Faculty News

Professor Anindya Ghose discusses Flipkart's pricing strategy in India

Quartz logo
Excerpt from Quartz -- "Given India’s price-sensitive buyers, there are high chances of online retailers losing customers once discounts are discontinued. 'If they do not offer deep discounts, Indian consumers will switch back to offline retailers, which seem to be always on sale,' Ghose of New York University said. 'I do not think this cultural behavior of the average Indian consumer will change even with a substantial increase in the average disposable income in India.'"
School News

Erin Potter, Executive Director of Communications & Dean's Special Projects, shares how Stern's Undergraduate College connects with prospective students through Snapchat

Digiday logo
Excerpt from Digiday -- "'We want to be where prospective students are and share with them what they want to know about being an NYU Stern undergrad,' said Erin Potter, executive director of communications at NYU’s Stern School of Business. 'Snapchat is a way for prospective students to connect with current students on a common platform, and geofilters are kind of like a check-in or a passport stamp that allows users to mark a moment.'"
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter underscores the importance of tracking irregular purchases when budgeting

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "One challenge is to break down your expenses according to whether they are ordinary and recurring or exceptional and unusual, says Mr. Alter. 'What you’ll start to notice is that so-called exceptional expenses account for a large chunk of your budget,' and need to be acknowledged as recurring spending, he says."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the increasing scope of the sharing economy

BBC News logo
Excerpt from BBC News -- "'We are now in the early stages of a different model of organising economic activity,' says Prof Arun Sundararajan at New York University. Indeed he argues the sharing economy taps into a basic human need. 'We are wired for social connection. The appeal [of sharing] is to integrate some semblance of human interaction into our economic activities.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Michael Spence argues that some forms of government debt can be beneficial

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project Syndicate -- "...in an environment of low long-term interest rates and deficient short-term aggregate demand (which means there is little risk of crowding out the private sector), it is a mistake not to relax fiscal constraints for investment. In fact, the right kind of public investment would probably spur more private-sector investment. Identifying such investment is where today’s debt debate should be."
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Research Scholar Robert Frank argues that luck plays a role in the attainment of wealth, from his book, "Success and Luck"

Vox logo
Excerpt from Vox -- "Evidence suggests that failure to recognize luck's role in success increases tax resistance by reinforcing the natural sense of entitlement to income produced by the fruits of one's own labor."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev's work on intangible assets is mentioned

Chief Learning Officer logo
Excerpt from Chief Learning Officer -- "Baruch Lev, director of the Intangibles Research Project at New York University Stern School of Business, has stated that 'people are the most important asset of most companies.'"
School News

"Business and Human Rights: From Principles to Practice," a new textbook co-edited by Stern Center for Business and Human Rights Research Director Dorothée Baumann-Pauly, is featured

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "'There is no other textbook on business and human rights out there, which we viewed as a major gap in the literature,' says Baumann-Pauly. 'We want to push business and human rights teaching at business schools in general, and having a book out there helps us start those conversations.'"
Press Releases

Jeffrey R. Immelt, Chairman and CEO of GE, to Keynote NYU Stern School of Business 2016 Graduate Convocation

Jeffrey R. Immelt
In his address, Mr. Immelt will reflect on the global economy and the evolving role of organizations in a world that is more connected and that presents unique challenges and opportunities.
School News

Stern's Graduate Convocation speaker, Jeff Immelt, Chairman & CEO of GE, is featured

Poets and Quants logo
Excerpt from Poets & Quants -- "This year’s slate also includes some star power. New York University has brought out the big guns, landing General Electric CEO Jeffrey Immelt as its speaker."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran discusses Valeant as an investment

RT.com logo
Excerpt from RT -- "Lazy investors and lazy analysts get exactly what they deserve. Nobody forces anybody to use pro forma statements. We use them because it fits our preconceptions. So as Valeant was climbing from 50 to 60 to 80 to 100 to 120 to 140, a lot of people were looking for reasons to buy it. And what those accounting numbers did--remember they still were reporting the GAAP numbers. They were also reporting the pro forma numbers and the cash earnings per share. But those are almost add-ons. Investors chose to latch on to whatever number they thought would give them a justification for buying the stock."
Faculty News

Professor Vasant Dhar illustrates the demand for MBA graduates with data analytics expertise

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "It is not just enterprise cloud specialists that are snapping up business school graduates for cloud computing roles, but tech groups like Facebook, and Google, whose business models rely on data. 'They created cloud computing, and now they are collecting rents on it,' says Vasant Dhar, Professor, NYU Stern and the Center for Data Science."
School News

MBA-MPA student Candace Lee is interviewed about her transition from the workforce to business school

