School News

Stern's new MS in Business Analytics, NYU's first degree offered in Shanghai, is featured

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "The Stern School of Business at New York University is to launch a Master of Science in Business Analytics degree in both New York and Shanghai, making Stern the first school at the university to launch a degree on its Pudong campus, now under construction."
School News

ECB governing council member Ewald Nowotny's speech at NYU Stern is highlighted

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "The new policy measures could be taken if stress makes a comeback in Europe, 'but I don't see a need now,' Nowotny said in a speech at New York University [Stern School of Business]."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on the US-China relationship

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "China’s role is changing: once the West’s low-cost supplier, it is now becoming a major customer for Western products. This represents a major opportunity for advanced economies to re-balance their growth and employment, provided that they are positioned to compete for the appropriate parts of evolving supply chains."
Business and Policy Leader Events

Stern's Center for Global Economy and Business presents Governor Ewald Nowotny

The Stern Center for Global Economy and Business presents Dr. Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Member of the Governing Council of the European Central Bank. Governor Nowotny will discuss “Monetary Issues - The European View.”
School News

Prof. Jeffrey Carr on Stern's annual New Venture Competition

Crain's New York logo
Excerpt from Crain's New York Business -- "'We'd found that it was hard to choose winners,' said Jeffrey Carr, who heads NYU Stern's Berkley Center for Entrepreneurship & Innovation. 'So we decided last year to pull out the tech competition [into a standalone category].'"
Faculty News

Prof. Stephen Brown's research on hedge fund performance data is cited

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "A 2011 study led by Stephen Brown, a professor at New York University Stern School of Business, suggested that at least 14 per cent of hedge funds distribute unverifiable or inaccurate performance data."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Research Scholar Robert Frank on preschools

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Although a school’s quality depends on much more than the size of its budget, additional resources can obviously help. And given the vast sums of money that some parents now have at their disposal, an explosive — and largely unproductive — arms race is inevitable."
Faculty News

Prof. David Yermack's research on corporate jet activity is featured

Excerpt from The Economist -- "David Yermack of Stern Business School uses corporate-jet flight data and holiday-home records to reconstruct 230 holidays of big-company bosses between 2007 and 2010. He finds that firms tend to release good news just before their bosses leave and shortly after they return, with few announcements in the middle."
Student Club Events

Entrepreneurs Exchange (EEX) Summit 2012: Build Something

The second annual EEX Summit, themed “Build Something,” focused on the brainstorming phase of a venture life cycle. The event featured speakers Dan Porter, CEO of OMGPOP, and John Maloney, president at Tumblr,
Research Center Events

Experts Convene to Share the Latest Research in Network Economics at 2012 NET Institute Conference

Scholars from across the country and around the world gathered to share the latest research in the field of network economics at the 2012 Networks, Electronic Commerce and Telecommunications (NET) Institute conference, held in partnership with NYU Stern’s Center for Global Economy and Business.
Student Club Events

Professor Paul Romer Discusses Charter Cities With Octavio Sanchez of Honduras

On April 20, the NYU Stern Latin American Business Association (LABA) held its third annual conference, “The Latin American Decade: Emerging Challenges and New Opportunities.” The conference closed with a fireside chat, titled, “Using Reform Zones to Change Norms and Law,” with Professor Paul Romer and Octavio Sanchez, the Chief of Staff to the President of Honduras. The two speakers discussed Professor Romer’s charter city concept and the economic and political climate in Honduras.
School News

A conference hosted by Stern's new Center for Real Estate Finance Research on May 15 is highlighted

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "New York University’s Stern School of Business will launch the Center for Real Estate Finance Research on May 15 with a conference featuring New York City commercial real estate leaders and new research."
Research Center Events

John Bell of Social@Ogilvy on How to Unlock the Value of Social Media

“Unlocking the value of social media is difficult,” said John Bell, global managing director of Social@Ogilvy, who estimates that just 20 percent of businesses receive 80 percent of potential benefits from social media. As part of NYU Stern’s Center for Measurable Marketing Speaker Series, Bell shared a sales impact study on the value of integrated social media marketing this spring.
Research Center Events

The NYU Pollack Center for Law and Business Hosts Preet Bharara

On April 19, as part of their Student Luncheon Lecture Series, the NYU Pollack Center for Law and Business hosted Preet Bharara, the US Attorney for the Southern District of New York who manages the investigation and litigation of all criminal and civil cases filed on behalf of the United States in New York, Bronx, Westchester, Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, Rockland and Sullivan counties.
School News

