School News

Current EMBA student Jay Freeman (MBA '21) explains why he looks at diversity in senior management before attending job interviews

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Jay Freeman, an investment banker-turned-consultant who’s worked on corporate turnarounds and restructurings, looks at diversity in senior management before attending job interviews. 'At some point, you gravitate toward someone who has some tie of shared experience,' said Freeman, who’s Black. 'You want to be able to find people who will be an ally, or an advocate or a mentor -- those are all things that are part of the calculation.'”
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch weighs in on the recent surge in downloads of the app Byte

Excerpt from Adweek -- "Alixandra Barasch, assistant professor of marketing at New York University, said that Trump’s threats can profoundly affect businesses, which she’s seen most clearly when public companies’ stock prices have moved due to a single tweet. 'The current TikTok situation is an interesting one, because it more directly affects actual consumer decisions—not just Wall Street,' Barasch told Adweek. 'I could see it going in both directions, but either way, it’s clear that Trump’s comments—no matter how valid or legal—have a profound influence on real business outcomes.'”
Faculty News

Insights from Professor Adam Alter's book, "Irresistible," are cited

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Excerpt from Forbes -- “'People tend to function on autopilot until something inside their heads or in the world around them subtly or explicitly suggests it’s time to move on. Reaching the end of a feed is one such cue; removing the endpoint short-circuits that cue,' said Adam Alter, author and NYU professor, in a Medium post written by Rebecca Fishbein."
Faculty News

A recent presentation highlighting new research from Professors Hanna Halaburda and Yannis Bakos on the interaction between smart contracts and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in improving business efficiencies is spotlighted

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Excerpt from CoinTelegraph -- "Smart contracts have limited efficiency in certain industries if not implemented in conjunction with IoT sensors according to experts in blockchain and business from NYU. Stern School of Business Associate Professors Hanna Halaburda and Yannis Bakos presented their research at the Unitize conference July 10 on the interaction between smart contracts and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors in improving business efficiencies."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran explains how the coronavirus pandemic has impacted Tesla throughout 2020

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Excerpt from CNBC -- "Shares of Tesla have exploded lately, soaring 30% this month alone and bringing its 2020 gains to a whopping 230%. New York University professor Aswath Damodaran, sometimes called the 'Dean of Valuation,' called Tesla a 'story stock,' meaning its prices are not driven by news events or fundamentals."
Faculty News

New, joint research from Professor Arun Sundararajan and PhD student Manav Raj underscoring the importance digital platforms have in ensuring business continuity and providing future resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic is highlighted

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Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "'All of these factors point to the heightened importance of platforms like Uber Eats in the economy of the future,' said NYU Stern’s Arun Sundararajan, the Harold Price Professor of Entrepreneurship, who co-authored the study with NYU Stern PhD student Manav Raj and Uber Technologies data scientist Calum You. 'COVID-19 is dramatically accelerating the transition to online commerce. Platform demand has been central to riding out the economic shock, especially for small businesses.'"
Faculty News

Professor Michael Spence warns that rescue packages that transfer a surge in debt to the public from the private sector will cause serious economic damage

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Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'This shock is going to cause a very large amount of economic damage,' said Michael Spence, a professor of economics at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'A lot of these policies are essentially moving that damage to the sovereign balance sheet. It’s not that anybody thinks it’s ideal, but it may be better than leaving it lying around in the business sector or in the household sector.'"
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway offers his perspective in an article exploring how tech startups received billions of dollars as a result of the U.S. government’s Paycheck Protection Program

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "'If a venture-backed company either can’t survive this pandemic or can’t convince investors to put in more money to hold on to employees, then either they should be laid off or the business should be shut down,' added Mr. Galloway. 'Every bailout leads to moral hazard, which leads to a bigger bailout later.'"
Press Releases

