Faculty News

In an op-ed, Professor Allen Adamson shares what entrepreneurs can learn from Marty Crane on "Frasier," from his book, "Shift Ahead," co-authored with Professor Joel Steckel

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Excerpt from CT Post -- "Just as it is critical for companies to be able to get out of their comfort zone in order to successfully shift ahead, it is also critical for companies to maintain their authenticity. Martin Crane is who he is -- a straight-talking, retired police detective who just happens to move in with his pompous, smarty-pants son."
School News

Professor David Yermack is quoted in a feature story highlighting Stern as a top b-school for blockchain courses

BusinessBecause logo
Excerpt from BusinessBecause -- "Citing preeminent nearby firms such as Union Square Ventures, IBM Blockchain Garage, the Digital Currency Group, [Yermack] adds that 'the main financial markets of the world and many of the important regulators are also in New York. It would be inexcusable for us not to tap into all the expertise and innovation that is occurring on our doorstep.'"
Faculty News

Professor Lawrence White discusses how recent tax cuts will impact Apple and advocates for the simplification of the tax code

Fox Business logo
Excerpt from Fox Business -- "Well I think it's going to be a mixture of they will invest it in new products. They've got a strong tradition of developing new products that delight customers. They will be giving bonuses to a number of their employees and over the longer run it may well trickle into larger dividends but for the moment I think it's investing in the business and in their employees, both are terrifically important. I want to add one thing to what just got said about the tax cut, yes it was overdue but we missed an important opportunity to simplify the tax code to get rid of loopholes, there was precious little reform, way too much cut..."
Faculty News

Professor Melissa Schilling highlights key traits of serial innovators, from her new book, "Quirky"

BNN logo
Excerpt from BNN -- "One of the things that was also interesting about this group of people is that, first of all, most of them had far less formal education than you would expect for the fields they contributed to. And all of them resisted, in some way, the structure of formal education, but that doesn't mean that education wasn't important to them. What happened was that they consumed education on their own terms. So a lot of them were autodidacts, or self taught, and they read like crazy, and that enabled them to go as deep into a topic or as far abroad topics as they wanted, which turns out to be incredibly important because the curriculum that we might have in school or the pedagogical tools that we are using might be great for some students and might be a shackle for other students."
Faculty News

Professor Thomas Philippon's joint research on corporate investments is referenced

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "According to an analysis by Germán Gutiérrez and Thomas Philippon of New York University, the ratio of the market value of American corporations to the replacement value of their capital stock has roughly tripled since the 1970s."
Research Center Events

Stern Venture Fellows Kick-Off & Info Session

venture fellows
NYU Stern undergraduate and graduate students, as well as Stern alumni from the classes of 2015, 2016, and 2017, are invited to attend the Stern Venture Fellows Kick-Off & Info Session to learn more about the program and how to apply.
Research Center Events

NYU Stern Leadership Development Hosts “Leadership in Crisis” Simulation

NYU Stern Leadership Development hosted its first “Leadership in Crisis” simulation for MBA students. Designed to prepare students for managing real-world crises, the full-day event was made possible with support from Alvarez & Marsal, co-founded by Tony Alvarez (MBA ‘76), who serves as the firm’s CEO and is a member of NYU Stern’s Board of Overseers.
Faculty News

Professor Menachem Brenner's creation of the volatility index is spotlighted

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "In the late 1980s, a couple of finance academics, Menachem Brenner and Dan Galai, introduced the idea of an index that would effectively measure market expectations of how much the stock market might or might not wiggle around — and allow people to hedge against that change."
Faculty News

Professor Nouriel Roubini's views on bitcoin are highlighted

The Economist logo
Excerpt from The Economist -- "The 'biggest bubble in human history comes down crashing,' tweeted Nouriel Roubini, an economist, gleefully."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari is quoted in a special report on 3D printing and luxury brands

Luxury Daily logo
Excerpt from Luxury Daily --  "The most beneficial aspect of 3D printing is that it forces brands to rethink their production process. Therefore, I would strongly advise anyone who wants to incorporate 3D printing to first study their existing production methods. At which point does the new technology allow for additional creative freedom? That's an added benefit."
Faculty News

Professor David Yermack is interviewed about his course on bitcoin for a feature trend story on the popularity of cryptocurrency courses in b-schools

The New York Times Logo
Excerpt from The New York Times -- "'There was some gentle ribbing from my colleagues when I began giving talks on Bitcoin,' said David Yermack, a business and law professor at New York University who offered one of the first for-credit courses on the topic back in 2014. 'But within a few months, I was being invited to Basel to talk with central bankers, and the joking from my colleagues stopped after that.'"
Faculty News

Professor Melissa Schilling's new book, "Quirky" is highlighted as one of the best business books of the month

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "Drawing on the lives of Musk, Albert Einstein, Steve Jobs, Benjamin Franklin and many others, Schilling explores what drove them to create multiple breakthroughs and finds that while their intellect is key, this alone did not lead to their serial innovations."
Research Center Events