Prof. Al Lieberman on NYU Stern’s “The Craft and Commerce of Cinema: Cannes Film Festival” course

Excerpt from Variety -- "As with all school programs, the key incentive is the leg-up it gives students. 'It's an important part of their educational experience,' says NYU's Lieberman. 'People come back and say, 'This changed my life.'"
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Yakov Amihud on limited liability of corporations

Haaretz logo
Excerpt from -- "Money managers can, and must, demand better financial conditions in their contracts for the purchase of the bonds, and they should refuse to acquire bonds at an interest rate that doesn't compensate for opportunistic conduct on the part of the issuer. If bondholders stick to their demands, the issuers will be forced to agree to better financial provisions for the bondholders."
School News

Dean Peter Henry on NYU Stern's part-time MBA program in Westchester

Excerpt from The Journal News -- “Students are looking more and more for programs that can provide the kind of flexibility that 21st-century careers and lifestyles demand, so we’re working hard to do that.”
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Anat Lechner on designing workplaces for employee collaboration

Harvard Business Review logo
Excerpt from Harvard Business Review blog -- "Collaboration now occurs all the time at personal desks and in hallways, or virtually via internet or smart phones, and it's often spontaneous and informal, rather than planned in advance. Unfortunately our legacy work environments — dominated by offices or cubes — rarely match this new reality."
Faculty News

Prof. Aswath Damodaran discusses why he sold his shares of Apple stock

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "I didn't sell it because I thought it was overvalued or because I thought Apple has gone up too much. I sold for a very strange reason. ... I sold because I'm a little uncomfortable with the other people that are holding Apple shares right now. The new investors who have come into Apple scare me. They're momentum investors. They've shifted the game. The rules of the game have shifted and I'm not comfortable with this game."
Press Releases

Profs. Richard Sylla and Yacov Trope Among NYU Faculty Elected as 2012 AAAS Fellows

KMC Flag Close-up
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) has elected eight New York University faculty as fellows: Crispin James Garth Wright, a professor of philosophy; Yacov Trope, a professor of psychology; Danny Reinberg, a professor of biochemistry and molecular pharmacology, NYU School of Medicine; Elizabeth Phelps, a Silver Professor of Psychology and Neural Science; Paul Boghossian, a Silver Professor of Philosophy; Richard Sylla, Henry Kaufman Professor of the History of Financial Institutions and Markets at NYU’s Stern School of Business; Daryl Levinson, David Boies Professor of Law at NYU’s School of Law; and Marvin Trachtenberg, Edith Kitzmiller Professor of Fine Arts at NYU’s Institute of Fine Arts.
School News

Dean Peter Henry's ringing of NASDAQ's closing bell is highlighted in a "B-school Twitter Round-up"

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "Dean Peter Henry and MBA students from NYU’s Stern School of Business, head to Times Square to ring the Nasdaq closing bell (@nyustern, April 13)"
School News

Prof. Jill Kickul on NYU Stern's social impact initiatives

Excerpt from Bloomberg Businessweek -- "The size and complexity of the problems—and opportunities—facing business today require leaders who understand the linkages between the financial and the real economy, between business and policy, and who can balance the quest for profit with a responsibility to the public good."
Faculty News

Prof. Arun Sundararajan on Yahoo's future

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "There's not one particular thing that we associate with Yahoo the way we associate search with Google and social networking with Facebook, so Yahoo needs to pick one of their properties and focus on making it the thing that the company puts most of their resources behind."
Student Club Events

NYU Stern MBA Students Win 2012 Macy's MBA Challenge

First year NYU Stern MBA students Jen Hayes, Maria Medina and Stacey Anker (not pictured) were awarded First Place in the 2012 Macy's MBA Challenge. The winning team members took home a $1,000 prize and were invited to Macy's headquarters to present their case to various executives from Macy's Inc. including Martine Reardon, Chief Marketing Officer, and Terry Lundgren, Chief Executive Officer.
Business and Policy Leader Events

2012 Haskins Award Dinner

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
Join fellow alumni and business leaders on April 17, 2012, at the New York Public Library for our Annual Haskins Award Dinner. This year's dinner celebrates and recognizes the contributions of our Chairman's Circle, Haskins Founders, Haskins Benefactors, and Haskins Investors, and the 2012 Charles Waldo Haskins Award recipient Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, City of New York.