New Research from NYU Stern and Uber Eats Shows How Digital Platforms Helped Support SMB Restaurants During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Arun Sundararajan
The NYU Stern School of Business and Uber Technologies announce the release of a new paper, “COVID-19 and Digital Resilience: Evidence from Uber Eats.” The study establishes that digital platforms enabled restaurant survival during the COVID-19 lockdown by providing critical continuity in access to customers.
Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses how Canadian startup Grocery Neighbour can create its niche in a social-distance-minded economy

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "Still, blending elements of a traditional shop with digital technology, safety and convenience could create a unique niche in the market. 'Maybe the answer is: you can touch and feel a product without having to actually go to a traditional, [crowded] store,' says Anindya Ghose, a professor of business at New York University. 'All [Grocery Neighbour] needs to do is figure out one hook that is really appealing to consumers where it’s no longer a want but a need.'"
Faculty News

Center for Business and Human Rights Deputy Director Paul Barrett offers insights on the implications for tech companies as China passes a national security law restricting free speech in Hong Kong

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Excerpt from NBC News -- "'What’s going on in Hong Kong lays bare what the Chinese system really is all about. They are repressing the most open corner of China,' said Paul Barrett, deputy director of New York University’s Center for Business and Human Rights."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz weighs in on how Japan and other advanced economies can tackle the challenges of high government debt and aging populations

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Excerpt from The International Economy -- "Many advanced economies, especially those in Western Europe, as well as China, will face a version of this disease in the next decade or so. They too have high government debt and aging populations.These countries need to redesign pension and healthcare systems to manage the wave of people that everyone knows is coming. This will involve lengthening working lives, increasing saving, encouraging female employment and immigration in places where it is low, and possibly reducing the generosity of planned benefits. Only then can we maintain standards of living. Hopefully Japan will show us the way."
Faculty News

Professor Nicholas Economides' analysis of the Microsoft antitrust case is referenced

Seeking Alpha logo
Excerpt from Seeking Alpha -- "'The biggest loss to Microsoft is the continuous antitrust scrutiny that does not allow it to make significant acquisitions in telecommunications and the Internet in the United States during the period of intense antitrust scrutiny.'"
School News

Insights from the Sustainable Market Share Index™, research by the Center for Sustainable Business and IRI, are featured

The Grocer Logo
Excerpt from The Grocer -- "Consumers prefer sustainable packaging and are buying more products with environmental credentials. Analysis by NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business last year found market share growth of sustainability-marketed products was faster than their conventional counterparts."
School News

In a roundup of best MBA traditions at top business schools, recent alumna Rebecca Dewey (MBA '20) highlights Stern's Passport Day as an important community event where students can share part of their life experience outside the classroom

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "'Passport Day is my favorite Stern tradition – and not just because it’s the day with the best food! Each year, student volunteers represent their heritage or country of origin at tables arrayed around a large tent in our plaza, serving food, wearing traditional dress, and sharing elements of their culture. Many student groups perform; highlights from last year included Chinese yo-yo, Argentine tango, and choreographed dances by the South Asian Business Society. It’s a wonderful community event where students can share part of their life experience outside the classroom and welcome partners and kids to share in the fun.' Rebecca Dewey, New York University (Stern)"
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's co-authored research on investor exuberance is referenced

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Perhaps the most systematic effort to quantify investor exuberance was conducted 20 years ago by Malcolm Baker, a finance professor at Harvard Business School, and Jeffrey Wurgler, a finance professor at New York University.

In research done in the wake of the bursting of the internet-stock bubble, they identified five variables for comparing investor sentiment at different points in time and showing how that relates to stock performance. A composite of those indicators shows that the current market is far less exuberant than in the late 1990s."
School News

Insights from the Center for Business and Human Rights' 2019 report, "Tackling Domestic Disinformation," are featured

VentureBeat Logo
Excerpt from VentureBeat -- "Deepfakes are a major concern heading into the U.S. election this November. In a fall 2019 report about upcoming elections, the New York University Stern Center for Business and Human Rights warned of domestic forms of disinformation, as well as potential external interference from China, Iran, or Russia. The Deepfake Detection Challenge aims to help counter such deceptive videos, and Facebook has also introduced a data set of videos for training and benchmarking deepfake detection systems."
Faculty News

