Excerpt from Xinhua News -- "Too many regulatory requirements will increase the rating agencies, operating costs, generate new institutions hinder, impede new methods, new technologies and generate new business models."  Additional coverage appeared in Fortune, O Globo, Seacoastonline.com and Sanlian Lifeweek Magazine.
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya on how to fix the US housing market

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo! Finance -- "'Just the way we recapitalized the financial sector, I think there was a very good case for recapitalizing the households,' says Acharya."  Additional coverage appeared in Business Insider and Moneynews.
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya on Bank of America's systemic risk

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo! Finance -- "Of all the U.S. banks, NYU Stern Finance Professor Viral Acharya, considers Bank of America to be the most 'systemically risky.' In the accompanying interview, Acharya, author of Regulating Wall Street, describes his method for assessing bank risk."
Faculty News

Prof. Steven Blader's research on how people of different statuses interact is featured

Excerpt from Science Letter -- "How do individuals with higher status react to their encounters with lower-status counterparts? Four studies explore this issue, focusing on higher-status parties' concerns with the outcome favorability and procedural fairness of those encounters."
School News

NYU Stern served on a committee that chose the 2011 UNOP Leader of Change Award

Excerpt from LaLate -- "[Ricky] Martin was chosen by a special committee compromised of reps from the UNOP, NYU Stern School of Business, and the Foundation for Social Change."
Faculty News

Prof. Viral Acharya on giving Fed loans to Morgan Stanley

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "It’s probable the central bank would again lend to a big firm such as Morgan Stanley if another crisis hit, said Viral Acharya, a New York University finance professor who serves as an academic adviser to the Fed"
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Adam Alter on decisions made by crowds

Psychology Today logo
Excerpt from Psychology Today -- "Many contemporary western societies are drawn to the idea that decisions improve as we incorporate more voices."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the Fed's quantitative easing programs and the global economy

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "'Market up today only because (it) expects that Ben will come by helicopter to Jackson Hole to dispense QE3,' Nouriel Roubini, head of Roubini Global Economics, tweeted on his Twitter account early Monday."  Additional coverage appeared on CNBC, two The Guardian pieces, Monthly Review, The Toronto Star, three Business Insider pieces, Street Authority, Irish Independent, three Politico pieces, FXStreet.com, San Francisco Chronicle, HoweStreet.com, Troy Media, Hurriyet Daily News, AdvisorOne, Philly.com, Today's Zaman, Colorado Springs Independent, The Independent, StreetAuthority, FrumForum, The Telegraph, Financial News, The Daily Caller, People's Daily, Bloomberg, TIME blog and Examiner.      
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on how congress can help markets

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The best thing Congress can do to help the markets is nothing at all."  Additional coverage on Bloomberg, San Francisco Chronicle, San Diego Source, Philadelphia Inquirer and Vancouver Sun.
Faculty News

Prof. Justin Kruger's research on people's assessment of their own knowledge is featured

Excerpt from FreeThoughtsBlogs.com -- "This and many other studies show you believe you see more of other people’s icebergs than they see of yours; meanwhile, they think the same thing about you."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence will speak at The Economist’s High Growth Markets Summit

Excerpt from Massey University News -- "Other leading thinkers this year include US economist and Nobel Laureate Michael Spence, China’s vice-minister of foreign affairs Fu Ying, Brazil’s former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, and Colombia’s finance and public credit minister Juan Carlos Echeverry."