Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on regulation of credit ratings agencies

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "Ratings became more important in the 1930s when banking regulators decided banks couldn't invest in securities deemed "speculative" by ratings firms. Those restrictions were expanded to include insurers, pension funds and securities firms, according to Lawrence White, a New York University economics professor."  Additional coverage appeared in Zee News.
Faculty News

Prof. Anthony Karydakis on declining equity prices

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters -- "There is a risk of a potential negative dynamic setting in that could raise the risks for the recovery going ahead," said Anthony Karydakis."  Additional coverage appeared in Baltimore Sun, RealClearMarkets.com, Yahoo! News, International Business Times, PublicBroadcasting.net, Daily Global Trends, WYDRTheDrive.com, Amerinews.tv, Smart Investor, Business Standard, Insing.com, Fidelity.co.uk, RocketNews.com and BNR.co.
Faculty News

Prof. Lawrence White on the S&P credit downgrade

Reuters logo
Excerpt from Reuters Insider -- "NYU Economics Professor Lawrence White has long been critical of the ratings agencies and said the S&P was behind the curve in its credit downgrade of the United States." Additional coverage appeared on Xinhua News.
School News

Vice Chairman of NYU's Board of Trustees and of the Overseers Kenneth Langone on the S&P downgrade

CNBC logo
Excerpt from CNBC -- "The sky is not going to fall, the problem is not going to go away…The American people need to know that nothing is going to change without some pain for them. We're going to pay our debt but who is going to get screwed in the long run? The poor guy that's living on fixed income because inflation will take its toll."  Additional coverage appeared on Capital.gr and TheHill.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Adam Brandenburger's book, Co-opetition, is referenced

Guardian logo
Excerpt from The Guardian -- "Pick up a copy of Co-opetition, a book written in the mid-90s by Adam Brandenburger and Barry Nalebuff, for more on the theory behind getting competitors to collaborate."
Faculty News

An exclusive interview with Prof. Nouriel Roubini on global financial markets

Charlie Rose logo
Excerpt from Charlie Rose -- "We need a growth policy in this country. We don`t have a growth policy, right? It means to have a growth policy for investing in human capital, in skills and making our workers more competitive, to have a health care that`s affordable, to have an energy policy so that we don`t depend on the rest of the world, in believing that actually having manufacturing makes a difference."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the risk of a double-dip recession

Forbes logo
Excerpt from a Forbes.com blog -- "While global markets have collapsed in recent weeks, erasing more than $5.4 trillion in equity value around the world, market watchers have come out to call for a double-dip recession, with NYU economist Nouriel Roubini leading the charge."  Additional coverage appeared on a Forbes.com blog, GuruFocus.com, International Business Times, Korea Times, Dealbreaker.com, World Socialist Website, Motley Fool UK, The Daily Beast, The Independent and Business Insider.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the S&P credit downgrade

Council on Foreign Relations blog logo
Excerpt from Council on Foreign Relations -- "The U.S. downgrade and the expanding eurozone debt crisis make a second global economic recession all but inevitable, argues Roubini Global Economics Chairman Nouriel Roubini."  Additional coverage appeared on Bloomberg, Yahoo! News, GoldSeek.com, MySinchew.com, Financial Express, Reuters and Ghana Business News.
Faculty News

An op-ed by Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on world economic policy responses

Project Syndicate logo
Excerpt from Project-Syndicate.org -- "The recent dramatic declines in equity markets worldwide are a response to the interaction of two factors: economic fundamentals and policy responses – or, rather, the lack of policy responses."  Additional coverage appeared on a CNN blog, The Globe and Mail, Philly.com, China Daily, The Daily News Egypt, The Independent and Council on Foreign Relations.
Faculty News

Profs Lawrence White and Luis Cabral discuss world financial markets

Excerpt from Voice of Russia -- "Lawrence White and Luis Cabral, NYU Professors of Economics, as well as Michael Pettis, non-resident senior associate at the Carnegie Asia Program, based in Beijing, about stock markets, which are tumbling worldwide."
Faculty News

An op-ed by Prof. Amity Shlaes on President Richard Nixon's fiscal policies

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "In the post-Nixon years, unemployment started rising again. International markets recognized that without the threat of gold withdrawals to keep officials' spending in check, the Federal Reserve, Congress and the Treasury might inflate with impunity."  Additional coverage appeared on Bloomberg, OCRegister.com, TwinCities.com, Cincinnati.com and Proactive Investor.
Faculty News

Prof. Daniel Altman on the negative side of competition

BigThink logo
Excerpt from BigThink.com -- "Altman argues that leading nations need to take the long view in deciding immigration policy, rather than engaging in politically motivated internal squabbles or shortsighted international competition."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the European Central Bank's bond-purchase program

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Nouriel Roubini, a New York University professor and the co-founder of Nouriel Roubini Global Economics LLC, discusses the outlook for the European Central Bank's bond-purchase program to stem the sovereign debt crisis, and the economic outlook for Europe and the U.S. Roubini spoke with Bloomberg's Tom Keene yesterday."  Additional coverage appeared on MarketWatch and San Francisco Chronicle.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the European Central Bank's bond-purchase program

Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Nouriel Roubini, a New York University professor and the co-founder of Nouriel Roubini Global Economics LLC, discusses the outlook for the European Central Bank's bond-purchase program to stem the sovereign debt crisis, and the economic outlook for Europe and the U.S. Roubini spoke with Bloomberg's Tom Keene yesterday."  Additional coverage appeared on MarketWatch and San Francisco Chronicle.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on the S&P's downgrade of the US credit rating

NPR logo
Excerpt from NPR -- "The downgrade was a mistake," says Nouriel Roubini, a NYU professor who famously predicted the housing market crash and recession before the vast majority of other economists. "S&P could have waited a few months to see whether Democrats and Republicans reached an agreement on deficit reduction."  Additional coverage appeared on North Country Public Radio, Houston Public Radio, Sydney Morning Herald, International Business Times, two Bloomberg TV segments, Bloomberg, The Washington Post, TodayOnline.com, Bloomberg Businessweek and KOSU.org.
Business and Policy Leader Events

Leadership Luncheon Series Brings Real Estate Investor, Saks CEO and Marine Corps Captain to Campus

Having a chance to sit down to lunch with an expert in their respective field doesn’t happen every day, but it did happen this spring for students in NYU Stern’s full-time MBA program. As part of the School’s Leadership Luncheon Series, coordinated by the Leadership Development team, students had a chance to hear from NYC real estate investor and developer Larry Silverstein, president and CEO of Silverstein Properties; Stephen Sadove, chairman and CEO of Saks Inc.; and Captain Jamie Peace, veteran of the United States Marine Corps.
School News

NYU Stern's 2011-2012 admission deadlines and essay topics are outlined

Clear Admit logo
Excerpt from Clear Admit -- "The 2011-2012 NYU / Stern deadlines and essay topics have been released!"  Additional coverage appeared on Clear Admit and BusinessSchoolAdmissionsFormula.com.
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on how policy changes can prevent a second depression

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from Financial Times -- "Until last year policymakers could always produce a new rabbit from their hat to trigger asset reflation and economic recovery. Zero policy rates, QE1, QE2, credit easing, fiscal stimulus, ring-fencing, liquidity provision to the tune of trillions of dollars and bailing out banks and financial institutions – all have been tried. But now we have run out of rabbits to reveal."  Additional coverage appeared on Bloomberg, Hurriyet Daily News, The Telegraph, The Independent, Thisismoney.co.uk, San Francisco Chronicle, ABC.az, three CNBC pieces, Reuters, LeftFootForward.org, Daily Mail, Bloomberg Businessweek, two The New York Times blogs, Herald Tribune, Yahoo! Business, MSN.com, Alarabiya.net, RealClearMarkets.com, Arab News, Publicbroadcasting.net, Financial Post, Sydney Morning Herald, Sharecast.com, CNN blog, WA Today and Business District.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence on US job creation

San Francisco Chronicle logo
Excerpt from San Francisco Chronicle -- "We've got an economy that creates lots of opportunity for a subset of Americans - the highly educated - but not for the middle incomes, and that's going to be going on for a while."
Faculty News

Prof. Richard Sylla on the recent stock market plunge

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "Richard Sylla, a finance professor at the Stern School of Business at New York University who has written about market sell-offs, said the plunge last week had all the hallmarks of a classic panic attack." Additional coverage appeared in China Daily.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence's new book, The Next Convergence

Excerpt from Big Government -- "How will the US respond to rising powers like China and India? In The Next Convergence: The Future of Economic Growth in a Multispeed World, Michael Spence predicts that the US will lose its dominance but will persevere, much like the British after the Industrial Revolution."  Additional coverage appeared in Boise Weekly.
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence is on heading a Commission on Growth and Development

Excerpt from Inquirer.net -- "Is population control one of the ingredients for high economic growth? No. This is the conclusion of the 2008 Commission on Growth and Development headed by Nobel prize winner Michael Spence. The factors for high growth are leadership, openness to knowledge, stable finances, market allocation, investment and savings."
Faculty News

Nobel Laureate Prof. Michael Spence's research on job creation is cited

Business Standard logo
Excerpt from Business Standard -- "The famous Nobel-winning economist Michael Spence in a recent essay talked of the skew in job creation. He says that 98 per cent of the jobs created in the US between 1990 and 2008 were in the non-tradable sector of the economy — in services such as healthcare and the government."
Faculty News

Prof. Nouriel Roubini on China's economy

Excerpt from The Miami Herald -- "New York University’s economist Nouriel Roubini — who won world fame for rightly forecasting the 2008 economic crisis — recently predicted that China’s economy is likely to crash in 2013."  Additional coverage appeared in Interactive Investor, TIME Curious Capitalist blog, Seattle Times, San Francisco Sentinel, Seeking Alpha, Business Day, IMF Direct blog and Business Spectator.