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "Candace Lee, a dual-degree MBA/MPA student at NYU Stern School of Business who will graduate this spring, told her employer the same week she decided where she was going. She was a managing director at a small market research firm, so her boss also happened to be the president of the company. 'I’d worked very closely with him and knew that when I left three months later, there would be a non-minor impact on other people, so I wanted to give people as much of a heads up as possible,' she says."
Faculty News

Professor Jason Greenberg's research on the influence of networks during an MBA job search is referenced

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "Mr Greenberg also looked how much MBAs who tapped their network earned. Counterintuitively, job offers from connections brokered through alumni paid $15,000 lower in starting salary than those who were offered a job after an on-campus recruitment event. Job offers from closer connections—friends and family members—were even more miserly, putting paid to the concept that it’s who you know, not what you know. Closer connections do not equal better initial compensation."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz discusses the progress on human rights in the three years since the collapse at Rana Plaza in Bangladesh

The Times of London logo
Excerpt from The Times of London -- "'The pessimistic view of Rana Plaza is that little has changed. The optimistic view is that Bangladesh is a turning point for the low-end garment industry,' says Labowitz. 'Certainly, there is a change of consciousness in fashion. The question is, how do you impose rules on a system that has been without rules?'"
Faculty News

Research Scholar Robert Frank's new book, "Success and Luck," is featured

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Is it better to be lucky or good? That’s the timeless question posed by New York Times economics columnist Robert H. Frank, made more pressing in today’s era of growing inequality. Frank comes down on the side of kismet."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan comments on the growth of meal-delivery apps in the San Francisco area

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from the San Francisco Chronicle -- "Sundararajan said ride-hailing companies such as Lyft and Uber have to employ nonprofessional drivers. And at Airbnb, he added, everyday people are converted into part-time hoteliers. 'Munchery and Sprig aren’t converting hobbyist home cooks into commercial chefs. They’re simply creating a bigger market for professionals.'"
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the recent court ruling allowing Uber to continue to classify its drivers as contractors

Boston Globe logo
Excerpt from The Boston Globe -- "These workers may want the benefits that come with regular full-time jobs while maintaining the ability to work whatever hours they choose, said Arun Sundararajan, author of the upcoming book 'The Sharing Economy: The End of Employment and the Rise of Crowd-Based Capitalism.' 'You’ve got this Faustian bargain: You either get the flexibility or you get the benefits,' said Sundararajan, a New York University professor. 'All we’ve got to do is come up with a funding model that allows both.'"
Faculty News

Professor Jonathan Haidt's research on political diversity and social psychology is highlighted

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Over the last year, America’s professional intelligentsia has been placed under the microscope in several interesting ways. First, a group of prominent social psychologists released a paper quantifying and criticizing their field’s overwhelming left-wing tilt. Then Jonathan Haidt, one of the paper’s co-authors, highlighted research showing that the entire American academy has become more left-wing since the 1990s."
Faculty News

Professor Irving Schenkler examines Whole Foods' response to criticism on social media over its pricing

Austin American Statesman logo
Exerpt from Austin American-Statesman -- "Experts said Whole Foods took too long to respond to the New York case by releasing an apologetic video featuring Mackey and co-CEO Walter Robb. The video felt awkward and didn’t go far enough, experts said. 'They waited a week before responding — in an era of 24/7 news coverage and endless social media, that’s an eternity,' said Irv Schenkler, clinical professor of management communication for New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'And the New York City market is the most intense media-centric of markets. So their surprise at the rate of coverage speaks to an unusual lack of media savvy.'"
Faculty News

In an op-ed, Center for Business and Human Rights Research Director Dorothée Baumann-Pauly explains why garment workers are still at risk in Bangladesh three years after the collapse at Rana Plaza

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "The vast problem remains that only a fraction of garment factories are even covered by protections currently intended to be in place. The use of subcontracting in the garment industry is pervasive. According to our research estimates, more than 30 percent of garment producing facilities in Bangladesh are producing off the radar and without government or private oversight. Workers in these often smaller facilities therefore remain unprotected and invisible to regulators. It is essential that we increase supply chain transparency in order to be able to bring all garment producing facilities under appropriate safety programs."
Faculty News

Research Scholar Sarah Labowitz comments on the progress companies have made in the human rights space since the collapse at Rana Plaza in 2013

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "'You have about 200 brands working together, and there's definitely more transparency, more attention to the issue of human rights in the global supply chain,' Sarah Labowitz, co-director of the Center for Business and Human Rights at the NYU Stern School of Business in New York, told the Thomson Reuters Foundation."
Faculty News

In an op-ed pegged to Earth Day, Professor Tensie Whelan argues why companies should adopt a stakeholder model and manage to sustainability goals

Fortune logo
Excerpt from Fortune -- "Firms that place sustainability at the core of their business strategy will drive positive climate performance, create wealth while creating competitive advantage, reduce risk and create stable ecosystems that drive both ecological and corporate value."