Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the WeWork short-term rental business

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "WeWork started testing a program last month to let Airbnb guests in six cities save spots at co-working offices nearby. If WeWork pursues more short-term rentals, the company could benefit from how Airbnb legitimized unconventional travel accommodations, says Arun Sundararajan, a professor at New York University who wrote a book about the sharing economy."
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz discusses Federal Reserve chair nominee Jerome Powell's qualifications

Los Angeles Times logo
Excerpt from the Los Angeles Times -- "Schoenholtz and others who have seen Powell speak and engage with audiences say that Powell knows how to communicate and that he has learned leadership skills at the Fed and in Treasury. Before joining the Fed, Powell had been a visiting scholar at the Bipartisan Policy Center think tank and a partner at the Carlyle Group, a high-powered Washington, D.C., asset-management firm. 'He’s had a long experience at the Fed, and he’s been part of the process of creating consensus there about policy,' Schoenholtz said."
Faculty News

Professor April Klein's joint research on the impact of audit committee regulations is highlighted

CFO Magazine logo
Excerpt from CFO -- "'Mandating a fully independent audit committee with at least three outside directors is not, on average, value enhancing,' write the authors, Seil Kim of the City University of New York and April Klein of New York University. The study’s findings are based on financial and governance information on 1,122 companies drawn from several large databases."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway criticizes Facebook's response to Russian election interference

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "If The New York Times can protect us from the weaponization of their platform with $90 million in cash flow, Facebook can figure it out with $12 billion. Facebook could hire 10,000 people to screen content, they could spend a half a billion dollars a year on artificial intelligence to help those people identify and flag that content, and it would dent their free cash flow five or 10%. When big tech tells you something is impossible, that's Latin for, 'we would be less profitable if we did this.'"
Business and Policy Leader Events

Tales in Leadership: Managing Change Featuring Susan Peters

NYU Stern’s Leadership Development team welcomed Susan Peters, senior vice president of human resources at GE, for an event entitled, “Tales in Leadership: Managing Change.”
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran comments on CME Group's planned launch of a futures marketplace for bitcoin

Chicago Tribune logo
Excerpt from the Chicago Tribune -- "'It makes complete sense from the perspective of the pricing game. It’s a traders’ game right now,' said Aswath Damodaran, finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business. 'It does absolutely nothing in advancing bitcoin’s cause as a digital currency.'"
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack shares his views on bitcoin

Christian Science Monitor logo
Excerpt from Christian Science Monitor -- "'I think bitcoin is more of an investment security than a currency,' David Yermack, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business, writes in an e-mail. Some 90 percent of the transactions appear to be between investors rather than as payments for goods and services, he says."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer is interviewed about clothing retailer LuLaRoe's business model

CBS News logo
Excerpt from CBS News -- "Russell Winer, a marketing professor at New York University's Stern School of Business, believes the company is not a pyramid scheme. 'If there are products that are actually being sold to consumers, then it's not a pyramid scheme,' he told Werner."
Faculty News

Professor Stijn Van Nieuwerburgh discusses the use of LLCs in luxury real estate purchases in New York City

Excerpt from DNAinfo -- "'The LLC constructions are common, especially on the higher end,' he said, noting that a report from the Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) found that 30 percent of sales involving LLCs were connected to people who had been reported for suspicious activity by financial institutions. 'Once this type of activity receives a lot more scrutiny, as it certainly will because of the Manafort case, it will temper enthusiasm for these purchases and put further pressure on an already shaky New York luxury market,' Van Nieuwerburgh said."
School News

Professor Deepak Hegde and Vice Dean of MBA Programs Raghu Sundaram are quoted about the launch of Stern's new Creative Destruction Lab (CDL)

EdScoop logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from EdScoop -- "The goal is to be 'a hub that matches inspired ideas with the expertise to scale and commercialize them — and develop MBA students in the process who may want to follow a similar entrepreneurial path in the future,' Sundaram said. ... Hegde said he’s hoping the Creative Destruction Lab puts NYU at the center of disruption happening in several fields. 'Technology is disrupting industries like finance and publishing, and we think it’s part of a long-run disruption that’s happening,' he said. 'Like Stanford is for Silicon Valley, we want to make NYU for the New York City region.'"
Faculty News

Professor Kim Schoenholtz shares his thoughts on the selection of the next Federal Reserve chair

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'I think it’s far more important to understand and appreciate high-quality economic analysis than it is to have a Ph.D.,' said Kim Schoenholtz, a professor of economics at New York University. He noted that most Treasury secretaries had not held degrees in economics. 'What distinguishes the most effective secretaries is skill at bringing in talented personnel and appreciation for the value of informed economic analyses,' he said."
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White comments on the Royal Bank of Scotland's layoffs in Stamford

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "'Shrinking its footprint generally has been part of the recovery for RBS,' said Lawrence J. White, a professor of economics in New York University’s business school. 'It shouldn’t come as a big surprise that as part of the overall shrinking that they would be shrinking their North American operations.'"
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer's research on consumer psychology is highlighted

