Faculty News

In an interview, Prof. Nouriel Roubini diagnoses the euro zone's problems

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters Video -- "My biggest worry is a series of debt restructuring and default in the Eurozone by some of the member states exiting the Eurozone and eventually a breakup of the Eurozone." Additional coverage appeared in Financial Times, Reuters, CNBC, The New York Times blog, The Huffington Post, BBC News, Forbes, Financial Times blog, and The Wall Street Journal blog.
School News

NYU Stern is cited as the 2009 winner of the Smith School's M&A competition

Excerpt from Investment Weekly News -- "The Smith School's MBA Finance Association presents the Mergers and Acquisitions Competition as its premier fall event. Targeting the nation's top MBA programs, the event's previous champions have represented ... New York University's Stern School of Business (2009) ... "
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research on how Michelle Obama's fashion influences stock prices is cited

Excerpt from Sydney Morning Herald -- "Obama was dubbed the $3 billion woman after a study by New York University's Stern School of Business found a company's stock skyrocketed when she was photographed in one of its garments."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the euro zone's structural issues

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project-Syndicate -- "In short, the euro zone's periphery is now subject to the paradox of thrift: increasing savings too much, too fast leads to renewed recession and makes debts even more unsustainable. And that paradox is now affecting even the core." Additional coverage appeared in Livemint, Reuters blog, TodayOnline.com, FIN24.com, Slate, BusinessDay, The New York Times, and the Financial Post.
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Pugel on China's economy

CNC World logo
Excerpt from CNC World -- "Well it's been a great ten years for the Chinese economy, certainly they're continuing major growth in international trade. Looking back even further, in 1980, China's exports were less than 1% of global exports and now they're close to 10%."
School News

A talk by Venture for America founder, Andrew Yang, at NYU Stern is cited

Excerpt from MyBankTracker -- "Andrew Yang, who founded the nonprofit organization this summer, delivered the talk at NYU Stern Business School to eager young listeners like myself. He began by explaining that he became disenchanted by corporate America after a stint at a big law firm."
School News

NYU Stern's definition of price to earnings to growth ratio (PEG) is cited

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "PEG is the short name for the price to earnings to growth ratio. New York University’s Stern School of Business defines it as the ratio of market price to expected growth in earnings per share."
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Vice Chair of the Board of Overseers Kenneth Langone is quoted

ValueWalk logo
Excerpt from ValueWalk -- "Kenneth Langone, Invemed Associates chairman/president, says people should stop complaining about what they want and work hard, adding that the Occupy Wall Street protesters are babies in adult bodies."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Michelle Greenwald on the secrets of successful co-brands

Inc. logo
Excerpt from Inc.com -- "Brands are judged by the partners they keep. Innovative partnerships can make brands seem hipper, more modern, more distinctive, more interesting, and more noteworthy."
Faculty News

Prof. Baruch Lev's research on corporate acquisitions is featured

Accounting Today logo
Excerpt from Accounting Today -- "Corporate acquisitions with overpriced shares—many leading to goodwill write-offs—exacerbate the post-acquisition negative returns beyond the overpricing correction." Additional coverage appeared in IAM Magazine, CFO World, and Computer World.
Faculty News

Prof Amity Shlaes on businessmen who become politicians

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "As Matthew Cooper of National Journal and Amity Shlaes of Bloomberg have both pointed out, businessmen who became politicians then later presidents, like Warren G. Harding, Herbert Hoover and Jimmy Carter, aren't typically listed among the nation's most successful oer revered presidents."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Prof. Yakov Amihud says taxing trades on Wall Street will hurt Main Street

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "A transactions tax will end up punishing Main Street, hurting the economy and reducing U.S. Treasury revenues in the next few years. It will thus exacerbate the effects of the financial crisis."
Student Club Events

Stern Investment Management and Research Conference (SIMR) Conference

The Stern Investment Management and Research Conference (SIMR) Conference will feature keynote speakers Daniel K. Kingsbury, head of the US division and CEO and president of Pioneer Investment Management Inc., and Whitney Tilson, founder and managing partner of T2 Partners LLC and Tilson Mutual Funds, as well as panel discussions focused on investment strategies and “best ideas.”
Student Club Events

2011 NOVA Conference

In collaboration with NYU Stern and Columbia Business School, NOVA (Italian MBA Association) presents its 12th annual conference, organized in New York City on November, 11th-13th, 2011.
Faculty News

Prof. Edward Altman on Europe's sovereign debt crisis

Excerpt from Bloomberg TV -- "You can't sustain an Italy rescue if constantly we're getting negative news about GDP growth, about company profitability, about unemployment, etc. They've got to change that and change the perception that it's going to be changed."
Faculty News

Prof. Thomas Philippon discusses "the future of the euro zone"

Council on Foreign Relations blog logo
Excerpt from Council on Foreign Relations -- "The metaphor is: suppose you live next to a nuclear power plant and there is a leak. Well, you know, you could try to fix the power plant -- that's fixing Italy; otherwise, putting duct tape on your window, which is like putting capital in your banks, is not going to help you very much." Additional coverage appeared in the Associated Press Planner.
School News

NYU Stern is highlighted for participating in the first NYU Entrepreneurs Festival

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York Business -- "Representatives from almost a dozen schools at NYU will be participating in the [NYU Entrepreneurs Festival], including from Stern School of Business, the College of Arts and Science, and Tisch School of the Arts."
School News

Vice Chair of NYU Trustees & Chair of the Board of Overseers William R. Berkley is cited

Barron's logo
Excerpt from Barron's -- "The recent flooding in Thailand could result in over $10 billion of losses for the global insurance industry, according to William Berkley."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on Harvard students walking out of an economics class

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Look closely at the Harvard protest and you find a problem opposite to the one alleged. Ec 10, though still Keynes-flavored, does feature intellectual variety relative to the rest of Harvard’s curriculum." Additional coverage appeared in Bloomberg Businessweek, San Francisco Chronicle, Livemint, and The New American.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Thomas Sargent on advising the Hutchin Hill Hedge Fund

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "For me, this is essentially academic work. What I do is I go down to their offices, they ask me some questions, and I go to the blackboard. It’s almost like a seminar. We talk about what makes the macroeconomy tick."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Joel Rubinson on the marketing concept "recency planning"

Excerpt from RetailWire -- "If you could find advertising vehicles that were "recency-tilted" by their nature, that is, more likely to deliver impressions closer to the purchase, you will get greater ad response — practically guaranteed." Additional coverage appeared in RetailWire.
Faculty News

Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence Lenihan's course on entrepreneurship is highlighted

Excerpt from Columbia Spectator -- "One of the most popular classes at the school is called Ready, FIRE! Aim, taught by Lawrence Lenihan, a successful entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and founder of Pequot Ventures and FirstMark Capital."
Faculty News

An interview with Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on globalization & unemployment

Foreign Affairs logo
Excerpt from Foreign Affairs -- "Foreign Affairs Managing Editor Jonathan Tepperman interviews Nobel Prize-winning economist Michael Spence on current trends in unemployment, government spending and policy, the speed of globalization, and Obama's options for a troubled economy." Additional coverage appeared in ipolitics360.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini's book, "Crisis Economics," is reviewed

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "In "Crisis Economics," Roubini teams with professor Stephen Mihm to discuss the ongoing financial crisis, providing context and assessing the risks and opportunities that policymakers now face." Additional coverage appeared in FirstPost.