A Fireside Chat with Steven Eisman, The Eisman Group, Neuberger Berman

NYU flags outside of the Henry Kaufman Management Center
On February 7, the NYU Stern Center for Global Economy and Business will host a fireside chat with Steven Eisman, The Eisman Group, Neuberger Berman. 
Research Center Events

Mission: Appossible, the NYU Mobile App Contest, Hosts Kickoff Event

Mission Appossible 2018
NYU students, alumni, faculty and staff gathered at NYU Stern on February 7 for the kickoff of the Third Annual MISSION: APPOSSIBLE, the NYU Mobile App Contest, a collaborative effort between Stern's W. R. Berkley Innovation Labs and Messapps.
Faculty News

Professor Bernard Donefer discusses the role of automated trading in stock market fluctuations

Marketplace Logo
Excerpt from Marketplace -- "Floors don’t really have traders. It’s being done in a computer system, in all likelihood in New Jersey. These automated trading models make the world go at speeds we really haven’t seen before."
Faculty News

Professor John Horton is quoted in a feature story about whether Airbnb will stay a private company

Bloomberg logo
Excerpt from Bloomberg -- "Entrepreneurs often fear what will happen to their creations once under the constraints of being a public company. Google’s Larry Page and Facebook Inc.’s Mark Zuckerberg each fretted over the risks of public scrutiny and quarterly earnings reports. 'The immediate feedback and daily heartbeat of Wall Street can be too much for a CEO who aims to take risks and experiment,' said John Horton, a professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Jeffrey Wurgler's joint research on dividends is featured

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Excerpt from MarketWatch -- "Consider first a study that was published in 2006 by Malcolm Baker, a finance professor at Harvard Business School, and Jeffrey Wurgler, a finance professor at NYU. They devised a number of objective indicators of irrational exuberance that, in backtesting, were highly correlated with bubbles such as the 1929 stock market crash and the bursting of the Internet bubble in early 2000."
Faculty News

Professor Russell Winer is quoted in a feature story on Super Bowl advertising

Stamford Advocate 192 x 144
Excerpt from the Stamford Advocate -- "Clearly the benefit of the ads can be great. But there is a basic problem of clutter and there being lots of ads. The challenge is getting your message across to the audience."
Faculty News

Professor Adam Alter is interviewed about how streetwear brands are using scarcity and social media to drive demand

BBC Capital logo
Excerpt from BBC -- "The beauty of fashion is that it’s conspicuous; everyone knows what you’re wearing, so if you’re wearing a scarce, fashionable product, you get the benefit of knowing privately that you own something scarce, but also the benefit of being able to show other people that you own a scarce product."
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari shares takeaways from two articles on the luxury fashion industry

Financial Times logo
Excerpt from the Financial Times -- "[Balanciaga] Creative director Demna Gvasalia and CEO Cédric Charbit have updated the brand’s DNA with contemporary elements of streetwear that make the brand relevant today. Additionally, the luxury house showcases the type of combined leadership (creative and business) that many other brands should follow as they strive to grow in the oversaturated fashion industry."
Faculty News

Professor Aswath Damodaran's research on stock market returns is referenced

Wall Street Journal logo
Excerpt from The Wall Street Journal -- "...from 1928 through 2017, the S&P 500, including dividends, generated an average annual return of 9.65%, compared with 4.88% for 10-year Treasury notes, according to data from Aswath Damodaran, a finance professor at New York University’s Stern School of Business."
Faculty News

Professor Arun Sundararajan discusses the implications of Waymo's lawsuit against Uber on the sharing of intellectual capital and the difficulty in defining where the companies end and the workers begin

The Washington Post logo
Excerpt from The Washington Post -- "'It’s very hard to draw the line between what an engineer has acquired on their own and what is the property of the company and has been embedded in a product,’ [Sundararajan] said. ‘But the spillover of engineers working for one company and going to another after acquiring valuable knowledge is endemic in Silicon Valley and in the tech sector in general.'"
Faculty News

Professor Thomaï Serdari explains why some fashion retailers are selling their merchandise in bundled sets

Fashionista logo
Excerpt from Fashionista -- "The ultimate goal is to save time, especially on routine activities, and focus on experiences that matter more. Additionally, since social media has made everyone’s life more public, people want to be certain that their posts reinforce public perception about their personal style. They will happily invest in kits/bundles that ensure they appear stylish."
Faculty News

Professor Priya Raghubir is interviewed about Groupon's Super Bowl ad and mission to re-establish its brand

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Excerpt from CNNMoney -- "Raghubir, the marketing professor, said that if Groupon wants to succeed, it will have to do more than reintroduce a tweaked product to old clients. It will have to repair its reputation. And it'll take more than a clever Super Bowl ad to do that. Customers understand that they can save money with Groupon, she said. But they may have been burned before. It will take time to prove to them that they can trust this version of Groupon."