The Conversation logo
Excerpt from The Conversation -- "Itamar Simonson and Russell S. Winer found that when people plan their lunches for the upcoming week, they tended to buy a diverse assortment of meats and yogurt. But when they bought lunch one day at a time, they often ended up eating the same turkey sandwich and strawberry yogurt every day."
Student Club Events

2017 Stern in Africa Business Forum

On Saturday, Oct. 28, NYU Stern in Africa will host its annual Stern in Africa Business Forum entitled, “The Tipping Point: Accelerating Africa’s Agenda”.   
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's research on the finance industry is referenced

Institutional Investor logo
Excerpt from Institutional Investor -- "As French economist Thomas Philippon shows, the unit cost of financial intermediation is higher today than it was a century ago. All the improvements in information technology have been canceled out by trading activities with little social value. This is why a bloated finance industry has been shown to be a drag on productivity and real economic growth."
Faculty News

Professor Baruch Lev explains why traditional measurements of company earnings are outdated

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "... [It] is not just that we claim that earnings don't matter. We actually prove it. In a recent article we published, we show for all companies that even if you had the dream forecasting machine, meaning that you could forecast, you could identify all the companies that will meet and beat consensus next quarter, you are not going to make any money from this."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan is interviewed about his joint research on Airbnb rentals in New York City

Cheddar TV logo 192 x 144
Excerpt from Cheddar -- "New York City has among the most stringent regulations on short-term rentals, so it makes it increasingly hard to rent your place out on Airbnb relative to most American cities. I think the right regulatory approach is to first recognize that the regulatory boxes that were created for hotels don't fit the typical Airbnb host because this is fundamentally a different business model."
Faculty News

Professor Roy Smith comments on leadership changes at private equity firms

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "'Carlyle is going about it sensibly, without taking away from the firm the founders’ clout and influence with big investor institutions,' says Mr Smith, a Goldman Sachs partner before he went into academia. 'Others will do the same.'"
Student Club Events

Annual Stern Healthcare Association Conference

On Friday, Oct. 27, the NYU Stern Healthcare Associate (SHA) will host its annual conference themed, “Advancing and Adapting”. The conference will focus on how business is changing the healthcare landscape to meet the needs of the modern patient. 
School News

Professors Kathleen DeRose and David Yermack, along with MBA student Matthew Scannella, are interviewed about Stern's FinTech offerings

U.S. News and World Report logo
Excerpt from US News & World Report -- "'...students are going to have no choice but to learn this material in five or 10 years,' [Yermack] says, recommending they start now. Kathleen DeRose, a clinical associate professor of finance at Stern, says this technology has a variety of profitable applications that many companies – including both century-old Fortune 500 firms like IBM and small startup operations – are using. Knowing how to use this technology is a highly marketable skill and could broaden a graduate's employer pool. Matthew Scannella, a Stern MBA student who is pursuing several specializations, including financial technology, says he decided to focus on fintech 'because of its potential to disrupt every vertical within the financial services industry.'"
Faculty News

The role of Professor Robert Engle's systemic risk measurement, SRisk, in re-engineered models from the US Treasury's Office of Financial Research, is featured

Risk.net logo
Excerpt from Risk.net -- "SRisk, a systemic risk measure developed by Robert Engle, a Nobel Prize-winning economist at New York University, figures prominently in the FSVM [Financial System Vulnerabilities Monitor]. It is one of the measures used to track contagion, one of six risk categories covered by the monitor."
Faculty News

Professor Scott Galloway discusses the revenue growth of large tech firms, referencing his book, "The Four"

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'If you’re looking for consumers to go after these companies, we’ll be waiting for a long time,' said Scott Galloway, a professor of marketing at the New York University Stern School of Business and the author of a recent book that examines the power of large technology companies."
Research Center Events

A Conversation With John McAvoy: How Sustainability Drives Success at Con Edison

On October 26, NYU Stern’s Center for Sustainable Business welcomed John McAvoy (MBA ’87), Chairman and CEO of Con Edison, to Stern for a conversation entitled, “How Sustainability Drives Success at Con Edison”.
Research Center Events

Executive Education Short Course: Disruptive Leadership: Fostering a Culture of Game-Changing Innovation

This program is intended for those who wish to rethink the habits that have made them successful in the past, and challenge the conventional wisdom and industry models that have defined their businesses. To achieve these objectives, this course combines presentations and discussions with practical exercises so that participants can apply disruptive leadership principles to business issues and scenarios.
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan's remarks, discussing his recent research on Airbnb at the Yahoo Finance All Markets Summit, are featured

Yahoo Finance logo
Excerpt from Yahoo Finance -- "'Over the last five years, if you look at where the Airbnb hosting is in New York City, and who’s generating the revenue associated with Airbnb hosting, it has shifted dramatically out of Manhattan and to the outer boroughs and away from higher income and towards lower income neighborhoods,' said Sundararajan."