Takeaways from Professor Dolly Chugh's book, "The Person You Mean To Be," are covered

InsideHook Logo
Excerpt from InsideHook -- "Dolly Chugh is an award-winning social psychologist at the New York University Stern School of Business, and her research-backed book, 'The Person You Mean To Be: How Good People Fight Bias,' is full of tools about how to stand up for others and change your behavior every day."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter's co-authored research on consumers underestimating and overspending on exceptional purchases is spotlighted

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Excerpt from Business Insider -- "Milkman calls these costs 'exceptional expenses' that aren't really exceptional at all. The concept, she said, was explored in a 2012 paper by Abigail Sussman, an associate professor of marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, and Adam Alter, an associate professor of marketing at New York University Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Alixandra Barasch explains why small advertisers can't afford to leave Facebook despite the social network facing a growing ad boycott

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "And as NYU Stern School of Business assistant professor of marketing Alixandra Barasch points out, the small advertisers that make up the majority of Facebook’s advertising partners often can’t afford to leave the social network for other outlets. 'They are not going to be able to afford any kind of mass market advertising campaign, so they can’t go to TV, and they don’t want to,' Barasch explained."
Faculty News

Professor Thomai Serdari discusses how the COVID-19 pandemic has upended the luxury retail space

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Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "The pandemic has done more than gut revenue at retailers. It has disrupted the flow of goods to sales floors and forced the cancellation of high-end fashion shows that influence what styles consumers will buy next year. 'The supply chain is broken, the fashion calendar is no longer in place, and who wants to be out buying designer brands with all the social questions we’re asking ourselves right now?' said Thomai Serdari, who teaches luxury branding and marketing at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'There’s too much happening at the same time. We have to rethink this industry.'”
School News

In an in-depth Q&A interview, Executive Director of MBA Admissions Lisa Rios shares what makes NYU Stern unique, highlighting Stern Solutions experiential learning courses and projects, as well as Stern's emphasis on IQ+EQ

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Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Students who choose to come to Stern’s MBA program develop the skills and mindset to embrace and drive change, and immerse themselves in an environment that fosters an entrepreneurial mindset. With our deep ties to industry, they gain access to the organizations and executives leading innovative solutions across global brands, nonprofits and startups throughout their MBA experience. For example, Stern Solutions experiential learning courses and projects give students opportunities to help a corporate partner solve a real business challenge in real time. Past partners have included Citi Ventures, the CFDA and BMW, to name a few. Students can also get involved with Endless Frontier Labs, a program at Stern for early-stage science and technology-based startups who apply from around the world, and through an affiliate course they can have a hands-on, front-row seat to learning how to scale a startup."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's co-authored book, "The End of Accounting and the Path Forward for Investors and Managers," is featured on "The CFO Essential Summer Reading" list

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Excerpt from Forbes -- "Reflecting the modern role of the chief financial officer, the books these executives read focus on strategy, leadership, and problem-solving. Truly, finance chiefs priorities are making their organizations competitive to judge by their reading selections."
Faculty News

Professor Robert Engle comments on how the coronavirus pandemic could be a "dress rehearsal" to more crises

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Excerpt from China Daily -- "Robert Engle, 2003 Nobel Prize laureate in Economics and a professor at New York University, made the comment during a video forum organized by the University of Science and Technology of China on Tuesday. The economist said the warning has been made by many scientists and he believes it to be so. He worries that the pandemic could be just a 'dress rehearsal' to more crises. This pandemic is highly associated with a zoonotic virus and with climate warming, such crises may become more frequent as animals migrate, said Engle, before he moved on to his lecture's focus on financial issues."
Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini predicts how the U.S. economy will recover following the coronavirus crisis

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Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "Nouriel Roubini expects the near-term economic recovery from the coronavirus crisis to be relatively weak, the famed economist told Yahoo Finance in an interview, potentially giving way to an even deeper downturn further down the road. Until very recently, investors have been aggressively ramping up expectations of a ‘V-shaped’ rebound — until COVID-19 infections began surging nationwide."